Lately there’s been lots of talk about “natural game”…as if all we need to do is emulate a guy who we see as a “natural”, and we’ll somehow become more attractive to women.
Now sure, having some guys who are great with women show you the ropes isn’t such a bad idea. But do we really need to copy someone else’s entire persona in order to successfully attract the kind of women we want?
Well, a lot of us as guys have been suspecting something all along: We are all “naturals”. By being born male, we’re supposed to be attractive to women by our very nature. Simply put, you were BORN to attract women.
So it’s time for guys everywhere to put aside social messages that masculinity is somehow a “bad thing” or even “a thing of the past” and take back our birthright as men.
After all, the most feminine, desirable women out there really, truly want real men to make a comeback.
Sound like the kind of idea that could make you stand up and cheer? Well, wait until you see the video interview I recently did with a young woman…who confirms everything we’re talking about here is true indeed.
(By the way, in case you’re wondering, she’s “considered good looking by her friends”…let’s just say that.)
That amazing interview is actually the very first thing you see when you head to the website for The Master Plan.
And once you’re there, you’ll find that The Master Plan packs some serious firepower.
This is the deep dive on being a “Big Four” man that you guys have been hammering me for…along with a ton of other surprises just for good measure. [Hint: There are TEN BONUSES from some of the heaviest hitters out there]
Let’s just say that if you follow The Master Plan carefully, you’re going to be way more likely to actually be ready for a great woman when she walks into your life. In fact, I have a 365 day guarantee to back that up.
Seriously, this is one action-packed program that’s contains absolutely zero “fluff”. Here’s that link again so you can check it all out for yourself, which I highly encourage:
Watch the video I just told you about, opt in to the interest list for The Master Plan , and then get five more free videos. Each of those videos delivers a powerful tip that you can start using RIGHT NOW to start attracting higher quality women.
By the way, you should get on The Master Plan list if you’re on my regular newsletter list already, because I’m sending out special goodies to guys on that list exclusively.
You’ve probably been fed the frustrating dating advice to “just be yourself” somewhere along the way. But what if “being yourself” actually worked for a change? My personal belief is that The Master Plan will make all the difference in changing guys lives all over the world so that becomes a reality.
So be sure to take a look, and definitely share your comments below.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
We really do want the REAL men, Scot. And there are still too few of them around.
Erika’s last blog post: Postscript to the "Saying No" Article
I couldn’t agree more, Erika. We’re doing our best to change that for you. LOL