True Story: How To Handle AMOG Attempts By Pro Athletes

First of all, I just wanted to let everyone know that it’s me, Scot, who is posting this. Jim didn’t originally intend for what you are about to read to be a blog post. He was simply dropping me a note to tell me what had happened the night before. Posting it is purely my doing.

As a coach for X & Y Communications, Jim has come a LONG way with women in a relatively short amount of time. These days he’s got the greatest woman he’s ever met in his life…and she apparently is just as happy as he is. What you’re about to read underscores that.

Enjoy this story from Jim. In my mind, it clearly demonstrates the all-conquering power of being a “big four” man, as outlined in The Master Plan.


Hey Scot,

Funny story for you from last night. So Heidi and I went to a country night down the street from where I live at a local watering hole I frequent. Heidi was looking GORGEOUS and dropping jaws and derailing freight trains last night.

So she and I noticed a table of guys who were being extremely obvious staring at girls and then saying the usual stuff. So Heidi went to go to the bathroom and I could not help but smile when the three of them were staring at her with their tongues hanging out.



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Retail Stores: Maximize Your Numbers In The Dating Game

Hey guys, this article hit my mind as I thought about my journey in the dating game. Retail stores, malls, etc. are fantastic places to start out if you are just beginning your self change in the dating game. It’s a great place to get over fear of approach, work on successful banter, and become comfortable in your own shoes. On the flip side, if you are successful already, this is a great place to keep going on your journey of authenticity and strong character, all the while having a bit of fun and enjoying the dating game.

If you are just beginning this journey, you probably have a ton of stuff running in your head. Icebreakers to open the conversation, what do I say next, tests, body language, etc. It can be overwhelming. For some cold approaches are difficult. However I still believe that you just have to harness those nerves of a cold approach and enjoy them, and just go over and do it. Now in a retail store, those nerves are a little less. Why? Well the women there are being paid to work, and they have to be courteous to you. However, know this, they are at work, they are most likely wanting to have a break from the routine, and have someone light up their day. Also in no way are you obligated to buy anything.



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Mainstream “Dating Experts” And The Mama’s Boys Who Love Them

Over Thanksgiving, I was in my hotel room flipping through the small amount of channels on the television. I stopped on one of those morning shows. You know the typical ones. The people are over the top happy, Rachael Ray cooks a roast in two minutes, and corny jokes are made.

So right before I was about to change over to Sportscenter, I heard that they were bringing on two dating experts to talk about a couple of things. The topics to be discussed were: what it means when he is crying, why he texts you, first date manners, and what is he or she really saying.

I had to stay tuned in. After the commercial, the two “experts” were there. It was a guy and a girl. The guy was a very metro looking guy who was a DJ on Cosmo satellite radio. Strike one and two, trust me. The girl I believe either worked for Cosmo magazine or something similar to that nature. Before they opened their mouths I had an open mind to see what they had to say. Needless to say, before I get into it, they began arguing with each other like two 8 year olds.



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The Power of Being Observant In Pickup

Ok guys, around here it is mentioned a lot how a man can almost have what appears to be superpowers with a woman. Being observant is yet another one of those powers.

I find it to be the most important aspect in my dating game, especially lately. It takes experience, it takes ups and downs but then you will notice it starts to make a huge difference. It is about being observant in multiple different situations. Whether you are just about to try to pick her up, meeting someone for a date for the first time, an icebreaker on the fly, AMOG’ing another guy out, escalating kino, conflict resolution, etc. and etc., observation is a strong tool.

The key to a lot of it is being able to, in a sense, slow things down. A key part of this is body language. I mentioned in my article “From Russia with Love” about body language–Bond always has calm under fire. I do not walk into a bar, going, “OK…time to find my targets, and then point 5.6 to neg 3 minus, calibrate my energy and inoculate the number, target 6 will get canned line 7….”.

Yes I have a game plan, yes I have a structure…but it is simple. It is natural to me, I am not a robot about it. I see my whole game lately having a core of being observant in any situation.

I will give some key examples below how being observant will put you in the power of choosing, and putting things in slow motion. Remember gentlemen, it takes a lot of experience, mistakes, ups and downs, but with each situation you are fine tuning yourself.



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When It’s Time To Break Up

Breakups, ending the relationship, moving on–the wild emotional roller coaster ride that follows or ensues during. It can be one of the toughest emotional deals to go through, or at least that is the thought of many while enduring it. I will discuss a few things in the following article of when it is time to break up, and how to move on. My experience in this area mainly deals with the male perspective, yet I am sure both genders can pick up something from this. I will give two scenarios that I am familiar with.

Scenario One Are you now in a relationship where you are constantly questioning whether or not you are happy? At night maybe you are dreaming of that blonde you saw in the park, or reminiscing about your old sweetheart from say college.

Chances are it is time to move on. Idealism and the “Hallmark Fantasy” are what may be blinding you here. By “Hallmark Fantasy” I mean you met this person, and it was great at first, but now it has lost its pizazz.

Hanging on like this is settling. It is also very dangerous. The other party may know the relationship has lost its spark. You have long discussions almost on the verge of heartbreak, yet heartstrings are pulled by the other and no break up happens. The other party agrees to make things better, to try the other’s activities.

Then for maybe a few weeks, you say everything is better, then it goes back into that old rut. The cycle begins again. The discussions, the emotions go up and down.

If you find yourself in this scenario, it is time to move on. The other party is not suited for you. They may be a great person, however they are not great for you.

Men usually hate to lose, and women know how to pull an emotional strings. Men see that happening and do not want to end it. So they keep trying. Stop the torture to yourself and move on. It will be difficult, but you should never settle…and your truly amazing person might be right around the corner.



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Rejection And The Rules Of Approach [Part Two]

As promised in Part One, let me give you an example from my Saturday night.

One group was sitting awkwardly at the bar, in a big circle they made with a bunch of meathead looking guys to their right. I could not tell if they were friends or not.

One other girl looked completely miserable, while her friend was completely coddled by a guy. Yet another girl gave me a huge long up and down look then she went to the bar and was nearly lying on it talking to the bartender.

A second group, well they all had on rings and then their husbands came over.

In another group was a cute bunch of girls who just walked in, and were smiling and laughing.

Now, I was hoping the band would take a break soon because it was simply way too hard to talk. I had surveyed my options, and it was almost like a fun version of “musical chairs”.

So back to group one. They were sitting weirdly at the bar and one guy seemed to have a girlfriend in the group. I said, “Let’s walk around, they are not going anywhere for a bit.”

Now I have no problem approaching a group with guys but I like to study it a bit before deciding on a plan. Basically I look for wedding bands, really drunk guys or girls in the group, or an argumentative group.

Once talking to them, a key I look for is if the girls are kinda interested when talking to them, with matching body language. When I see that, I know I have an opportunity to open the group and basically just begin talking.



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Rejection And The Rules Of Approach [Part One]

Two limiting beliefs come to mind for me in night game, and any time overall, really.

These involve rejection and the so-called rules of approach. Too many times we wrap ourselves up in both of these things with certain stigmas and beliefs and end up adding way too much to the whole thing.

Rejection: In my opinion, rejection is your greatest tool to learn how to move forward. Yet, society shows and tells a different story.

We have seen it, right? Guy goes up to girl, drink is thrown. This is so rare in reality, but guys really do think it will happen.

More realistic is this scenario. Guy talks to girl, girl blows off guy. Guy goes and complains about it to his buddies, they say, “Well you tried.” Guy goes home and feels self pity and complains more…to himself.

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Body Language: From Russia With Love

Last night, I was watching From Russia with Love. Its one of the best Sean Connery Bond films, and it made me think a lot about my article, Body Language and your overall presentation.

Gentlemen, how you present yourself plays such an important role with MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex) and everything in general. I am sure we have all heard the term “a picture paints a thousand words”. Well how you present yourself paints a lot more than that. I will go over a few key points.

Swagger, strut, walk the walk, and exude your frame.

What is it I mean by this?

Guys when you walk, so many times we are just moving our lower body, our head down, just bearing down at wherever. Pick that head up, relax your eyelids, and flow.

Picture yourself as if you are walking through a pool. Move your upper body, believe that you are a famed celebrity. Stick your chest out, and use good posture. Swing your arms a bit. Almost feel as if you are slowing down.

Smoothness is key. I really emphasize at first visualizing walking through a pool or some type of resistance. Let your shoulders and upper body move a bit. Look, observe, life is too short to keep your head down. I almost feel like I am leaning back and breathing in life and just loving it.

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