The Chick Whisperer #28 — Is She Interested In You?

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer ShowThe other day I was out with a new friend of mine here in San Antonio. Out of the blue, he asked me if I knew who Doc Love was. As it turned out, he had met the woman of his dreams–who is now his wife–after having read Doc Love’s The System.

It was then that it occurred to me that I hadn’t had Doc on The Chick Whisperer show yet, and it was time. After all, the guy had cut me a break and invited me as a guest on his show way back in ’06. It was the first real “media break” I ever got.

So I picked up the phone, dialed Doc’s number and he answered on the first ring. That’s the thing about him–he’s old skool all the way. No computers, no voicemail, and most of all–no B.S.

I let my buddy tell Doc his story in his own words, which I think made both guys’ day. Good stuff. And while he was in a good mood, I locked Doc down to sit in on for a TCW show.

So the end result is Episode #28 of the world-famous Chick Whisperer program.

Let me warn you up front, this program is a bit different. Doc Love is most definitely a talker, and he’s got his own set of firmly held ideas on what attracts women and keeps them attracted. Considering the man has been at this for forty five years, I saw it fit to simply throw the discussion topics out on the table this time and let him riff away.

Look forward to some controversial ideas and–as is always the case when Doc Love is at the mic–some good laughs. They way he throws down common sense in his own unique, fast-paced style never fails to crack me up. It’s just flat-out funny in a “no holds barred” sort of way.

To grab a listen for yourself, simply head to the RSS feed and subscribe:

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…or make the short trip over to iTunes and slao the show onto your iPod. I’ve made the title “iPod friendly” so you’ll actually be able to find the thing once you download it:

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The iTunes page for The Chick Whisperer podcast can be accessed by clicking on any of the graphics in this post, as always. While you’re there, please leave us a review. These apparently influence iTunes rankings, so your opinion really does matter.

By the way, I’ve already got the guest for #29 lined up, too. It’s going to be good.

Be Good,






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The Chick Whisperer #27 — Flirting And Creating Natural Attraction

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer ShowThe concept of how to get a high-quality woman to feel attraction for us we first meet her is a popular one. Well, duh…with all the mixed messages about what women want, cultural feminization, and sexual-harassment policies we as guys face in our post-modern world, it’s no wonder there’s such confusion and frustration afoot.

So that’s why I invited my main man Christian Hudson, formerly with Charisma Arts and Master The Vibe and now with The Social Man, to co-host a show with me highlighting that very topic.

Listen in as we talk about the clear difference between “natural game” and “natural attraction”, and break down exactly what it takes to be the kind of man who drives women wild. We also have a very frank discussion on the role that flirting plays in all this, offering opinions on what exactly “flirting” means, along with practical examples of how to go about it exactly the right way.

Just for good measure, Christian and I answer a voice mail question about why we “freeze up” when around that one woman we desire the most–and reveal creative solutions for getting over the problem once and for all.

I’ve got to say, when the dust cleared after editing this turned out to be one killer episode. Those of you guys who like to explore theory and how to apply it objectively to real-world situations are going to be loving this show.

So all that’s left is to download Episode 27 and listen, right?

To do so, head to the RSS feed and subscribe:

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…or hit up iTunes and get the show onto your iPod with just one click:

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The iTunes page for The Chick Whisperer podcast can be accessed by clicking on any of the graphics in this post, actually. While you’re there, we really could use more reviews…preferably good. Your reviews influence iTunes rankings, so it’s a great way to support the show.

Be Good,


P.S. Next up I have the first in a new string of VIDEO BLOGS for you. Stay tuned.





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X & Y On The Fly #41 — Movie Moments

X & Y On The Fly PodcastOK, the latest X & Y On The Fly has finally hit the street.

This time, Emily and I break down our all-time favorite “movie moments”. And we’re not talking about action-adventure “moments”, Star Wars, or when Phoebe Cates gets out of the swimming pool in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.

Well, okay…we did bring up one moment from Star Wars.

But that’s beside the point. What’s important is that you go from good to great in your relationships with MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex). So to that end, we break down some all-time great romantic scenes so two main things can happen. 1) The guys who are listening can discover exactly what it takes to melt a woman big time, so they can go and do likewise…which rocks. 2) The women who are listening can recognize when a “movie moment” is happening right before her very eyes, and go with the flow.

Nice, huh? We’re pretty sure nobody has ever covered this in a podcast before, and we figured it was time. So enjoy.

By now you’re probably wondering where to getchasum of this. Look no further than iTunes:

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Or if you prefer, you can go straight to the RSS feed:

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If you get the show on iTunes, please be sure to leave us a review. And tell a friend or three. Much obliged.

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Success With Women: Recognize Breakthroughs…And Kick The Door In.

X & Y Communications Coach Austin ParkerWe’re all on our own journey and I’d like to share with you part of mine. One year ago I left my former career to start business, even though I had never sold anything before and had no idea what I was going to do.

I’ll spare the details as they don’t add much, but I struggled for months. I read a lot hoping to avoid failure, but as it turned out I tried two projects and they both failed.

Nearly crushed, I launched a third project, and waited for the onset of failure. Except that didn’t happen this time. It took off, and I made my first profits.

I then faced the question “how do I grow this business?” and I had to learn marketing. I stumbled at first seeing no results for my efforts, but I kept trying and eventually started seeing success in this area as well.



Continue reading “Success With Women: Recognize Breakthroughs…And Kick The Door In.”

The Guide To Speed Dating Success

(This post originated as a correspondence on speed dating between two X&Y team members. I have speed-dated on and off for approximately two years and observed the curious dynamic involved. I have left feeling like I found my “100” and left wondering why I wasted two hours of valuable SportsCenter rerun time. I have attended feeling like I could conquer the world, and attended three days out of the ICU. So without further ado…)

The event…

The format varies by organization–some have longer (8-10 min) vs. shorter (4-5 min) individual dates, some allow one-on-one time with everyone there whereas others will only put you across from a fraction of the ladies present, some have an “intermission” for unstructured interaction, others don’t. You get the picture.

Most events are bracketed by age range (e.g. 25-35) or other demographic characteristics (race, religion, professional status). Age ranges are not absolute but not infinitely flexible—a 37 year old could attend a 25-35 event, a 45 year old is pushing the limit.



Continue reading “The Guide To Speed Dating Success”

The Chick Whisperer #26–The Dude Whisperer

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer ShowAbout a month ago, you probably heard about the book Fireworks With Females by Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers of Meet Your Sweet.

Well, having read the book it didn’t take me long to figure out that Mirabelle understands us guys pretty well. Basically, as I see it she’s “The Dude Whisperer”. So since she likely understands how women operate as well, I figured doing a TCW show with her was a “no-brainer”.

Besides, I’ve frankly been dying for an excuse to bust on someone over there at 000Relationships for naming their stuff “Meet Your Sweet” and putting a bunch of little red hearts all over it.

So this was pretty much the best excuse ever to do a show. That and the fact it has been two months since I got around to recording one.

Alright, so enough talking. This show is packed to the gills with real-world stuff that will improve your game today if you let it.

Get it by either going to the feed and subscribing, or via iTunes.

Actually, iTunes is the way to go if you can, and you can get there by using any of the graphics on this post. While you’re there, please leave us a review…preferably good. I’ve figured out these actually help iTunes rankings, so it’s a great way to support the show.

Be Good,


P.S. Did you download the FREE Twiduction e-book yet on how to meet women on Twitter? Over 1000 other people have so far, and it has only been a few days. Get on my newsletter and it’s yours. For real…Twitter is a great way to meet high-quality women.





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Mainstream “Dating Experts” And The Mama’s Boys Who Love Them

Over Thanksgiving, I was in my hotel room flipping through the small amount of channels on the television. I stopped on one of those morning shows. You know the typical ones. The people are over the top happy, Rachael Ray cooks a roast in two minutes, and corny jokes are made.

So right before I was about to change over to Sportscenter, I heard that they were bringing on two dating experts to talk about a couple of things. The topics to be discussed were: what it means when he is crying, why he texts you, first date manners, and what is he or she really saying.

I had to stay tuned in. After the commercial, the two “experts” were there. It was a guy and a girl. The guy was a very metro looking guy who was a DJ on Cosmo satellite radio. Strike one and two, trust me. The girl I believe either worked for Cosmo magazine or something similar to that nature. Before they opened their mouths I had an open mind to see what they had to say. Needless to say, before I get into it, they began arguing with each other like two 8 year olds.



Continue reading “Mainstream “Dating Experts” And The Mama’s Boys Who Love Them”

Motivation Turbo-Charger Part 1: Getting Going

I want to make a confession. I have been putting off writing this article for about a week. I know that I have lots to write about, and yet I didn’t write this article until this very moment. I even made up all those “other” things to do around my office to avoid writing this.

And then it suddenly struck me: This is exactly how most guys put their love life on hold.

Some immerse themselves in work, some play computer games or watch porn on the Internet, and some collect any and all kinds of knowledge about picking up and seducing women, with little practical application.

Other guys actually get a lot of action going for a while, but then their motivation starts to subside.

Can you relate to any of these situations? If you can, then carry on reading. (And if you can’t relate, then you’re probably already very successful with women!)



Continue reading “Motivation Turbo-Charger Part 1: Getting Going”

Stop Sucking It In

Hey guys, today I want you to think to yourself if have you at any point recently looked into the mirror and sucked your stomach in?

Don’t worry guys, I’ve done it. I think we all have, trying to make ourselves look better–if only for that moment.

However, there is a problem with this. We are essentially fooling ourselves into believing we are in better shape than we truly are. I’ve found that if I have been doing lots of fitness work, eating right, watching less TV etc., then I will still suck my gut in front on the mirror, and it makes me feel good.

“Wow, I’m looking good at the moment.”



Continue reading “Stop Sucking It In”

Alcohol-Free Authenticity — Improve Your Success With Women When Sober

When you are out on the town having a good time with your friends and talking to girls, it may be so tempting to have a few drinks. Perhaps, drinking allows you to relax, get you out of your head, makes you more impulsive and talkative, and helps you to be your natural attractive self with girls around you. As one of my friends said, “When you have a few drinks, it guarantees you a fun night out…”

The reason why drinking may help your game is that alcohol allows you to temporarily reduce your inhibitions and express your natural masculine desires. It also helps you to switch off the “script” (i.e. social conditioning, limiting beliefs and fears). And then your natural self springs into action and seizes the night. But…

Problems start when you have a few too many and relaxed and comfortable becomes sloppy and messy. Your mind may lose its sharpness and you may start failing the tests from women or be unable to plan how to close the deal…let alone that drinking may seriously affect your erectile function and the amount of cash in your pocket, including all the money you spend on taxis!



Continue reading “Alcohol-Free Authenticity — Improve Your Success With Women When Sober” As A Dating Site?

We get quite a number of e-mails from both men and women asking where in the world they can meet MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex).

Some don’t exactly live in thriving metropolises. Most don’t feel comfortable approaching strangers in public, as much as we’d love to wave a magic wand and cure everyone’s “approach anxiety” in one fell swoop.

And it’s not like their workplace is a “magic wonderland” of dating possibilities either. Office politics, potential awkwardness later, or even direct company policy give pause to many of us insofar as “dipping one’s pen in the company ink” is concerned.

How about getting “set up” with friends of friends? Erratic at best, if not potentially disastrous.

Sure, online dating rocks. But only if you’ve taken the time to master it (which you can get started on here or here).

And if you don’t want to take the time to master online dating but insist on trying it anyway, you could go the eHarmony route. Not.

So how does one defeat the frustration of not having enough MOTOS around once and for all?


Seriously, I don’t want to ever hear any kvetching about “not knowing where to meet MOTOS” every again. Ever.

Basically, if you’ve been hiding under a rock and don’t know about, it’s essentially a website designed to help people meet together offline, generally based around a common interest that all members of a particular “meetup group” share.

So you basically enter your metro area, type in a few key words and voila (or viola, as someone I know always writes).

Now, here it is. This is great for meeting a bunch of guys to go sportbike riding with or to watch some out-of-town sports team with.

But the true “killer app” is finding more “co-ed” common interests where you’re likely to meet MOTOS. The site is like a “secret weapon” for that.

According to Ken from New Jersey, who is on my mailing list and wrote me telling me his own success story, the best part is that not only can you meet women, you can expect to see them again at future “meetups” so there is no pressure to “attract and close” as soon as you are introduced to them. Sweet.

Emily is actually way ahead of me as far as is concerned. While I’m well aware that she has recently started a group for Mom’s with pre-school aged litluns on there (with great success), she had already long since written the concept I’m sharing with you today into her latest program for women. We’ll be telling you more about that one soon, by the way.

So there’s yet another solid reason to consider as part of your strategy for meeting MOTOS: Both men and women are all over this, at least potentially.

How about it? Could you give this a try? Had my head been screwed on straight a few years ago, I would have been all over meeting some women who were into karaoke, cooking, travel or mountain biking.

And no doubt, if you don’t find the group you’re looking for, you can drop a measly $75 and start the group yourself, and even recoup it through $5 or $10 “annual dues” if you must. Being the Grand Pooh-bah of your group represents instant social-proof, as I see it.

So give it a shot and let me know how it goes. Got any success stories already? Share them below–I’d love to hear.

Be Good,





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The Chick Whisperer BONUS–Stop Giving Your Power Away

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer ShowAbout a year ago I recorded a very special episode of The Chick Whisperer with none other than Brent from Absolute Power Dating and David DeAngelo “Advanced Mastery Series” fame.

At the time it was produced, was offered as a special promotion rather than added to the regular feed.

Well, now that some water has passed under the proverbial bridge, I wanted to make sure that this show didn’t become a “lost episode”. So I’ve just made it available to everyone.

In it, Brent and I break down some key ways to maintain a leadership position with women and how not to become her “yes man”. In fact, you could also call this particular podcast “Just Say NO To Being A YES Man”. Nice.

Anyway, those of you out there who have been listening to the show for under a year probably never even knew this existed…so fire up. It’s epic as always, so enjoy.

iTunes is the way to go if you can, and you can get there by using any of the graphics on this post. If you do, we greatly appreciate positive reviews. I’ve figured out these actually help iTunes rankings, so it’s a great way to support the show.

If you’re not on iTunes, you can subscribe via the feed here.

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Junior Is A Flirt

I've got to teach this kid to put a shirt on in his online pics. And to wash his face while he's at it.Keep your infant daughters away from my kid. Actually, check that. Keep your pre-teen daughters away from him.

Seriously, Scot, Jr. (aka “Micky Mac”) is a serious flirt. Already. At the ripe old age of eleven months.

And yes…he’s diggin’ on “older women”.

We knew pretty quickly that he had a thing for g-i-r-l-s, but lately it has been taken to the next level. Sure, the little infant chickies in their little pink bows and Power Puff Grrrl diapers are “hot babes” to him, but he really has this thing for little girls about middle-school age. I mean, he just lights up when he sees them.

The whole thing is fascinating to watch actually, if I may say so myself.

For starters, you can forget about “approach anxiety”. When the kid “isolates his target” he practically jumps out of my arms trying to “kino” her. Once loose, he’s a master of the “three second rule”. He can’t crawl fast enough in her direction.

And of course, this usually elicits the desired, “Awww….how cute!” reaction, including occasional hugs, tickles and kisses. Nice.

And Micky-Mac is, well, “mackin'” the whole time.

But here’s where it gets weird.

Usually, when he sees a g-i-r-l he likes, his first thought when trying to get her attention is to growl like a little bear, complete with the arms in the air. “Grrr…AHHH!”

What’s up with that?

Well, putting two and two together, that’s the sort of thing I do when I play around with him. Me, his Dad. Mom doesn’t do that sort of thing.

So, basically, he gets that I’m a “boy” like he is, he knows that “g-i-r-l-s” are different and interesting, and somehow his instincts (or something) kick in and tell him to act like a boy toward these “different and interesting” human beings he sees.

Knowing that he’s like me, his Dad, he picks up on the “boy” behaviors I teach him and applies them “naturally” to MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex).

In other words, he’s a flirt. And an effective one. And he’s not even a year old yet.

So let’s break this down.

First of all, it’s not like my kid is some sort of lady-killing prodigy or something.

In fact, if you look around, you’ll see that lots of kids, boy or g-i-r-l, exhibit the same sort of behavior at a very early age. I mean, who hasn’t seen a little toddler-sized girl batting her eyelashes at some b-o-y in the booth next door at Denny’s while slung over her mama’s shoulder?

The truth is that this goes on because we are HARD-WIRED to know the differences between genders from a very, very early age. And even MORE interestingly, it would appear that we’re basically born knowing how to interact with MOTOS and even generate attraction….all without any fear of “rejection”, natch.

I mean, “rejection”? What infant with parents who care has had any opportunity to get jaded by THAT yet?

And therein lies the irony.

It’s somewhere along the line later that the majority of us somehow lose our moxie and perhaps even our natural-born ability to be attractive to MOTOS…let alone flirt with them.

Not being a child psychologist, or any other kind of one either, I don’t have all the answers as to how or why all of this is what it is.

And granted, you can bet my kid has no idea what to actually do with these g-i-r-l-s once he actually “meets” them. Relationship management comes later, I suppose.

But I do know that if my eleven-month-old kid can “approach women” without fear and “create attraction”, then people older than he is should remain able to do so also.

Be Good,





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A Powerful Way To Lead A Woman

What I’m going to share with you today is the kind of the elusive obvious that can totally make or break your interaction with the woman. If you frequently finish in the “just friends” zone with the woman or you are sometimes unable to transition your conversation with the girl from the “intelligent and witty” into the “naughty and intense” then this may be just that missing piece of the puzzle for you.

You know that women are emotional creatures. And they like to be led forward in your interaction with them. As one of my friends rightly said: “Women want you to lead them into the places they don’t yet realise they want to go.” So how do you lead a woman towards experiencing some powerful emotions about you, such as attraction, comfort, trust, and excitement? That’s right, you should lead her with your own emotions!



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You Introverts Think You’ve Got It Tough?

Hey brothers, first of all, apologies for neglecting my contributions to this wealth of knowledge. I have been busy trying to acquire my first property and moving out. Thanks for your responses to my previous blog on cold approaches (and why they are so last century).

I have not always been an extrovert. In fact, in school I was one of the shyest kids out there. I was always content to observe the token hot chicks at school from afar and hang out with my so-called friends who I really had no interest in connecting with.

Tony Robbins says that you can do anything if you have a strong enough “why”. So, when I got to university, I intensified the pain I was feeling and used it to motivate myself to approach relentlessly. I would take up empty seats next to people and introduce myself. I quickly became known as that “fun, social guy from my psych class” and the title became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Within a few months I was hanging out with people whose company I actually enjoyed.

Before I knew it, I was taking good company for granted and the five years of my degree had flown by. I took up a job in the city and started getting out into the real world. I started spending more late nights in the city. A consequence of this was that it took about an hour to get home.



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Who Says The Leading Man ISN’T About Pickup, After All?

Okay, so you’ve been hearing me tell you about how The Leading Man is all about relationship management. And although I do share some secrets for establishing yourself as a relationship manager from minute one when you meet a woman, mostly I’ve been saying that The Leading Man focuses on what happens after pickup.

That’s all well and good, because there are plenty of pickup products out there already–and virtually nothing on how to have a solid long-term relationship with the right woman for you. Sure, a few scattered programs may give lightweight lip service to the importance of being able to keep women around long-term and such, but they always end up talking about how fast you can get any woman into bed…again. Right?

So I’ve been doing what I can to make it abundantly clear that The Leading Man is not about pickup.

Well, just when I think I have it all figured out…Victor from Hawaii stops me dead in my tracks with this e-mail:



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Structured Authentic Game

A few years ago when I was just starting on this journey to becoming a man who is successful with women, I studied a lot of material on the structure of “outer” game. As many people here would know, a lot of various seduction-related sources agree on the general structure of the game. This can be loosely divided into the following sections: opening, building attraction, qualification, developing rapport or comfort & trust, and seduction.

At the time, I learnt a lot of canned lines and stories to be told during each of these stages to successfully progress to the next “level” in the seduction process. And I must tell you, I had a few issues with this approach.

Mainly, I felt that a lot of the material was totally incongruent to my personality, and instead of showing my real myself, I was presenting a girl with some kind of artificial “Pick Up Persona”. This persona was also extremely hard to maintain when I met the girl the next time, or to develop a relationship with the girl. And as honesty and authenticity are my core values, no wonder that I didn’t enjoy much that kind of game.



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Name Memorization And The Art Of Working the Room

X & Y Communications Coach Austin ParkerBefore you read this post, I ask that you ready yourself to learn and apply what you’re about to read.

When I first got into pickup this was my “working the room” game and it brought me much success. I challenge you to try this at your next customer meeting, house party, or night out.

Without further ado:

In the past I was terrible with names. When I was in college I was an orientation team leader one year. I had 20 freshman and I struggled with their names. To me this was embarrassing. Ask yourself, how can you hope to project any kind of interest in someone if you can’t even get their name right?

For this post I will discuss three types of learning senses: Audio, visual, and kinesthetic. We’ve all heard “use someones name as soon as you meet them”, or “visualize the person naked with their name tattooed across their forehead”, and you can think of others. I learned another technique that helped me as a kinesthetic (learn by doing!) guy. After you learn someone’s name and successfully repeat it, use your writing hand and discreetly go through the motion of writing their name with your hand.



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Your Phone Game Tip For The Day

Once upon a time, there was a guy. Let’s call him Dan. He worked for a major courier company, delivering parcels on the same route just about every day.

There was one particular business on his route where a particularly attractive receptionist worked. Let’s call her Maryanne. She had been on the job for a few weeks, and our hero had gradually turned up the banter each time he had seen her there.

It was only occasionally that this particular business received parcels, so he knew he had to make the most of every opportunity when he saw her.

Finally, one glorious day, Dan gathered up his nerve and asked Maryanne for her phone number.

She immediately and noticeably brightened up, and eagerly scribbled her number on the back of a business card. She handed it to Dan with a smile, and said…”Yes! Call me!”

After the customary three days had passed, courier-dude texted her one bright morning. “Hey there, Maryanne. It’s Dan. What’s up?”

Dan waited. But there was no answer. When evening had come, and he couldn’t take it anymore, he fired off another text. “Hey Maryanne. I’m sure you’re busy, but get back to me when you get a chance.”

But there was still no answer. Only crickets chirping and pins dropping.

As fortune would have it, Dan had a package the next day that required delivery where Maryanne worked.

Nervously, he walked in the door. As soon as he made eye contact with Maryanne, she looked away immediately. Obviously sensing the awkwardness of the situation, neither said a word to each other as Dan dropped off the package.

About an hour after leaving, Dan couldn’t get Maryanne off his mind. This time, he texted her the following message: “OK, Maryanne, what’s wrong? Did I upset you somehow?”

You guessed it…no answer.

Having pretty much lost all hope of dating Maryanne, Dan’s emotional state turned to anger and resentment toward her. “How come there aren’t any pretty women out there who don’t play games? And how come they are all so flighty and immature?”

Two days later, Dan had another package to be delivered where Maryanne worked. When he walked in, Maryanne once again avoided eye contact with renewed awkwardness.

But Dan’s frustration got the best of him. “OK, look”, Dan said, “I texted you a whole bunch of times, and I can’t believe you’ve completely ignored me! Where do you get off flirting with guys and looking all happy when they ask you for your phone number, when all you’re going to do is mess with their heads!?”

The answer Dan received was as terse as they come.

Maryanne had given Dan her home phone number…which was a land line, of course.

Be Good,





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Make Your Authentic Voice Heard

As I was driving home a couple of days ago thinking about writing this post, I got a message from my friend that sounded a bit new-agey but perfectly summarised some of my ideas on how we can relate to women from the position of authenticity.

That message said: “In your most authentic self your subconscious will appoint you to positions of spectacular grandeur. Unfortunately your well meaning but overactive mind replaces these appointments of success with positions of failure and inadequacy. It is only this reflex dis-appointment that prevents you from achieving your most fantastic, wondrous and incredible goals, because to your true self they are not goals but inevitable realities.”

As you know, there is a lot of advice out there in the Seduction Community telling men canned lines and stories to be told to women to win their hearts. This advice assumes that what you have to say as a man is not good enough to be told and has to be substituted with someone else’s lines.

But is this really true? Don’t you have your unique, authentic voice deep inside that always knows what to say and how to say it?



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