Okay, so you’ve been hearing me tell you about how The Leading Man is all about relationship management. And although I do share some secrets for establishing yourself as a relationship manager from minute one when you meet a woman, mostly I’ve been saying that The Leading Man focuses on what happens after pickup.
That’s all well and good, because there are plenty of pickup products out there already–and virtually nothing on how to have a solid long-term relationship with the right woman for you. Sure, a few scattered programs may give lightweight lip service to the importance of being able to keep women around long-term and such, but they always end up talking about how fast you can get any woman into bed…again. Right?
So I’ve been doing what I can to make it abundantly clear that The Leading Man is not about pickup.
Well, just when I think I have it all figured out…Victor from Hawaii stops me dead in my tracks with this e-mail:
Hey Scot,
First and foremost, I had the opportunity to put what I’ve been learning in the Leading Man [into practice] last night. I was invited to go out with a girl and her friends. The sex ratio was 7 guys : 5 girls. I chose to put out the confident, safe energy that your advocate, and IT WORKED.
We went to a Japanese restaurant where the menu is not designed for English readers. (A little like engrish.com.) So I was in high demand since I was the only one who frequented that restaurant enough to know what was good. Because I write for the College Newspaper as a food critic, the girls loved the idea of “getting advice from mr. food critic.”
One of the guys was (obviously) trying to get numbers/make out, and he failed. He tried escalating after introducing himself, with no rapport or conversation. It was amusing and embarrassing to watch. He ended giving up and focusing on his half-empty pitcher of beer. If I see him again, I will slip him your website addy-last night I was having too much fun.
Through out the process of the night, I got a total of 4 phone numbers, a personal best! That’s including a girl that I just met outside of a bar-she gave me her number is less than 2 minutes.
The best part about the Leading Man is that it does not alienate the other men at the table. In PUA, there seems to be a trend to separate yourself from the other men in the room-which can make you a lot of enemies, even if you don’t “pick up” a girl. With the confident and safe energy approach, you don’t offend any of the other guys. As a matter of fact, I even bonded with the other “alpha” guy at our table. When the girls wanted to go to an overpriced ice cream parlor, we went to the bar right across the street. After a pitcher of beer, he introduced me to one of his friends from Japan (a hottie no less) and BAM, one more number.
I’m a super advocate of your program, Scot. Thanks for putting out such a great product and I hope to try it again tonight when I go with another friend to see a college band play at a college bar. Thanks for everything.
Okay, now, you’ve gotten me to thinking on that one, Victor.
If you get right down to it, being The Leading Man has everything to do with pickup. It’s just that it’s not all about pickup.
What it all boils down to is that if you can become the high-quality man who attracts women long-term, then you are also–pretty much by definition–exactly the guy who is going to attract them at the very beginning, also. Go figure.
No tricks. No “openers”. And especially no “AMOGs”. Just ignition of femininity, par excellence.
Well, yeah. It all makes perfect sense now that I think about it. If you “get it” with regard to how to keep a woman, you likely are going to “get it” when it comes to meeting and attracting them up front also. Ultimately, though, that’s really how character-based game works, isn’t it?
So good job, Victor. Thanks for making my day, and for giving me a solid new perspective on things. And be sure to tell me how it goes later tonight, too, okay?
Ultimately, though, that’s really how character-based game works, isn’t it?
But rest assured, I’m still not going to be changing the story on The Leading Man. The last thing I want to do is confuse the marketplace claiming it’s another pickup product. We’ll just keep Victor’s story in context with the “bigger picture”, deal?
So here’s the link:
By the way, be sure to get in on the mailing list. I’m giving away more free stuff than you’ve ever seen in one place.
I’ll talk to you again in a few days.
Be Good,
From a woman’s perspective relationship management begins at the approach phase. I believe there’s nothing more impressive or attractive in a man then showing his true character and maintaining his integrity throughout the various phases of the relationship. Too many men establish a great rapport and build an indelible image in a woman’s mind and then forget what they did. Is it so difficult for a man to PRESENT himself in a certain manner, and is surprised when a woman EXPECTS him to MAINTAIN that?
I couldn’t agree more, JMH.
A guy can’t be just a “pickup artist”. He has to be a “relationship artist”. Consider that trademarked. LOL
Seriously, guys…read what JMH is saying here and THEN watch the first video AND the last one at http://www.the-leading-man.com.
BTW, I promise I’m not paying women to write this stuff. They really mean it.