In the corporate world brand identity is very important as it makes a product more memorable. If we use Coca Cola as an example, they have a very recognisable brand.
They have their red swirly pattern all over everything.
All their bottles have it and all of their staff wear it (in some form or another). It’s on their business cards, letterhead and even in bright lights on their head office.
By having such a solid brand identity, you can easily recognise them as Coke.
Now how do we convert this idea of branding for companies and products to ourselves?
We need to think in terms of how we present ourselves–our lives and how we look-as our brand.
If you’re a cool, calm, sophisticated guy, you wouldn’t necessarily be wearing a giant purple fuzzy hat when you go out at night.
This doesn’t only relate to night game.
For a long time I wanted to be viewed as a cool, calm, sophisticated guy with confidence and passion. However, when I would go to the shops or hang out with mates, I would wear my grubby old joggers (super comfy), an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt that wasn’t terribly flattering.
So when I would be talking to someone my personality was how I am, but my clothes weren’t.
Also, the way you walk and move also tells people a lot about you.
I didn’t walk terribly confidently, even though I was confident. Do you think I got many phone numbers? Not a chance! They thought my personality was a fake–that I wasn’t being myself.
Now this doesn’t just relate to the clothes you wear. You will want to try to continue the theme of your brand through all aspects of your life.
Everything needs to be congruent to you, and your personality.
Same scenario as above: You are a cool, calm sophisticated guy. You have clothes that now match your personality. Your walk also matches your personality now…and you get a phone number, and perhaps a date.
When you end up bringing the woman back to your place, you had better hope it all is congruent with how you have portrayed yourself.
Does having comic books laying around match your personality you want to portray? How about torn posters of 80s rock bands on your walls? If that is you then that’s fine, totally go for it.
Its not possible to change your personal brand identity by just dressing differently or by cleaning your apartment, though. That’s not how it happens.
It’s important to understand that if your clothes and other areas of your life aren’t congruent with your core identity then you are sending mixed messages, which can be confusing.
If you are not satisfied with your core identity (personality), you need to change that identity (inner game) before you start aligning your outer identity with your core identity.
Personal branding is pretty much about setting your life up to match your personality. Think of it as aligning everything in your life to point in the same direction. You don’t want your clothes saying you’re smart and successful and your apartment saying you’re a college bum.
Think about Everything. Your clothes, your hairstyle, your attitude, your apartment, your way of life, your energy levels, everything that could tell someone about who you are. Do they all tell same story?
–Dave W.
brand recognition, details, they notice the details and how they relate (or not) to the whole package. the nike swoosh says to the athlete, confidence ambition, drive , hard work, dedication,. what does a manicure on a man say to a women? hygene, self image, stlye ….the devil is in the details. very important.
You know what else? Women see this overall congruence and it gives them a sense of trust that the guy they are dealing with is REAL.
Security rules with women, of course, so this effect isn’t to be underestimated.
Nice first article for the blog, Dave.
Please see below. Just figured how to use quotes on here!
Indeed. That should be the crucial first step. First to find your identity, who you are and what you want in life, and then reallign all the outer aspects of your life in agreement with that.
Nice post, Dave.
Congruence is what it’s all about, that’s why pua beginners who attempt to peacock come off as average chumps with a furry hat (or boa). It’s a tough battle to balance what you think you are with who you really are, but taking steps towards this goal will definitely begin to shift your identity.