Ready for some innovative ideas on a topic that most people dare not even touch in this age of “political correctness”?
You bet you are.
Relationship management is a massively important yet amazingly under-emphasized topic. That’s why Emily and I just finished hashing out a whole show on the concept of “wearing the pants” in the relationship.
Guys all over the world are subject to ridicule and even flat-out humiliation if the women in their lives “wear the pants”. So what exactly does that mean? More importantly, is a guy supposed to have a tyrannical “death grip” on things or is some balance more appropriate as far as decision-making is concerned?
And what happens when the woman calls the shots? Find out from two other women besides Emily what their take on that is…and you might want to sit down first.
Get the most comprehensive discussion on this topic you’ve ever heard, and walk away with a clearer sense of exactly how men and women can find true balance when it comes to relationship management.
Or just listen simply for the sake of hearing Emily growl like a tiger at the beginning. The show almost ended there…
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Remember to sign up for our newsletter at Our gift to you is now the brand-new e-book on how to handle breakups. You may remember the blog series I did on that subject a while back. Well, I’ve added some material and put it all into a convenient e-book for you…cool, huh?
Enjoy the podcast. By the way, see if you can ID the major factor on the topic of “wearing the pants” that Emily and I completely forgot to address…because that’s exactly what the next blog post will cover.
Be Good,
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