[Ed. Note: Fair warning, what you are about to read is a mostly
satirical piece. You’re going to need to activate your sense of
humor before proceeding.]
Hey you know, with the global population now estimated to be at
about six-and-a-half billion (and growing), it’s become critical
that we as a human race do SOMETHING to keep the population from
exploding at an even greater rate than it has been lately.
What with people living something like twice as long on average as
they did roughly a century ago, the need for this is even more
apparent…as anyone can plainly see.
Several days ago FHM released their annual list of the women their editors consider to be the 100 sexiest on Earth.
The key words in that last sentence were “their editors consider”.
As is typically the case when FHM, Maxim and/or AskMen publish lists like this, the comments pour in by the bucketload…mostly from guys who are shocked and appalled by some of the choices. Invariably, they also have a few ideas of their own on who should have been included.
As for me? I pretty much take it for what it is–an opinion piece–and move on. I mean, this latest FHM list was released five days ago and I just now figured that out…accidentally.
But I do think there is one MAJOR takeaway available from lists like this: The truth is that even if some magazine considers a certain woman to be among the 100 hottest on Earth, there’s someone else out there who thinks she doesn’t deserve to be on the list.
Today I finally got around to seeing Up, the latest Disney/Pixar release.
I have to admit that I knew next to nothing about the flick prior to actually checking it out, except that: 1) It was Pixar, and therefore a “must see”, and… 2) …about two dozen people have called or e-mailed me telling me that Emily and I needed to see it.
Sometimes it’s sort of fun to go into a movie not at all knowing what to expect. This was one such occasion.
All it took was the first fifteen minutes actually. By then I was completely and utterly emotionally exhausted.
Without giving away the entire plot, there is about a five or eight minute segment there at the beginning that chronicles a lifelong relationship between a man and a woman (Carl and Ellie) as it should be.
Now if you’ve seen any Pixar production before, you are already well acquainted with their fanatical attention to detail. The rat-trap pizza delivery truck in Toy Story with “YO” on the tailgate comes to mind, as does Sally The Porsche’s insanely accurate low-RPM engine note in Cars. Only a 911’s legendary flat-six sounds like that. And as women go, she’s all 911.
And without giving too much away, let’s just say Pixar continued the tradition with great dignity in Up…particularly in that first segment.
It’s far from a comprehensive treatise on relationship management, or anything. But whoever wrote the screenplay and whoever animated it had clearly been in love before.
What’s more, they must have been in love and been in a healthy long-term relationship before.
Every little nuance jam-packed in that brief stretch of film is mind-blowing. It’s a rapid-fire animated depiction of how two people who genuinely love and respect each other live their lives together.
If you have any emotion in your soul whatsover, you are left breathless afterward. Emily was in tears, clutching my hand firmly as she sobbed. And if you know her, that’s not typically her style.
I’ll admit I was fighting back the water works myself. Pixar just flat-out gets it.
Simply put, any man who believes that spending one’s life with one great woman is for sissies might want to see this flick, unless he’s dead-set against changing his opinion. Then he needs to make it a point to skip it.
And furthermore, any wannabe PUA types out there who think the ultimate goal for their relationships with women is to notch their bedposts as many times as possible might want to avoid seeing Up also…lest they come face-to-face with what depth looks like in a long-term relationship.
But if you are in a relationship that matters to you–or aspire to–do yourself a favor and go see Up. Walk out after fifteen minutes for all I care. But see the beginning.
Now granted, if you’ve seen the movie Pixar indeed plays a dirty little trick on you over the course of the rest of the movie. At the beginning sequence you’re supposed to believe that something was actually missing from Carl and Ellie’s life together…and that the opportunity to fulfill on it was tragically taken.
Yes, I fell for it. I silently ruminated upon the fact that I’m glad that Emily and I have made it a point to go on “adventures” together, particularly insofar as traveling and seeing the world.
But at the end, Pixar takes the overall message to a whole new level by demonstrating that love in itself is the adventure. It’s what life is all about. And it’s not to be missed.
And neither is Up…if you think you’re man enough to handle it.
First of all, rest assured I have no problem with women. We love women around here.
Actually, I have no problem with chicks, either.
And by that I don’t mean the fuzzy future KFC delights seen to your left . In fact, I’m not even referring to actual female human beings.
I’m talking about the very term “chicks” itself.
But apparently someone else does have a problem with “chicks”.
Granted, it doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while I get an angry e-mail purporting that I should immediately cease and desist from usage of the word in my favorite context for usage thereof.
Almost invariably it’s the name of the podcast, The Chick Whisperer, that gets them going.
OK, the latest X & Y On The Fly has finally hit the street.
This time, Emily and I break down our all-time favorite “movie moments”. And we’re not talking about action-adventure “moments”, Star Wars, or when Phoebe Cates gets out of the swimming pool in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.
Well, okay…we did bring up one moment from Star Wars.
But that’s beside the point. What’s important is that you go from good to great in your relationships with MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex). So to that end, we break down some all-time great romantic scenes so two main things can happen. 1) The guys who are listening can discover exactly what it takes to melt a woman big time, so they can go and do likewise…which rocks. 2) The women who are listening can recognize when a “movie moment” is happening right before her very eyes, and go with the flow.
Nice, huh? We’re pretty sure nobody has ever covered this in a podcast before, and we figured it was time. So enjoy.
By now you’re probably wondering where to getchasum of this. Look no further than iTunes:
(This post originated as a correspondence on speed dating between two X&Y team members. I have speed-dated on and off for approximately two years and observed the curious dynamic involved. I have left feeling like I found my “100” and left wondering why I wasted two hours of valuable SportsCenter rerun time. I have attended feeling like I could conquer the world, and attended three days out of the ICU. So without further ado…)
The event…
The format varies by organization–some have longer (8-10 min) vs. shorter (4-5 min) individual dates, some allow one-on-one time with everyone there whereas others will only put you across from a fraction of the ladies present, some have an “intermission” for unstructured interaction, others don’t. You get the picture.
Most events are bracketed by age range (e.g. 25-35) or other demographic characteristics (race, religion, professional status). Age ranges are not absolute but not infinitely flexible—a 37 year old could attend a 25-35 event, a 45 year old is pushing the limit.
About a month ago, you probably heard about the book Fireworks With Females by Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers of Meet Your Sweet.
Well, having read the book it didn’t take me long to figure out that Mirabelle understands us guys pretty well. Basically, as I see it she’s “The Dude Whisperer”. So since she likely understands how women operate as well, I figured doing a TCW show with her was a “no-brainer”.
Besides, I’ve frankly been dying for an excuse to bust on someone over there at 000Relationships for naming their stuff “Meet Your Sweet” and putting a bunch of little red hearts all over it.
So this was pretty much the best excuse ever to do a show. That and the fact it has been two months since I got around to recording one.
Alright, so enough talking. This show is packed to the gills with real-world stuff that will improve your game today if you let it.
Actually, iTunes is the way to go if you can, and you can get there by using any of the graphics on this post. While you’re there, please leave us a review…preferably good. I’ve figured out these actually help iTunes rankings, so it’s a great way to support the show.
Be Good,
P.S. Did you download the FREE Twiduction e-book yet on how to meet women on Twitter? Over 1000 other people have so far, and it has only been a few days. Get on my newsletter and it’s yours. For real…Twitter is a great way to meet high-quality women.
Over Thanksgiving, I was in my hotel room flipping through the small amount of channels on the television. I stopped on one of those morning shows. You know the typical ones. The people are over the top happy, Rachael Ray cooks a roast in two minutes, and corny jokes are made.
So right before I was about to change over to Sportscenter, I heard that they were bringing on two dating experts to talk about a couple of things. The topics to be discussed were: what it means when he is crying, why he texts you, first date manners, and what is he or she really saying.
I had to stay tuned in. After the commercial, the two “experts” were there. It was a guy and a girl. The guy was a very metro looking guy who was a DJ on Cosmo satellite radio. Strike one and two, trust me. The girl I believe either worked for Cosmo magazine or something similar to that nature. Before they opened their mouths I had an open mind to see what they had to say. Needless to say, before I get into it, they began arguing with each other like two 8 year olds.
You’ve probably seen the banners on this blog for the past couple of weeks, but now that December is finally here it’s time for the official word: Yes…Emily is Christian Carter’s guest for his “Interviews With Dating Experts” series this month.
For you ladies who are reading, this probably requires little explanation. Christian Carter’s book Catch Him & Keep Him is ubiquitous on the Internet, the subject of countless Google ads and blog reviews. And women everywhere read it and rave about it.
If you’re a guy, you’ve probably still heard of Christian Carter. If not, think of how killer it is to be on the David DeAngelo “Interviews With Dating Gurus” series if you’re a guy and you get the idea.
Essentially, were we standup comedians (which we’re not, at least officially), this would be like getting on the Letterman show. Nice.
So you can imagine how stoked Emily was to be contacted by Christian and invited to be on his program.
Better yet, the preliminary phone interview apparently went well enough that she was booted to the head of the line–meaning she is on this month.
So never mind the fact that papa has been burnin’ the midnight oil getting Emily’s new Attraction Makeover program ready to go in time for the release of the Christian Carter CD in a couple of weeks.
The important thing is that if you are a woman, and you have been kickin’ around the idea of snagging a copy of Catch Him & Keep Him for yourself, then now is the time.
Christian hands out the first month of his interview series for FREE when you get the book, which can only mean–yeppers–you get a shiny new copy of Emily’s interview CD for the asking if you jump on board this month.
Now, here’s something interesting about this whole thing. Christian actually flew Emily and I out to LA a couple of weeks ago to record this interview live. Having been there, I can tell you a couple of things.
For starters, Emily threw down some serious game and the interview itself is killer. It’s chock-full of original content, too. But you’d expect that from her.
What’s more, though, I have to tell you that Christian Carter and his team are a class act through and through. Christian knows his stuff for real, and my guess is that he’s got more “game” than 90% of the PUA gurus teaching the guys out there.
Basically, he gets it when it comes to women.
So giving yourself the gift of Catch Him & Keep Him this holiday season is basically a win/win situation for you if 1) you are a woman and 2) you are ready to meet the man of your dreams.
Be Good,
P.S. If you have been on Emily’s monthly Keys To Bliss series and miss it, I’ve got good news. It’s coming back…this month. And this time it’s bigger, better, faster and more more MORE. Stay tuned…
This episode represents a bit of a change of pace for Emily and I. This time we talk about all the potential issues associated with dating when you have kids.
…Or when the person you are dating has kids.
…Or when you and the other person have kids together.
Basically, this show contains both dating and relationship advice, and will be helpful to those of you who are already married and leading the “family life” as well as those of you who are enjoying your wildly successful dating lives.
Wait a minute…who says married people can’t have a “wildly successful dating life”? Well, not us. And fear not…there’s more on that in there also.
So getchasum. This is a good one, based on feedback we’ve been getting. We’ve actually had the show posted for a couple of weeks now, but I’ve just gotten around to blogging about it.
As always, hit our main page to get in on the newsletter and grab your free copy of How To Deal With Breakups. I’ll be changing that soon, so consider this the “final call”.
By the way, the next XYotF is going to be called “Movie Moments”. Look forward to some creativity there, for sure. Emily’s ready for this one.
And yes…the next episode of The Chick Whisperer is in the works also. It will be called “The Dude Whisperer”, and I’ll leave the rest to you to figure out for now…
Be Good,
P.S. Please leave us a review on iTunes…and by all means subscribe. Even one more good review helps our rankings more than you know.
If you aren’t so into iTunes, you can also subscribe using our feed.
We get quite a number of e-mails from both men and women asking where in the world they can meet MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex).
Some don’t exactly live in thriving metropolises. Most don’t feel comfortable approaching strangers in public, as much as we’d love to wave a magic wand and cure everyone’s “approach anxiety” in one fell swoop.
And it’s not like their workplace is a “magic wonderland” of dating possibilities either. Office politics, potential awkwardness later, or even direct company policy give pause to many of us insofar as “dipping one’s pen in the company ink” is concerned.
How about getting “set up” with friends of friends? Erratic at best, if not potentially disastrous.
Sure, online dating rocks. But only if you’ve taken the time to master it (which you can get started on here or here).
And if you don’t want to take the time to master online dating but insist on trying it anyway, you could go the eHarmony route. Not.
So how does one defeat the frustration of not having enough MOTOS around once and for all?
Seriously, I don’t want to ever hear any kvetching about “not knowing where to meet MOTOS” every again. Ever.
Basically, if you’ve been hiding under a rock and don’t know about MeetUp.com, it’s essentially a website designed to help people meet together offline, generally based around a common interest that all members of a particular “meetup group” share.
So you basically enter your metro area, type in a few key words and voila (or viola, as someone I know always writes).
Now, here it is. This is great for meeting a bunch of guys to go sportbike riding with or to watch some out-of-town sports team with.
But the true “killer app” is finding more “co-ed” common interests where you’re likely to meet MOTOS. The site is like a “secret weapon” for that.
According to Ken from New Jersey, who is on my mailing list and wrote me telling me his own MeetUp.com success story, the best part is that not only can you meet women, you can expect to see them again at future “meetups” so there is no pressure to “attract and close” as soon as you are introduced to them. Sweet.
Emily is actually way ahead of me as far as MeetUp.com is concerned. While I’m well aware that she has recently started a group for Mom’s with pre-school aged litluns on there (with great success), she had already long since written the concept I’m sharing with you today into her latest program for women. We’ll be telling you more about that one soon, by the way.
So there’s yet another solid reason to consider MeetUp.com as part of your strategy for meeting MOTOS: Both men and women are all over this, at least potentially.
How about it? Could you give this a try? Had my head been screwed on straight a few years ago, I would have been all over meeting some women who were into karaoke, cooking, travel or mountain biking.
And no doubt, if you don’t find the group you’re looking for, you can drop a measly $75 and start the group yourself, and even recoup it through $5 or $10 “annual dues” if you must. Being the Grand Pooh-bah of your group represents instant social-proof, as I see it.
So give it a shot and let me know how it goes. Got any MeetUp.com success stories already? Share them below–I’d love to hear.
Many guys spend way too many hours every year catching public transport, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc. I used to have a 45 minute train trip every day to get to work, and 45 minutes on the train getting home.
That’s a lot of time.
On many of my trips I would see beautiful women, and I am sure you are in a similar situation. The question that was always on my mind was “How can I go and talk to her?”
Well I’m going to try to break it down for you guys today.
First, read back to my first post on Personal Brand Identity. This should help you get all your things in order.
OK, here’s yet another video blog for you, loaded down with online dating tips just for you.
And appropriately as such, this particular video considers what to do when someone you’ve just met starts loading you down with questions….
So tell me, I bet you can relate to this one, can’t you? Let’s hear your stories!
Be Good,
P.S. Tomorrow we’ll hear from new X & Y Communications coach Joseph Jensen for the first time. His style is a unique one, so get ready for something completely different for sure.
Emily and I decided it was about time we did an episode on how men and women can not only learn how to decode what the other gender is saying, but actually speak to MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex) in terms that they can actually understand.
First it was understanding MOTOS, now actually talking to and decoding them effectively once and for all? Yeah, we must be crazy.
But what can we say? We both had lots of energy at the exact same time (rare these days) when this was recorded last night and I personally believe this is one of our most amped-up episodes ever. If anything, there’s plenty of original stuff to think about in there.
So if you’re already a listener, mad love atcha. And if not, do yourself the joy of subscribing so from now on you’re the first to know when our little masterpieces are unleashed.
We love to find new reviews on iTunes, so please leave us a glowingly creative (and preferably positive) one. Get there by clicking on the graphic above.
And if XYotF has made even a shred of impact on your life, PLEASE Digg us, Stumble us or save us to Del.icio.us. The good word of listeners just like you helps our audience grow.
And don’t forget, when you go to www.deservewhatyouwant.com and sign up for our newsletter you can gain access to an unsyndicated BONUS EPISODE we call “The JuniorCast”. Wait until you get a load of what happened when Jr. was born, and what relationship insights came from it. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, simply log in using the e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the BONUS EPISODE also.
She’s a new friend of ours and like most “lady gurus” whom we consider to be our favorites, she is all about the dating success of both women AND men. Our list is a short one, and we really have no idea why that is.
But nonetheless, we think you’ll like what Terry has to say as much as we do. I hand-selected this recent piece from her called “Flirting 101 (For Men And Women)” because I think it captures her matter-of-fact but very humorous style.
Do you get tongue-tied when you meet a person of the opposite sex? Or when you’re meeting people for the first time?
I did. Being shy gave me a reputation for being a snob, being “hard to reach,” and worst of all, “having a superior attitude.” Whether you’re a man or a woman, it’s hardly the image you hope to project when you want to make a love match or even a new friend.
I met a woman who taught me a thing or two about looking approachable. One was to use my eyes when the right words locked up in my mouth. “It’s all in the eyes,” this master flirt said, and she’d never suffered a shortage of suitors, despite the fact that she was no Gisele Bundchen. Her boyish figure and the gap between her teeth discouraged nobody, though—people were drawn to her because of what she was saying with her eyes!
So I learned to convey interest in a guy with my eyes, even if I couldn’t think of a pertinent response. I also learned to smile with my eyes, instead of merely turning up the corners of my mouth (smiling is so important; why oh why do people neglect to do it?).
If shyness isn’t your problem, speaking with your eyes is also the antidote to speaking too much with your mouth. I’ve heard it said that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason, and face it, good listeners often come off as brilliant conversationalists. Bonus: By listening carefully, you get to really know the person you’re interested in and figure out whether he or she’s worth your time.
The master flirt also taught me to lose the turtlenecks I liked to wear and replace them with V-neck blouses. Little did I know, turtlenecks can make the neck look short, and they give some wearers a double chin. So, if you’re a woman, wear a blouse in a flattering shade and keep the top two buttons open. If you’re a guy, go with a v-neck. The goal is to give that neck of yours a little exposure. It suggests vulnerability, which is attractive. It’s also sexy.
The tip to show neck may sound elementary if you’re a woman and already wearing down-to-there necklines, but displaying too much skin is even worse than showing too little: You’ll attract the very men you want to avoid. Oh, and if you’re a guy, remove the baseball cap, please! Who cares if you’re bald? Get rid of it. A bare head is so much more attractive than a baseball cap (or, worse, a cap with your mechanic’s logo on it!).
Now that you know how to make yourself approachable, it’s time for the next step: To get out and meet somebody.
You ladies out there can sign up for free dating tips from her right here, also.
And you have to check out her blog. Her recent post on Eliot Spitzer is nothing short of classic…she really hands it to him (deservedly). There’s also an excellent point about text messaging, which dovetails nicely with the telecom game we’ve been discussing lately.
Got some flirting strategies of your own to share? Give us your best.
Some guys believe that instant messaging is to be avoided at all costs when beginning to talk to women we meet online.
I understand that sentiment to some degree, based on the logic that it’s always a good idea to get women from e-mail to phone–and then to first meeting–as soon as possible.
Apart from that, a lot of water starts rushing under the proverbial bridge and we may find ourselves having wasted a lot of time when and if we end up disappointed upon meeting. And no doubt, IM can be a major aggravating factor when it comes to prolonging the pre-meeting phase.
Likewise, the more we talk and talk to women before actually meeting them the greater the probability of slipping into the Dreamscape Effect, which is when we literally invent an image of the “real” woman we’re dealing with without actually having the benefit of knowing yet what reality holds. The longer this goes on, the more damaging the disappointment can be when it happens. We’ll discuss the Dreamscape Effect in greater detail in a future post.
So then, yes…if a woman is using IM simply as a means of protracting the process of getting to the first meeting, then such scenarios are to be avoided. If she repeatedly refuses to escalate to the next level of communication (e.g. e-mail to IM, IM to phone, phone to meeting) but continues to appear interested, then that’s likely what you are dealing with. “Safety” and “taking things slow” makes a good excuse, but very often she’s nervous about disappointing you, and this may be for good reason.
All of that said, here are some great ideas for using IM as an effective tool:
If you receive the X & Y Communications newsletter, you just read my answer to a man who has a woman in his life who is expressing clear emotional attachment early on in the non-exclusive relationship.
If you don’t receive the X & Y Communications newsletter, that problem can be cured by using the form of a the top of the right-hand column over there. –>
As promised, here is another similar question from Sander in Atlanta (which if you’re from Boston, rhymes.) This time, there’s the added complication of him wondering how not to fall into a similar situation himself.
Five months in the making, Click With Him has finally been released to the world…specifically, to every sharp woman out there who refuses to settle for mediocrity when it comes to online dating.
And true to form, I’ve been awake since about eleven a.m. yesterday taking care of all the “background” details to make sure Emily’s new program is absolutely top-notch.
It is. That’s an understatement.
Emily has free videos for you when you sign up at www.clickwithhim.com. They’ve all been posted within the last 24 hours, so this is all new information.
In them, she offers a friendly intro…then it’s down to business. She has two videos that give away secrets that (in my educated opinion, as a guy) are about the most powerful online dating ideas for women I’ve ever seen put into words.
She has absolutely got it right…any woman who watches those two videos will be instantly more attractive to the RIGHT kind of guys. I can recognize that immediately. Hell, looking back, women who “got” what Emily’s talking about almost always caught my attention online.
So why is she giving this kind of information away?
I concept is very simple really. Once you hear what Emily has going on in two videos of less than a minute each, you are going to have a very good idea of what the rest of over ten hours of Click With Him magic can do for one’s dating life.
Plus, the truth is I can begin to do Click With Him justice in this blog post. Once you behold every wonder that awaits you (as written on Emily’s web page in all it’s pink glory), it’s going to occur to you: There will never again be a good excuse for a woman not to dramatically increase her online dating success.
Seventeen audio programs, including a complete plan for meeting the guy of your dreams in 30 days or less (backed by a real track record to prove it can be done).
An online profile “makeover” so comprehensive that over an hour of audio and a full-length video program are devoted to it.
How exactly to weed out cheaters. How to find a great guy even if his profile isn’t so great. How to make sure first dates go brilliantly…leading to second dates and more. Special guests, with more to come (did we mention that Click With Him is going to continue to expand, just like VIRTUOSITY for the guys?).
Emily has even figured out how what makes men want to commit to the right woman.
So my advice, for the moment, is to stop reading this blog and get in on all the excitement at Click With Him.
Even if you’re a guy, you should see what Emily is talking about. She’s so right on that any guys’ game would be helped just to soak some of this all in.
Every single program I’ve ever seen with six or eight CDs worth of material has gone for at least double the $97 ticket price for Click With Him . Well, except for Online Dating Domination, but that doesn’t count.
Speaking of Online Dating Domination (and VIRTUOSITY for that matter), I couldn’t allow myself to do a profile makeover video for Emily’s new project without doing the same for my bros.
It isn’t even on the web page yet, but RIGHT NOW you can get a full online profile tutorial video with either program. And yep…I’m making more. Use “xy35off” when you order, compliments of Yours Truly.
That’s right, after literally MONTHS in the making, Emily’s new flagship program for women Click With Him is ready for release.
It will be five months to the day since VIRTUOSITY was released to men everywhere who refuse to “settle” for any woman who isn’t of the highest echelon on Earth.
Now, it’s finally time for the ladies out there to have access to the same type of vision.
Having been the “techie” for Emily’s new program (as well as a “featured guest” and occasional interviewer) I have to tell you…she’s really outdone herself.
Yeah, I realize that’s a biased opinion. But after all, I did marry her for all the right reasons, I must say. You know: “Deserve What You Want” and “Never, Ever Settle“.
So yes, absolutely. This chick knows what she’s talking about. Not only is she presenting a full-on deep dive into how to be the kind of amazing women guys can’t wait to commit to (and can I get an “amen” from the brethren to making sure there’s more of them out there?), she’s unveiling literally everything she knows about how to succeed online as a woman. Continue reading “Emily’s New Click With Him Program Launches TOMORROW”
It’s no secret that we’ve been talking a lot about “phone game” around here recently.
Not only is the latest Power Session devoted to it, the latest X & Y Communications newsletter was also.
In that newsletter, we highlighted an e-mail question sent in by Brendan in California about finding the balance between calling a woman too little and too much.
Now as you know by now, not being “underground” has its advantages. Women not only tend to like what we tell guys about improving their skills with them, they also tend to get on my newsletter list and stay there.
Most claim that they enjoy reading about themselves from a guy’s perspective and/or regard the information as a guide to how to identify great men out there. Interesting, no doubt…either way.
Best of all, I often hear from the women on the list. Ever so often I even have the good fortune to open an e-mail from a woman that really offers some additional “insider information”.
About ten minutes ago, I received just such an email from Karen in Portland. In it she talks about her own “phone game” experiences. This “first-person” perspective is absolutely golden.
But the real gift to each and every guy reading this blog is her tandem of “Top 10 Lists” dealing with female reactions to calls from guys. Priceless.
Will you agree that everything she says is universally transferrable? Maybe, maybe not. But we all would do well to treat her message as a valid case study.