Okay, so you’ve been hearing me tell you about how The Leading Man is all about relationship management. And although I do share some secrets for establishing yourself as a relationship manager from minute one when you meet a woman, mostly I’ve been saying that The Leading Man focuses on what happens after pickup.
That’s all well and good, because there are plenty of pickup products out there already–and virtually nothing on how to have a solid long-term relationship with the right woman for you. Sure, a few scattered programs may give lightweight lip service to the importance of being able to keep women around long-term and such, but they always end up talking about how fast you can get any woman into bed…again. Right?
So I’ve been doing what I can to make it abundantly clear that The Leading Man is not about pickup.
Well, just when I think I have it all figured out…Victor from Hawaii stops me dead in my tracks with this e-mail:
A few years ago when I was just starting on this journey to becoming a man who is successful with women, I studied a lot of material on the structure of “outer” game. As many people here would know, a lot of various seduction-related sources agree on the general structure of the game. This can be loosely divided into the following sections: opening, building attraction, qualification, developing rapport or comfort & trust, and seduction.
At the time, I learnt a lot of canned lines and stories to be told during each of these stages to successfully progress to the next “level” in the seduction process. And I must tell you, I had a few issues with this approach.
Mainly, I felt that a lot of the material was totally incongruent to my personality, and instead of showing my real myself, I was presenting a girl with some kind of artificial “Pick Up Persona”. This persona was also extremely hard to maintain when I met the girl the next time, or to develop a relationship with the girl. And as honesty and authenticity are my core values, no wonder that I didn’t enjoy much that kind of game.
Once upon a time, there was a guy. Let’s call him Dan. He worked for a major courier company, delivering parcels on the same route just about every day.
There was one particular business on his route where a particularly attractive receptionist worked. Let’s call her Maryanne. She had been on the job for a few weeks, and our hero had gradually turned up the banter each time he had seen her there.
It was only occasionally that this particular business received parcels, so he knew he had to make the most of every opportunity when he saw her.
Finally, one glorious day, Dan gathered up his nerve and asked Maryanne for her phone number.
She immediately and noticeably brightened up, and eagerly scribbled her number on the back of a business card. She handed it to Dan with a smile, and said…”Yes! Call me!”
After the customary three days had passed, courier-dude texted her one bright morning. “Hey there, Maryanne. It’s Dan. What’s up?”
Dan waited. But there was no answer. When evening had come, and he couldn’t take it anymore, he fired off another text. “Hey Maryanne. I’m sure you’re busy, but get back to me when you get a chance.”
But there was still no answer. Only crickets chirping and pins dropping.
As fortune would have it, Dan had a package the next day that required delivery where Maryanne worked.
Nervously, he walked in the door. As soon as he made eye contact with Maryanne, she looked away immediately. Obviously sensing the awkwardness of the situation, neither said a word to each other as Dan dropped off the package.
About an hour after leaving, Dan couldn’t get Maryanne off his mind. This time, he texted her the following message: “OK, Maryanne, what’s wrong? Did I upset you somehow?”
You guessed it…no answer.
Having pretty much lost all hope of dating Maryanne, Dan’s emotional state turned to anger and resentment toward her. “How come there aren’t any pretty women out there who don’t play games? And how come they are all so flighty and immature?”
Two days later, Dan had another package to be delivered where Maryanne worked. When he walked in, Maryanne once again avoided eye contact with renewed awkwardness.
But Dan’s frustration got the best of him. “OK, look”, Dan said, “I texted you a whole bunch of times, and I can’t believe you’ve completely ignored me! Where do you get off flirting with guys and looking all happy when they ask you for your phone number, when all you’re going to do is mess with their heads!?”
The answer Dan received was as terse as they come.
Maryanne had given Dan her home phone number…which was a land line, of course.
Today I was Joseph “Thundercat” Matthews’ guest on his BootyCast podcast. Surprised? Well, don’t ever say I shy away from hardcore Seduction Community stuff because this is the real deal.
I’ll tell you what, Thundy’s blog readers are about as tough an audience as I’ve seen out there. We talked a bit about online dating on the show, and the comments started coming in that I must be full of it. After all, it has to be “impossible” to find oneself dating 16 women at once and/or pulling a 60-80% response rate on first e-mails. Well, it’s all true. And better yet, those who “suspend disbelief” and take on the Online Dating Domination challenge for themselves tend to get results.
But anyway, there’s lots of fun stuff on the show so I encourage you to grab a listen. Joseph pretty much plants me on the “hot seat” and keeps me there, which I always prefer to the same old mundane questions.
For example, find out why a married guy can be a dating coach. Discover how on Earth I could give up dating tons of women for blissful monogamy. Heck, find out why I think “blissful monogamy” rocks in general. It’s all in there like Prego spaghetti sauce (which we don’t talk about on the show).
By the way, I’ve been absolutely slammed making The Leading Man extra killer. Once launch day comes next Saturday the 13th, you can expect only the best. In other words, I’ll get back to posting more heavy-duty blog content real soon. In the mean time, be sure get on the pre-launch mailing list . I’m already giving away mountains of cool stuff on relationship management.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
P.S. Have you seen this crazy stuff that Matthews is talking about lately? Check out Pure Personality for yourself.
As I was driving home a couple of days ago thinking about writing this post, I got a message from my friend that sounded a bit new-agey but perfectly summarised some of my ideas on how we can relate to women from the position of authenticity.
That message said: “In your most authentic self your subconscious will appoint you to positions of spectacular grandeur. Unfortunately your well meaning but overactive mind replaces these appointments of success with positions of failure and inadequacy. It is only this reflex dis-appointment that prevents you from achieving your most fantastic, wondrous and incredible goals, because to your true self they are not goals but inevitable realities.”
As you know, there is a lot of advice out there in the Seduction Community telling men canned lines and stories to be told to women to win their hearts. This advice assumes that what you have to say as a man is not good enough to be told and has to be substituted with someone else’s lines.
But is this really true? Don’t you have your unique, authentic voice deep inside that always knows what to say and how to say it?
In today’s post I’m going to try to break down some of the things that I did when I was starting out on this journey that I believe helped me out.
First, I recommend getting some friends/wingmen who are also along this journey.
I met 4 guys early on after I joined a forum. These guys were also from Sydney, and didn’t have that creepy vibe that many guys in the community give out. The advantage of having friends who are on the same, or similar, path as you is that you have someone to just vent with, someone who can push you, and someone you can just chill with.
It is possible to take this journey on your own, but its a hell of a lot more fun when you have like minded guys coming with you. A good place to meet like minded individuals is on www.deservewhatyouwant.com/forum or on the forums at www.pickuppodcast.com where they have a whole section dedicated to finding wingmen.
My second tip was actually given to me by one of my wingmen. Write a blog. There are many places where you can go to write a blog, www.blogspot.com is one example.
As promised in Part One, let me give you an example from my Saturday night.
One group was sitting awkwardly at the bar, in a big circle they made with a bunch of meathead looking guys to their right. I could not tell if they were friends or not.
One other girl looked completely miserable, while her friend was completely coddled by a guy. Yet another girl gave me a huge long up and down look then she went to the bar and was nearly lying on it talking to the bartender.
A second group, well they all had on rings and then their husbands came over.
In another group was a cute bunch of girls who just walked in, and were smiling and laughing.
Now, I was hoping the band would take a break soon because it was simply way too hard to talk. I had surveyed my options, and it was almost like a fun version of “musical chairs”.
So back to group one. They were sitting weirdly at the bar and one guy seemed to have a girlfriend in the group. I said, “Let’s walk around, they are not going anywhere for a bit.”
Now I have no problem approaching a group with guys but I like to study it a bit before deciding on a plan. Basically I look for wedding bands, really drunk guys or girls in the group, or an argumentative group.
Once talking to them, a key I look for is if the girls are kinda interested when talking to them, with matching body language. When I see that, I know I have an opportunity to open the group and basically just begin talking.
Two limiting beliefs come to mind for me in night game, and any time overall, really.
These involve rejection and the so-called rules of approach. Too many times we wrap ourselves up in both of these things with certain stigmas and beliefs and end up adding way too much to the whole thing.
Rejection: In my opinion, rejection is your greatest tool to learn how to move forward. Yet, society shows and tells a different story.
We have seen it, right? Guy goes up to girl, drink is thrown. This is so rare in reality, but guys really do think it will happen.
More realistic is this scenario. Guy talks to girl, girl blows off guy. Guy goes and complains about it to his buddies, they say, “Well you tried.” Guy goes home and feels self pity and complains more…to himself.
The concept of deserving what you want is the fundamental one in this community. But let me ask you a question. How do you understand this concept?
See, some time ago I caught myself thinking that I constantly worked on developing myself in order to deserve great women in my life. Like an athlete preparing for a competition, or a soldier getting ready for a war.
I thought to myself: “Just do one more thing (whatever it was), and I’ll be ready to meet quality women out there!”
And by doing this I was, in fact, staying in my flat most of the time. Not meeting women, not having dates, not enjoying women’s company…because I thought I was not good enough yet to meet them!
And this was a big mistake on my part…
I remember how my friend once said to me: “It is much easier to get what you really want then what you think you can get.” But the thing is that most people go for what they think they can get. So there is a lot of competition for mediocrity, for the second best.
I always wondered how to approach and start a conversation with the attractive women I would meet on the street, in a supermarket, or in a coffee shop.
At first, I felt that initial excitement arising within me, but this excitement quickly turned into a paralytic fear…Have you ever felt this paralyzing, soul-freezing fear?
Hot on the trail of this fear, a string of thoughts would emerge—‘I don’t know what to say!’ or ‘What will she think of me?’—followed by images of her rejecting you, telling you to ‘get lost!’ and people around laughing at your humiliation.
I, for one, have surely felt it!
Finally, you might either psyche yourself to approach her or find a seemingly ‘good’ excuse to justify why you aren’t approaching her, such as ‘She’s way above my league’, ‘I’m not dressed for the occasion’, ‘Maybe next time–I’m in a hurry’, or ‘She’s not hot enough for me’.
Reasons for this so-called approach anxiety are many, and they are mainly due to social conditioning and our own negative experiences of the past. Let’s not explore these reasons any further—this has already been done repeatedly in many sources! I’d rather give you some practical advice on how to overcome this anxiety, from what I learnt through my own experiences of talking to about 1,000 women over the past 5 years, as well as what I have learnt from the vast experience of my friends.
Consider two separate dates with two different women:
Scenario 1: It was a gorgeous Wednesday before a long weekend. I awoke from a full night’s sleep ready to conquer the world by lunch, and cure cancer by dinner. And I did (almost), giving a very well-received client presentation and setting a personal best on the bench press that morning. The winds of fate were at my back—if I didn’t have a very intriguing first date that night, I should have hit Mohegan Sun’s blackjack tables.
Scenario 2: Weather.com predicted scattered thunderstorms all week—I chose Tuesday because it was one of two free nights in the next two weeks. The PowerPoint slide swam before me, as last night’s four hours sleep were catching up to me. I had tried to hit the weights, but the mental haze was just too strong. I compromised my form on an overhead press and tweaked my trapezius muscle hard. I couldn’t hold my neck straight. I adjusted my collar in the mirror and a zombie stared back. How was I going to make it to—let alone through—that night’s date?
It wouldn’t follow logically that Date #1 ended with a tepid hug, while Date #2 with a passionate sunset kiss on Boston Common and an enthusiastic request for a second date, would it?
Are you an NBA fan? If you watched the playoffs, then no doubt you saw the T-Mobile commercial where Charles Barkley is constantly calling D-Wade. Hilarious stuff, particularly when Chuck inanely spouts, “That’s why I don’t eat shrimp.”
Well, despite all the marketing hype in the Seduction Community about pulling the youngest hotties possible (especially if you’re an older guy), that’s pretty much how I feel about dating eighteen or nineteen year old girls, even if they are “legal”.
And for those of you who might be assuming that this is all a function of my current age, I’ve pretty much viewed the universe this way since I was 21, with a few scattered exceptions.
Not coincidentally, you see, at 21 years of age is when a guy in the United States (like me) can finally order a beer.
It’s not that the younger girls aren’t often really, really hot…you and I both know they are.
The deal is that it’s unnecessary to go through the inconvenience and hassle of dating them.
As usual, this episode has been a long time coming. It has been exactly two months since the last show.
What’s more my co-host this time should have been on ages ago.
I’m joined by none other than my good friend Carlos Xuma, the “Alpha Man” himself.
Count on a fluff-free discussion full of ways you can get on the road to attracting higher-quality women RIGHT NOW.
Now Carlos and I think a lot alike. We also both know you’re intelligent and can handle the truth. So that’s exactly what you’re going to hear on this show.
And here’s the deal: Once you hear what he and I throw out on the table in this 42-minute podcast, you’ll likely be empowered to “raise the bar” with women to a level you haven’t even dreamed of yet.
Simply put, we firmly believe that you can become a man who surrounds himself with 100% fantastic women. All that’s left now is for you to believe it also.
Just for good measure, we start off by tackling a voice mail from a guy who wants the low-down on how to develop a quicker wit and thereby increase his ability to banter effectively with women. Prepare for some surprising answers…
So click the pic above and “subscribe” on iTunes to get in on the action. Thanks again as always to you as a TCW listener for supporting the show.
This show was also the launching pad for a brand new bonus I’m giving out when you get in on the free newsletter at www.thechickwhisperer.com.
It’s a video collection entitled, “coolness personified” that I compiled. I’ve found over an hour’s worth of video featuring guys who genuinely demonstrate coolness–along with some who decidedly are the opposite.
My goal here was to be different. Everyone is giving out a “special e-report” or “free five minute video”, so I wanted to push the proverbial envelope here.
If you’re already getting the newsletter already, you can still snag it for yourself. All you do is log in with the same e-mail address you are already subscribed with.
Have fun with all this. We aim to please around here.
Be Good,
P.S. If you enjoy the show, PLEASE leave us a comment on iTunes and/or Digg this post. Mega thanks.
Recently I did a video featuring all the cool resources on the Internet I could find for men when it comes to dating and seduction.
For fun, I’ve decided to list the twelve best (outside of the wide world of X & Y Communications, naturally…right?). I couldn’t come up with a clear winner so I’ve listed them in reverse alphabetical order:
Joseph Matthew’s wildly popular portal for all things Seduction Community is often controversial, but always the source of an interesting read. With as much traffic his site gets, you’re always guaranteed something fresh and provocative. It’s the “gloves off” approach, all the way, which here in Texas is never a bad thing.
BTW, I’m still trying to figure out how I get traffic from TSL every other minute even though I can’t find any of my links there anywhere. I’ve been meaning to give Thundy a call and ask him about that.
OK, granted. There are some BITTER dudes on Allen’s forums. But that’s one popular message board nonetheless. What truly sets So Suave apart, however, is the completely novel way that articles are posted on the front page. Brief, focused material gets the nod, and that nod is often given to people who are normal, every day guys who contributed their coolest bits of advice.
And once your material makes that front page, it’s highlighted for literally weeks. Allen chooses the best of the best, and adds only one or two articles to the rotation every week.
This is an exceptionally well thought out site that is pleasing not only to the eye but to the intellect. Donovan somehow manages to incorporate a literally staggering amount of high-quality content while keeping a clean interface. The quantity and the quality of interaction on this site is unparalleled. Definitely a must-read.
What the guys at Sargenation have done is set up a blog-aggregation site that essentially acts as a clearinghouse for every major blog on dating and seduction out there. Visitors can log in and vote their favorites to the top of the list, while partaking of tons of additional content. Very user-friendly and well stocked on a regular basis with high-quality reads.
I’ve been getting numerous requests for some info on this topic lately.
And I’ll tell you, what was supposed to have been a blog post grew into a full-scale Special Report. There has not been nearly enough written on this subject, so I did it up right. Pickup, seduction, relationship management. It’s all in there, fellas.
Since writing it all down I’ve polished up the finished product and made it available to you for FREE right here.
By the way, even if you’re 6’2 and interested in dating WNBA centers, this is for you.
Don’t fall off your chair when I tell you what I’m about to say. But you might indeed want to sit down for this nonetheless.
Here it is. I’m going to be teaching more about “kino” from now on.
In the past I’ve given the concept a hard time in general. But going forward I’m going to be more open minded about the term.
Now listen up though. It’s not like I’ve ever been against touching women. In fact, I highly recommend doing it as much as possible, given the fair opportunity to indulge oneself is there for you.
It’s just that when it comes right down to it, what has always struck me as wrongheaded was the concept of slapping a scientific, NLP-inspired moniker on the whole phenomenon and then packaging it in a tightly-wrapped package with specific “deployment” instructions on how to “escalate” it or whatever.
That’s why I haven’t pushed the concept, at least as generally described within the Seduction Community.
Knowing that women respond powerfully to a man who is not sexually pushy, putting potential physical contact with any particular woman on a time schedule–complete with paint-by-numbers-inspired action steps–comes off as bass-ackwards.
Dudes. If you’re in need of improvement in terms of the number of women you’re getting to paw up these days, the very last thing you need is to over-analyze the minutiae of the scenario (some more).
Disagree if you’d like (the comment space below is calling your name). Go ahead and tell me that guys who are just starting out need a framework to begin with. Tell me that you’ve got to start with “baby steps”.
She’s a new friend of ours and like most “lady gurus” whom we consider to be our favorites, she is all about the dating success of both women AND men. Our list is a short one, and we really have no idea why that is.
But nonetheless, we think you’ll like what Terry has to say as much as we do. I hand-selected this recent piece from her called “Flirting 101 (For Men And Women)” because I think it captures her matter-of-fact but very humorous style.
Do you get tongue-tied when you meet a person of the opposite sex? Or when you’re meeting people for the first time?
I did. Being shy gave me a reputation for being a snob, being “hard to reach,” and worst of all, “having a superior attitude.” Whether you’re a man or a woman, it’s hardly the image you hope to project when you want to make a love match or even a new friend.
I met a woman who taught me a thing or two about looking approachable. One was to use my eyes when the right words locked up in my mouth. “It’s all in the eyes,” this master flirt said, and she’d never suffered a shortage of suitors, despite the fact that she was no Gisele Bundchen. Her boyish figure and the gap between her teeth discouraged nobody, though—people were drawn to her because of what she was saying with her eyes!
So I learned to convey interest in a guy with my eyes, even if I couldn’t think of a pertinent response. I also learned to smile with my eyes, instead of merely turning up the corners of my mouth (smiling is so important; why oh why do people neglect to do it?).
If shyness isn’t your problem, speaking with your eyes is also the antidote to speaking too much with your mouth. I’ve heard it said that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason, and face it, good listeners often come off as brilliant conversationalists. Bonus: By listening carefully, you get to really know the person you’re interested in and figure out whether he or she’s worth your time.
The master flirt also taught me to lose the turtlenecks I liked to wear and replace them with V-neck blouses. Little did I know, turtlenecks can make the neck look short, and they give some wearers a double chin. So, if you’re a woman, wear a blouse in a flattering shade and keep the top two buttons open. If you’re a guy, go with a v-neck. The goal is to give that neck of yours a little exposure. It suggests vulnerability, which is attractive. It’s also sexy.
The tip to show neck may sound elementary if you’re a woman and already wearing down-to-there necklines, but displaying too much skin is even worse than showing too little: You’ll attract the very men you want to avoid. Oh, and if you’re a guy, remove the baseball cap, please! Who cares if you’re bald? Get rid of it. A bare head is so much more attractive than a baseball cap (or, worse, a cap with your mechanic’s logo on it!).
Now that you know how to make yourself approachable, it’s time for the next step: To get out and meet somebody.
You ladies out there can sign up for free dating tips from her right here, also.
And you have to check out her blog. Her recent post on Eliot Spitzer is nothing short of classic…she really hands it to him (deservedly). There’s also an excellent point about text messaging, which dovetails nicely with the telecom game we’ve been discussing lately.
Got some flirting strategies of your own to share? Give us your best.
Some guys believe that instant messaging is to be avoided at all costs when beginning to talk to women we meet online.
I understand that sentiment to some degree, based on the logic that it’s always a good idea to get women from e-mail to phone–and then to first meeting–as soon as possible.
Apart from that, a lot of water starts rushing under the proverbial bridge and we may find ourselves having wasted a lot of time when and if we end up disappointed upon meeting. And no doubt, IM can be a major aggravating factor when it comes to prolonging the pre-meeting phase.
Likewise, the more we talk and talk to women before actually meeting them the greater the probability of slipping into the Dreamscape Effect, which is when we literally invent an image of the “real” woman we’re dealing with without actually having the benefit of knowing yet what reality holds. The longer this goes on, the more damaging the disappointment can be when it happens. We’ll discuss the Dreamscape Effect in greater detail in a future post.
So then, yes…if a woman is using IM simply as a means of protracting the process of getting to the first meeting, then such scenarios are to be avoided. If she repeatedly refuses to escalate to the next level of communication (e.g. e-mail to IM, IM to phone, phone to meeting) but continues to appear interested, then that’s likely what you are dealing with. “Safety” and “taking things slow” makes a good excuse, but very often she’s nervous about disappointing you, and this may be for good reason.
All of that said, here are some great ideas for using IM as an effective tool:
For the latest episode, I got the newest VIRTUOSITY co-conspirator, Cory Skyy, in on the game.
Cory’s ideas pretty much blow everyone away who takes time to listen to what he’s got to say. This is for good reason, since his approach to “natural game” is on a whole new level.
So what better guy to have sit in for the latest topic, which is “What Do I Say Next?”
That question is pretty much the most popular question to ask of all time around here. I get e-mails from guys literally every day (sometimes sitting back to back in my inbox) asking me some form of that question.
Well, as you’ve come to expect around here, Cory and I don’t just slap a “band-aid” on that question and call it a solution. Instead, we take the long view and show you how to never have to worry about having to ask “What Do I Do Next?” ever again.
We also take the time to answer a voice mail from Dave in Indiana about how to handle things when you’ve been seeing only one woman “unexclusively” for a while more in concept than in reality…but then you really do meet someone else you’d like to date also. If you think about it, that’s a damn good question.
So click the pic above and “subscribe” on iTunes to get in on the action. Please leave us a review, also. Thanks again to all TCW listeners for supporting the show–we’re back on the front page in our iTunes category. Much appreciated
There’s also one last chance to get your hands on that special unsyndicated bonus episode with Brent Smith that we produced especially for newsletter subscribers. Get in on the free newsletter for yourself and download the bonus podcast at www.thechickwhisperer.com . If you’re already getting the newsletter already, no worries…just enter the same e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the bonus episode also.
It’s no secret that we’ve been talking a lot about “phone game” around here recently.
Not only is the latest Power Session devoted to it, the latest X & Y Communications newsletter was also.
In that newsletter, we highlighted an e-mail question sent in by Brendan in California about finding the balance between calling a woman too little and too much.
Now as you know by now, not being “underground” has its advantages. Women not only tend to like what we tell guys about improving their skills with them, they also tend to get on my newsletter list and stay there.
Most claim that they enjoy reading about themselves from a guy’s perspective and/or regard the information as a guide to how to identify great men out there. Interesting, no doubt…either way.
Best of all, I often hear from the women on the list. Ever so often I even have the good fortune to open an e-mail from a woman that really offers some additional “insider information”.
About ten minutes ago, I received just such an email from Karen in Portland. In it she talks about her own “phone game” experiences. This “first-person” perspective is absolutely golden.
But the real gift to each and every guy reading this blog is her tandem of “Top 10 Lists” dealing with female reactions to calls from guys. Priceless.
Will you agree that everything she says is universally transferrable? Maybe, maybe not. But we all would do well to treat her message as a valid case study.