Online Dating: More Than Just A Pretty Face? [Video]

I think we’ve all seen those online profiles where the woman automatically assumed that she was enough of a “hottie” that her pictures were all that was necessary. The rest of the profile is essentially blank as a sheet, with the possible exception of a stray line to the effect of, “Hey, you’ve seen the pics and u know u like…now holla at ur girl!”

Well, here’s the suitable response to all of this from the nation known worldwide as “Deservewhatyouwantland”…



Be honest with me.

Guys: Have you ever found a high-quality woman with the “whole package” from a profile like that?

Ladies: Have you ever met anyone other than the “sex-focused” type–“Mr. Nice Guy” included–having published a profile like that?

Be Good,


P.S. Yeah, I’ve gotten a haircut since. Thanks for asking, “taurusmoxie” dude on YouTube.

P.P.S. MASSIVE announcement coming next…stay tuned.



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9 Replies to “Online Dating: More Than Just A Pretty Face? [Video]”

  1. Scot, couldn’t agree with you more. I have several female friends on Match. I’ve looked at their profiles and given them good advice on how to write a kickass profile and word certain things, but they never listen. They always neglect the profile because they’re getting a lot of emails anyway. But then they bitch that the dates they go on suck and that the “Mr. Rights” aren’t contacting them. Well, duh!

    Lance’s last blog post: Out Of Your League Girl: Not that hot

  2. Wait! Weren’t you the one that wrote me, “For someone who looks like fun…. you don’t say much.”

    Obviously a woman does not have to write much–just enough.

  3. @Lance: You’d think they’d figure it out, huh? But I suppose that’s why dating advice is still necessary.

    @Emily: Hmmm….Well, you did indeed write more than “Holla at ur grrrrl.” JUST enough, I’d say.

  4. Whilst I agree with what you say 100%, in my experience, you still get a majority of the guys not reading your profile (when you’re not even looking for guys or dating and when you’ve written a substantial profile) and contacting you asking for your IM address or asking of you’re interested in getting some, lol. You can’t win, really.

    Carrie’s last blog post: Online Dating – my experience so far

    1. Hello Carrie:

      I’m intrigued why you’d be online if not looking for guys or dating.

      Having leafed through your blog a bit, I’d be interested to see your profile. While it’s true there are always going to be guys who don’t read profiles (and women too, for that matter) I bet I could get down to the bottom of why you might draw a disproportionate number of inappropriate first e-mails. There’s always something, in my experience.

  5. I’m online looking for female friends, something which I come and go with as I get fed up with the lack of response; something which is stated clearly in my profile along with the fact that I’m with a male partner.

    Carrie’s last blog post: Online Dating – my experience so far

  6. Carrie, I’m confused why you would be on an online dating site looking for female friends and expressly NOT looking for a guy since you have one already.

    If by “female friends” you and your guy friend are in an open bisexual relationship, then I believe the scope of what you are attempting to decode is way beyond what I’m referring to in this particular video.

    If you are looking for female friends in the most obvious sense, I’d highly suggest a women-only social networking site.

  7. i find it amusing when a bloke finds my profile “awesome!”, and in the next breath (email sentence) asks if i am interested in “some fun and doing stuff”…

    like what part was awesome man???

    gee~ and i haven’t heard from him since i made clear that “fun” was not my main agenda

    maybe it’s 21st century life, where if something is not a sure thing, then a person doesn’t want to take a risk. women included.

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