Step Two To An Online Profile That Stands Out [Part Two Of Two]

In part one of this series we discovered a major reason why most people have boring, generic online profiles. Simply put, we do what we’re told. When asked to write “About me and who I’m looking for” (a la, that’s exactly what we do.

As in–that’s what all of us do, it seems.

So as mentioned last time, we already know that you can dramatically increase your online profile’s effectiveness by rephrasing the questions more interestingly.

But I promised yet another killer way to make your profile read differently. And this one is used by so few people out there that you will instantly separate yourself from the herd should you try what I’m about to tell you.

You see, the inherent problem is that the profile narrative is a writing assignment…literally. Filling it out reminds us–at best–of completing a job application.

And at worst, it feels a lot like writing an “essay” did back in junior high.

So subconsciously, many of us write as if we’re going to be graded. It’s almost as if someone at has a big red pen ready to scrawl disparaging notes in the virtual margin of our profiles.

Either that or, well…some people just never were all that good with essays at all so they’re starcrossed from step one. If you can’t spell, punctuate and/or agree in gender, number and case…well then you’re hurtin’ for certain.

And let’s face it…MOST of us (except for the freakish weirdos amongst us who think blogging is fun) really don’t look forward to writing “essays” anyway.

So what to do? After all, without a killer profile narrative you’re online presence suffers in a big way.

Well you could hire me to write something for you. But the problem is that I don’t do “profile rewrites”.

I do, however, teach men and women how to transform their mediocre profiles into expressions of greatness. All the time.

You see, were I to write your blasted “essay” for you the real problem might actually be exacerbated rather than helped.


Simple. Because whether I write your profile or you write it yourself with your head lost in “Sixth Grade Essayland” the issue is the same: It just flat-out won’t be YOU TALKING.

As much time as I spend writing stuff, I am no match for YOUR authentic self. And for that matter, neither is your mindset when lapsing into how you were trained as a child to compose theme papers.

The solution?

What you do instead of WRITING your profile at all is…you SPEAK your profile. Because when you SPEAK, your true self is portrayed.

If you have a digital voice recorder around the house, you’re all set. If you don’t, they’re about $60 retail (for a really good one, at that). Fortuitously, the chances are even pretty good that your mobile phone has a voice recorder feature.

Speak what you want to express in your profile narrative into the voice recorder. Then transcribe it. That’s all.

And don’t let me catch you making a “crib sheet” with notes scrawled on it. In order for this exercise to make sense, you must start only with general thoughts in your head rather than hardcopy notes or some memorized “lines”.

Speak from the heart. Remember how you rephrased the “essay question” itself (as talked about in Part One) and talk to those thoughts.

As retarded as it sounds, if you want to talk to a friend while you record or even pull up the profile of someone you potentially like and talk to it, go for it. Then again, if talking into thin air with your eyes glazed over does it for you, so be it. Whatever puts you into the flow.

When you are through, play it all back and write it down as you spoke it…COMPLETE with the “you knows” and “I’ll tell you whats”. Use the spell checker and by all means punctuate appropriately, but don’t correct your “grammar” or the wordsmithing itself. If you can upload the digital file to your computer as an MP3 and pause it as it plays that’s even better. If it’s kind of long, you can even use freeware like Audacity to edit it before you write. You have options.

My educated guess is that your profile narrative–when completed–will sound exactly like YOU talking. Probably because it IS you talking…duh.

And it will stand out from the sea of generic wannabes without a doubt.

Your responses will go up because your profile narrative will be REAL. You won’t have to write crap like “no games” because you’ve already DEMONSTRATED that concept. in real-time. Fantastic stuff.

And when you actually meet someone, you’ll not have to worry that you’ll seem completely different in real life than you did in your profile. Sure the pics will have to match also, but you already know that.

Go and give this a try and email me your success stories at

Online Dating Domination...Forget The 'Numbers Game' And Meet The Ones You Really Want
BTW, if you are a guy there’s 11.5 hours MORE targeted strategy on how to dominate your metro area for you in the Online Dating Domination program. It takes a strategy that’s tight as a drum to call your own shots online, but it can absolutely be done…and in less time than you think. If online dating is frustrating you, imagine how it would feel to write women you actually WANT TO MEET…and HEAR BACK FROM THEM more often than not. What would your social life look like if you were able to harness online dating into being your tool like that…rather than vice-versa?

Emily's Click With Him Program Has Been A Long Time Coming
And ladies, after literally months of work Emily is very, very close to releasing her brand-new program called Click With Him. We literally have the very last of 17 audio programs in the editing stage, and if you click the link above you can check out the basics already and even pre-order. Among what she has in store is a 30-Day Plan To Finding A Great Man Online (which she can back up) and a full-scale top-secret session on how to become the kind of woman a man wants to commit to. Believe me when I tell you there’s something to what she talks about.

Emily even had me sit down and spill how to spot great men behind mediocre profiles. Hey…not every guy reads this blog, let alone has Online Dating Domination on his iPod, okay?

I’ll be talking again to you soon…literally. Then next post will be video.

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The Real Reason Why Women Will Stay With An Idiot/Jerk But Not A “Nice Guy” [Video]

As much as this particular topic is discussed, a part of me is surprised that what I talk about in the video below has NEVER been mentioned anywhere as far as I’ve seen.

We all know women cannot bring themselves to be attracted to Mr. Nice Guy. Yet it seems that Idiot/Jerks (or “I/Js”) practically never get the “JBF” talk. Perhaps the answer to why this tends to be the case has more to do with what women are like than with what the guys involved are like.

Push play below to see what I mean…

Next time, I’ll be posting Part Two of how to make your online profile narrative stand out from the rest.

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X & Y On The Fly #35 — Get Over It: How To Fall Out Of Love

X & Y On The Fly PodcastIt’s easy to let yourself fall in love. Falling OUT of love? Not so easy. Join Emily and I along with our guest the illustrious SoCal queen of dating advice herself Renee Piane for straight-talk on a subject that never quite seems to be addressed properly…or fully.

You know by now that XYotF shows tend to be packed to the gills with content, so I’d recommend subscribing and storing these golden nuggets of joy on your iPod.

And don’t forget, when you go to and sign up for our newsletter you can get your grubby mitts on an unsyndicated BONUS EPISODE we call “The JuniorCast”. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, simply log in using the e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the BONUS EPISODE also.

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Step One To An Online Profile Narrative That Stands Out [Part One Of Two]

Ever notice how people tend to say the exact same stuff in online dating profiles?

Seriously, if it isn’t the same tired chorus of “I don’t want to play games” or “friends first”, then it’s what I unaffectionately refer to as “Comma Chameleon Syndrome”. This is where someone (man or woman, really) proceeds to spew forth a comma-delimited list of literally everything he or she can think of to describe him or herself. Typically, when considered as a whole, the list paints a picture of that person as pretty much whomever you’d like for them to be. Like a chameleon, this person’s “true colors” are clearly (or is that “unclearly”?) subject to change.

So why is it that everyone seems to follow such a generic “formula” for writing a profile? Seriously…virtually nobody stands out from the crowd, even though instinctively most of us know doing so can dramatically increase online dating success.

Well, the simple fact that the exercise is called a “narrative” in online-dating speak (I’ve even seen a dating site or two refer to it as an “essay”…crazy) tends to put people in the same frame of mind as they were back in elementary school. And when a writing task is approached more as an “assignment” than a creative expression, what tends to result is very much like unto what you see on the typical online dating “essay”, huh?

I believe there’s a secondary issue that compounds this state of affairs even further. Namely, the instructions to the online dater on how to fill out the “narrative” section are wrong-headed.

On, for example, the only description for the section when confronted with filling it out reads “About me and who I’m looking for”.

My theory is that–again, like what we were all taught back in grade school–people simply do what they’re told.

We’ve all been trained to “follow directions” and to “be objective” when it comes to writing assignments. And for Heaven’s sake, one simply must follow proper paragraph structure and whatever. If your school experience was anything like mine, you’d otherwise be hit with “VAGUE” and “INEFFECTIVE” scrawled in red ink all over your “essay” when it was returned to you.

So then, what do we do on those profiles of ours?

We write a litany of things that describe us. And then we write a litany of things to describe some third-party whom we are allegedly “looking for”, as if we’ve lost our puppy and are making posters to wallpaper the neighborhood with.

If your head, you already know that talking about yourself (especially in list form) is B-O-R-I-N-G to MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex) when you’re out on dates. Guess what? Nothing’s different in this context.

And who is going to be inspired by a generic list of bullet points when it comes to “who you’re looking for?”

Once you begin to see exactly why we tend to write such boring profiles, you can quickly determine the solution: Break the blasted rules.

That’s right, instead of blind obedience to the given format, why not try rephrasing the objective in a whole new way?

Instead of “About me”, try thinking of the concept as: “What sets me apart as especially attractive” or even, “Why you will be attracted to me”. I particularly like the second option because it’s positioned in the second person. When you have a particular person in mind whom you are addressing, the free-form section of your profile can’t help but improve.

And that goes double when it comes time to rephrase “Who I’m looking for”. Have a particular person in mind–even dare I say someone whose profile interests you quite a bit–and write to that person. Put “one-itis” phobia on the shelf for now and treat this as an objective exercise designed to get you results. Then, write to the thought of “What your life will be like after we meet”, or “What the person I’m wild about is really like.” Lookit, you can rest assured that the finished product in such case, when written out, will be more inspiring and hella more positive than a list of traits or “dos and don’ts”, right?

So that’s a simple but highly-effective strategy for combating “generic” profiles. Although somewhat obvious when you think about it, almost nobody deviates from “following directions”. Be a trail-blazer and watch your responses increase noticeably.

But what of the related issue about writing our narratives as if we’re composing a 6th grade theme-paper? I’ve got that issue covered in a way that will blow your socks off…next time.

Meanwhile, for over NINE HOURS of practical online dating strategy that can help you become more successful online than any other guy in your metro area (for real) be sure to check out Online Dating Domination. By the way, Emily’s new online dating program for women, called Click With Him, is coming very, very soon.

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I Want You But I Can’t Stand You [Video]

Ever meet someone you really can’t stand, but yet you feel this sexual desire for him or her anyway? What’s up with that? I mean, someone can insult you, irritate you to no end or–amazingly–even be bent on making one’s life flat-out miserable, yet the sexual attraction is clearly there.

Take a look at the video below for the low-down on this completely unintuitive but very real human phenomenon…

I’ll be back with another video for you in a few days…this time on why we’re not “underground” when it comes to seduction around here. It’s all in broad daylight…next time.

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A Surefire Secret To Effective Online Dating Profile Pictures

Okay, hopefully all the guys know by now to keep their shirts on for their online dating pics. And to not post pictures that look like they’re about to kill someone. And to avoid pics taken at strip clubs.

And in the interest of equal time, I’m sure women know by now not to go with the “Glamour Shot”, more pictures of the cat than of themselves, close-cropped face shots and/or anything blurry.

But what can we use as a yardstick for measuring good pictures? We’re usually left to the process of elimination here, aren’t we?

In coaching calls lately I’ve been describing the quintessentially perfect online dating profile pic as “warm, yet confident”. One woman–at a loss for what that actually looks like–asked for examples. Going through my “archives” for suitable examples was a very real “proof-of-concept” moment, as I realized that nearly all of the women who had caught my attention online–including Emily–had primary photos that captured exactly what I was talking about. So, I sent her some.

From there, realizing that this “warm yet confident” concept was truly on-point, my imagination was thereby tuned in to the concept. But the question remained as to what exactly to tell someone to get him or her into the proper mindset to produce some winning photos.

Shortly thereafter, while evaluating some software online, I got the proverbial 2×4 upside the head.

It happened when I saw a graphic advertising “live customer assistance”. Ironically, I even have very similar graphics here in the X & Y Communications web universe, but had still managed to overlook the obvious. Yet, the truth is crystal clear once one’s eyes are opened to it: Virtually every picture on the web of a headphone-wearing customer service agent–guy or girl–would make an outstanding online profile pic. Just rip the blasted headphones off and they would be all set.

Customer Service Chickie, Lookin' All Warm And Confident

Why is this the case? Well, any such pic almost always shows a warm, confident individual. Sure, the people in such photos are often good-looking, but not always “off the charts” hott by any stretch. Nevertheless, they typically come off as very attractive–in the literal sense. We are drawn in.

This is all by design.

After all, what’s the purpose of one of those “headphone pictures”? You got it…the idea is to get you to jump the fence, click the graphic, and start a conversation. If the person seems friendly, easy to talk to and as if they wouldn’t laugh at us for having dumb questions…we’re more likely to take the plunge and talk.

Here's Another Warm And Confident One

Moreover, if that same person appears to look as if he or she is likely to have the answer we’re looking for, so much the better. And nothing demonstrates the clear possibility of competence than an aura of confidence.

So let’s bring the concept full-circle. Just what is the point of your online dating profile pictures? Exactly–the point is to encourage people to contact you. In many ways, therefore, the goal is ultmately the same as that of online sites with customer service agents.

Can She Help You?  Probably So.

So why not take a lesson from their collective marketing savvy and put it to work for you: When you take some shots for your online dating profile, ask your self “WWCSD?” (“What Would Customer Service Do?”)

My guess is that such a mindset–as “unorthodox” as it may sound–will bring you ridiculously positive results. It certainly can’t hurt.

Operators Are Standing By...And Just How Long Will You Wait By The Phone For It To Ring?

Strangely enough, if you look at the X & Y Communcations “Team Page” you could probably slap headphones on both Emily and I and we’d pretty much be instantly transformed into credible customer service agents. As fortune would have it, both her pic and mine on that page began life as–yes–our respective primary pics on Go figure.

For more revolutionary and proven ways to take your online dating success to the ultimate level, be sure to take a close look at Online Dating Domination. Guys, that’s the plan for becoming the most successful guy in your entire metro area on any dating site of your choice. And ladies, Emily’s got a similar plan for you coming very, very soon. Stay tuned.

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The Best Wintertime First Date Idea Ever

Here is some Q & A that went on recently between a reader and I. While there are some key general principles in there about setting up oneself for success on first dates, the greatest takeaway is the reader’s date idea itself. Read on.

Hi Scot:

I just thought i would email you to see if you have an answer that you could give to me advising me about going on a date with this beautiful girl.
I have had the date set up for a couple of weeks and explained to her that because of Christmas I had no money, setting a date in January (well next Friday).

I’m planning on taking her ice skating and then for a nice meal. But I found out that she has another date tomorrow night (Sunday) and I was just wondering what your advice would be about this–whether to keep the date as I do really want to take her out, but I just don’t know as of [learning about her going] on this other date.

Also any tips you could give me that would really give me a good chance to get a second date and take her out even more.
I have my hopes up about this date as I don’t have much luck with the ladies but I am hopefully changing this over the next year.

Many thanks,

Colin (United Kingdom)

Hello Colin:

Well, first of all I wouldn’t have told her that I needed two weeks to plan the date because I had no money.

Second of all…I wouldn’t have needed to have any money anyway.

Third…I would have recognized that a truly sharp, worthwhile woman cares more about my interest in spending time with her than how much money I’m spending. And I would have made plans for a LOT sooner…if just to go Christmas shopping together or to see the Christmas lights downtown. Whatever.

That she has a date with another guy tomorrow is in and of itself immaterial. That’s the bed you’ve made by empowering her to explore other options during the interim between when you asked and when your date actually happens. If after that date she likes him more than you, that’s the way it goes. On the other hand, if he blows it for himself as many guys do (either by being too sexually pushy and or…wait for it…by trying to impress her with how much money he spends on her) then you may actually be handed an opportunity on your evening with her to show her how a real man operates.

As an aside, the fact that she TOLD you about the other date is likely a sign of interest in YOU rather than him. Think about it. Yet you are asking me questions as if you feel you’ve already “lost” before you’ve even gone out with her. Success with her and with women in general has to start with the confident mindset of a man who is a winner and assumes rich options with women.

If you haven’t told her about the “nice dinner” after the ice skating plans, I wouldn’t. I am also assuming you know how to ice skate decently (not necessarily like Sidney Crosby or anything, but at least as well as she’ll be able to) and therefore can demonstrate confidence and leadership.

That said, ice skating sounds like an exceptional first date idea. There are built-in ways to be “physical” together that are quintessentially perfect for sending the right messages. You can hold her hand, skate arm-in-arm if she’s a beginner, and physically help her up after a fall (not by the arm like an NBA player, please).

You can even perform the all-powerful “out of context dance twirl” a time or two when you’ve stopped skating and are ready to step off the ice (or already have). All of these examples allow you to show that you can lead physically WITHOUT coming off as a horn dog. Note the distinct difference between what I’m talking about here and “escalating kino”, which is how sex-focused men try to manipulate women whom they assume–and typically mistakenly so–aren’t wise to what’s going on.

Ice skating. Good call. Most Definitely.

Pick her up for the evening and take her skating. Don’t plan on this lasting for any longer than an hour and a half or so because it gets old (and cold) faster than you think–especially if there’s a lot of falling going on. Believe me when I tell you a nice restaurant is not going to fit the texture of the evening after that anyway.

Assuming you two are having fun, then you announce that it’s time to go grab a bite afterward. Choose somewhere that’s inexpensive and with a lightweight atmosphere. It is imperative that this be about continuing to spend time together now that you’re hungry having ice skated for a while. You are not attempting to impress her with dinner here. Then, continue the fun conversation making best use of the doubtlessly humorous or otherwise talkworthy stuff that happened while you were ice skating.

Getting this right isn’t difficult, my good friend. I can guarantee it’s at least easier than learning to ice skate was.

Oh…and lest I forget. Watch for the perfect first-kiss moment, which could come at any time. If you help her up after another slip up on the ice and she stays close to you and looks you in the eye rather than skating off right away, PLEASE kiss her…briefly but effectively. If you don’t, every woman reading this will come to your door and go “Ruth Buzzi” on your happy beating you over the head with their purses.

Assuming the best in the above scenario, when you take her home after dinner, walk her to her door, tell her you had fun and that you’ll call her. Then LEAVE. No more kisses. Get this last step right and the guy from the date before yours is in BIG trouble. She won’t be able to stop thinking about you. And please don’t wait “three to five days” to call the poor chick, will you?


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So, You Want To Eliminate The Competition? (Part Two) [Video]

Last time we talked about having to “compete” for people you’d like to date. But what happens once you’ve actually “won”? Let’s face it, at that point it’s time to re-evaluate, lest you face the type of danger I talk about in today’s video:

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So, You Want To Eliminate The Competition? (Part One) [Video]

A lot of times Emily and I get e-mails from men and women (especially) who claim that they can’t stand competing for the affections of MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex). Typically, they want to know how to eliminate such competition and/or how to “just say know”, as it were, thereby refusing to compete altogether.

Well, have I got a take on that concept for you. Watch below…

As noted, that’s Part One. Next time we’ll talk about the opposite side of the coin: What happens if you actually succeed at “eliminating the competition”? Prepare for a somewhat shocking answer…

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I Wasn’t Kidding. High Quality Women Exist, For High Quality Men

Ali From MiamiIf you read my newsletter this week you heard me talk about how a shocking number of guys think “all women” (especially American ones) are deceitful, manipulative golddiggers who’ll cheat on you, leave you and take all your money.

Yeah, well. You also heard me talk about how most guys who throw that level of blame over all women like a blanket should take a look in the mirror. After all, it’s easier to blame others than to deserve what you want (a concept one reader termed “profound”…go figure).

But don’t get me wrong, guys. I ain’t mad atcha. My #1 goal–as always–is simply to empower you to get GREAT WOMEN into your life. But you know how it is. It’s hard to transfer into reality a concept that you don’t even BELIEVE IN.

And rest assured, truly high-quality women aren’t like Santa Claus. They’re 100% real, whether you like it or not. They’re usually not overweight, old or bearded either. Nor do they get stuck in your chimney. Come to think of it, though, they do sometimes bring nice gifts.

I digress.

See that picture up there? That’s Ali from Miami. Here’s the e-mail I got from her after she read that last newsletter:

“AMEN!!! I am going to mass print this newsletter and give it to EVERY man I meet that complains that there aren’t any GOOD women out here. And I meet A LOT of them. I am amazed at how many men are disillusioned by MOTOS. Real or perceived, I don’t know. But it seems to be an epidemic. Just take a look at the Headlines/Opening lines on many male online profiles. Probably the most popular opener is….”Are there any good women out there”? I read this and scream…YES, YES there is! Me, Me.

I am a woman of the highest echelon and I am holding out for a man who deserves me! We will deserve each other.

Thank you Scot for the best newsletter yet!”

Yeah, well. I’m not surprised. I’m not surprised by Ali’s message OR her existence. Just in case any of you are attempting to believe that my relationship with Karaoke-girl (two posts below this one) is all “staged” or something, there’s more evidence for you that I’m not blowing smoke about all this “high quality women” stuff.

By the way, did you happen to catch the fact that Ali’s ONLINE? So tell me, what is it going to take for some of you guys out there to finally get your hands on this and start participating in life as we know it around here? Go back and dust off yesterday’s newsletter and getchasum using the killer coupon I sent you. It’s time for a whole new attitude…and some serious success with great women that is beyond your dreams.

What? You aren’t getting the X & Y Communications Weekly Newsletter yet? That means you aren’t getting my frequent cool surprises reserved for newsletter subscribers. It’s all FREE, of course, and you can start getting it (and STOP missing out) simply by using the form at the upper right corner of this blog.

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X & Y On The Fly #34 — How To Understand The Opposite Sex

X & Y On The Fly PodcastNo, we haven’t lost our minds. Yes, we think the subject matter of this podcast is within your reach (and everyone else’s, for that matter). For the details, you are just going to have to listen in.

The XYotF shows tend to be full-length deals, so I’d recommend subscribing and slapping these puppies on your iPod.

While this show is a bonanza unto itself, we fully realize we haven’t been producing nearly enough episodes. So here’s a surprise. Go to and sign up for our newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a shiny new copy of a special BONUS EPISODE we call “The JuniorCast”. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, simply log in using the e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the BONUS EPISODE also.

So see? We’ve got your back.

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Online Dating Profile Rating #20

Online Dating Profile Rating PodcastNow brought to you by It’s about time, huh?

Anyway, we are back to overhauling profiles after a brief hiatus while we upgraded our affiliation. In this episode we take a look at a woman’s profile that has gone to the dogs…literally. No worries, though. A little “tweakage” will go a LONG way.

Grab a listen now. And if you want to submit your username for possible consideration on the show, e-mail it to

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Thou Shalt Not “Hold Her Purse For Her”

Has this ever happened to you?

You, as a man, image of masculinity such that you are, are in the company of a woman (as is often the case, we hope). Maybe you are at the mall (as is not often the case, we hope), or some social event, or God forbid a sporting event. Out of nowhere, she turns to you and requests, “Here, hold my purse. I’ll be right back.”

Blindly obliging this request, gentlemen, is The Thing That Must Never Be.

It’s a test. It’s a test not only of your manhood, but of your ability to be manhandled. It could be an unconscious one on her part, but then again it could be a calculated assessment to how well you’ll eventually accept being cuckolded in the not-too-distant future.

Someone said, “Dude, what does ‘cuckolded’ mean?”


To many of you out there, this may seem like a minor issue…or even a hang-up. But I’m telling you, I’ve never seen a man who exhibits the “Big Four” holding some chick’s purse for her. Especially if she’s trying on a few things at The Limited.

I’ve also never seen a woman gaze lovingly and with glowing admiration upon a man who is clutching her purse patiently pending her return.

So don’t feel “obligated” guys. Just say “no”. If she isn’t up to schlepping her purse around, she should have left it home. And if she isn’t understanding of your point of view and/or uses your “lack of cooperation” as a weapon later then consider that a warning message about what a long-term relationship with her looks like.

Ultimately, this is all rolled into “The Reverse Golden Rule” as outlined in last week’s newsletter. You know, “Would I ever do unto someone else what is being done unto me here?”

Let me spell this out. I’m not going to expect Emily to sit with me on a Sunday afternoon and endure a full four quarters. That said, considering I can’t even endure a full four quarters of my Ravens this season maybe that’s a poor example. How about, “Hey, why don’t you and your fresh manicure go out and check the oil in my F-150 real quick?” “What do you mean, ‘I don’t think so’, you mean you can’t figure out something that easy?”

Yeah well, she can figure it out alright. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s a completely unreasonable request.

Were I her, I’d purrrr some offhand response to the effect of, “Why sure, baby. Here…hold my purse for me while I do that.”

Let’s all respect each other’s masculinity and femininity, ladies and gentlemen. Even when it’s at the brief and momentary cost to our own personal convenience.

Got any examples of your own? Let’s hear about them.

Be Good,



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“If You Don’t Recognize Which Movie This Obscure Line Is From, Don’t Bother.”

The title of this post references the sick joke women in particular play on themselves in more online dating profiles than I care to count. Seriously…who mortgages her entire future happiness with a guy on familiarity with some quote from a movie which nobody saw other than her?

I have not the words.

But never mind that. This is about something completely different but mildly reminiscent.

Tonight I was working on outgoing first e-mails to women with a guy who put me to work for him on an Online Dating Success Package. Every once in a while during the course of such a session a profile surfaces that almost makes me desirous of “coming out of retirement” just to send this ONE e-mail. JUST THIS ONCE.

And earlier this evening, just such a moment occurred.

The closing statement of a certain woman’s profile read as follows:

“My philosophy on life can be summarized quite succinctly … I think Churchill said it best … major brownie points to be given for anyone that is familiar with this quote.”

…And of course, she leaves us to ponder the question.

My answer to this woman would have been to me an obvious one.

Subject: Re: Winston Churchill, Brownies, Etc.

Woman: “Mr. Churchill, were you my husband I’d poison your tea.”

Churchill: “Madame, were I your husband I’d gladly drink it.”

So tell me, I hit the nail on the head there…didn’t I? LOL!

Be Good,


Emily agreed that e-mail would be irresistible. It demands a response from anyone with a sense of humor. Let’s face it, I can hardly resist sending it!

Be brave guys…everyone else is pouring the “nice guy” e-mails into her inbox.

Be Good,



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