I Wasn’t Kidding. High Quality Women Exist, For High Quality Men

Ali From MiamiIf you read my newsletter this week you heard me talk about how a shocking number of guys think “all women” (especially American ones) are deceitful, manipulative golddiggers who’ll cheat on you, leave you and take all your money.

Yeah, well. You also heard me talk about how most guys who throw that level of blame over all women like a blanket should take a look in the mirror. After all, it’s easier to blame others than to deserve what you want (a concept one reader termed “profound”…go figure).

But don’t get me wrong, guys. I ain’t mad atcha. My #1 goal–as always–is simply to empower you to get GREAT WOMEN into your life. But you know how it is. It’s hard to transfer into reality a concept that you don’t even BELIEVE IN.

And rest assured, truly high-quality women aren’t like Santa Claus. They’re 100% real, whether you like it or not. They’re usually not overweight, old or bearded either. Nor do they get stuck in your chimney. Come to think of it, though, they do sometimes bring nice gifts.

I digress.

See that picture up there? That’s Ali from Miami. Here’s the e-mail I got from her after she read that last newsletter:

“AMEN!!! I am going to mass print this newsletter and give it to EVERY man I meet that complains that there aren’t any GOOD women out here. And I meet A LOT of them. I am amazed at how many men are disillusioned by MOTOS. Real or perceived, I don’t know. But it seems to be an epidemic. Just take a look at the Headlines/Opening lines on many male online profiles. Probably the most popular opener is….”Are there any good women out there”? I read this and scream…YES, YES there is! Me, Me.

I am a woman of the highest echelon and I am holding out for a man who deserves me! We will deserve each other.

Thank you Scot for the best newsletter yet!”

Yeah, well. I’m not surprised. I’m not surprised by Ali’s message OR her existence. Just in case any of you are attempting to believe that my relationship with Karaoke-girl (two posts below this one) is all “staged” or something, there’s more evidence for you that I’m not blowing smoke about all this “high quality women” stuff.

By the way, did you happen to catch the fact that Ali’s ONLINE? So tell me, what is it going to take for some of you guys out there to finally get your hands on this and start participating in life as we know it around here? Go back and dust off yesterday’s newsletter and getchasum using the killer coupon I sent you. It’s time for a whole new attitude…and some serious success with great women that is beyond your dreams.

What? You aren’t getting the X & Y Communications Weekly Newsletter yet? That means you aren’t getting my frequent cool surprises reserved for newsletter subscribers. It’s all FREE, of course, and you can start getting it (and STOP missing out) simply by using the form at the upper right corner of this blog.

Be Good,



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