Ten Days In Mexico [Part Two]

From Deep In The Heart Of Texas To Deep In The Heart Of Mexico


Hanging out a mile or two from la frontera (the border) is one thing.

Descending past about 30 miles into the “interior” of Mexico is something else completely. And I’m talking both figuratively and literally.

Yeah, in many ways it feels like the “wild, wild west” once you’re beyond the gringo-rich bordertown atmosphere.

But then there’s la aduana, or “customs” as it’s best translated into English.

Now clearly Mexico would rather you not bring your U.S.-registered vehicle into their precious country. In fact, they apparently have more of a phobia of your car for some reason then the State Of Texas, Farmer’s Insurance and GMAC do combined. Whatever their hang-up, it’s obviously an untold calamity worse than your kick-ass symbol of American gas-guzzling extreme being pilfered under cover of the night (or by banditos during broad daylight?) and whisked off to some “chop shop” never to be recovered.

Then again, what does Farmer’s care? Once you’re past la aduana you’re pretty much on your own as far as they’re concerned. This means that a subtle form of low-grade extortion known as “Mexican Auto Insurance” is a must. The cost? Only roughly 8-10 times the cost of equivalent US insurance for a similar coverage period.

Sooner than later, you realize that’s a bargain. After all, one of the most bizarre fundamentals of Mexican culture is that people just flat-out have distinctively less respect for the value of their own lives than I’ve ever seen in any country in the world.

Emily claims that this has a lot to do with the ubiquitous Catholic Church’s teaching that God will take you when he feels like it, and that there’s not much we humans can do about it when “our time” comes.

I think that explanation carries a certain amount of verisimilitude based on what I’ve seen. Hell, if such a philosophy indeed rules the day then it obviously applies to animals also. Mexicano drivers appear to have a shocking propensity for mowing down any vertebrate (human or otherwise) that crosses their asphalt path without so much as a tap on the brakes.

But back to the story.

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Ten Days In Mexico [Part One]

Welcome to the first of a multi-part series chronicling the hijinks, escapades and even life-shaking epiphanies experienced on our recent adventure driving into the heart of Mexico. Fair warning…this series isn’t completely focused on dating and seduction advice, but if you read on you’re sure to find plenty of highly applicable information nonetheless. Most of all, I hope you enjoy this series as a quick break from your busy day and from the serious business of life…Cheers.

After A Fair Share Of Paperwork Hassles, It's Wide-Open Road Ahead


Quieres whisky?

The tuxedo-clad Mexican waiter catches me off guard.

Absolutamente“, I answer solemnly but resolutely.

We’re now at the reception after Emily’s cousin’s wedding that, in the unforgettable words of Yogi Berra, “made this day necessary”.

Actually, it’s what inspired the entire trip.

And since we were already through what we had imagined to be the most brutal part of the journey by the time we made it to Ciudad Juarez anyway, we figured we’d do the “deep dive” and say hola to Emily’s relatives further south.

And believe me, the whisky was sounding really good by the time it was offered up.

You see, the previous thirty hours or so had been something else.

For starters, the drive from San Antonio to El Paso is notorious. Let’s just say that the first thing you see when you hit I-10 in San Antonio is a sign that says “El Paso — 538”.

When I say there is nothing in between that sign and the one that says “Welcome To El Paso, Home Of Some Pretty Good Carnitas Tacos”, I’m including the town of Fort Stockton, TX.

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On A “Working Vacation” In Mexico

As many of you who get our newsletter already know, Emily and I are driving around Mexico this week. We’re visiting friends and family, knocking back a few cervezas, and generally enjoying the promise of a rich experience that Mexico never fails to deliver upon.

While we´re here, we´re planning on recording some Spanish language video blogs. There are clearly way too few resources on dating and seduction en Español, so why not be part of the solution instead of the problem?

Now our Español is far from perfect, but we can at least talk our way out of peligro at the aduana without having to bribe anyone, gracias. So, this should be fun. ¡Andale!

Having been here a few days, we´re about ready to go for it. We’re in Cd. Chihuahua today, headed south. So there are some great places to do video.

By the way, we have Internet access (obviously), but only for a brief period daily. We´re answering messages, if not quite as quickly as usual.

We should be wrapping this trip up sometime over the weekend, and posting videos shortly thereafter.

Vaya Con Dios,


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The Top Ten Most Underrated Dating/Seduction Gurus

I believe it’s high time for there to be a list of the “unsung heroes” of men’s dating and seduction advice.
After all, there are plenty of published lists of top PUAs and/or dating “gurus” that tend to be populated by the same guys year after year. So I see this as a chance to introduce you to some of the guys you may not have already heard about…but should.

So here’s my list of the top ten “fast movers” and “under the radar” guys. By the way, the list is alphabetical not hierarchical.

1) Alonzo Jennings

Alonzo hails from the San Francisco Bay Area and is an interesting cat to say the least. His vision is to combine a vision for life coaching and motivational speaking with an ancillary focus on dating advice and how to get better with women.

So impressed was I with Alonzo’s gig, that I recently had him join me for a bonus program that went out to my Power Sessions For Men guys. The response was overwhelmingly positive…enough that Alonzo will be on VIRTUOSITY and perhaps The Chick Whisperer in the near future.

2) Ask Romeo

Jae, Allen, Shrop and the rest of the crew at AskRomeo have some serious game. Better yet, they have serious talent for being able to impart what they know to others. With something like twenty coaches spread out all over the U.S., there’s someone on the team who just about everyone can relate to.

Jae and Shrop both have done extraordinarily strong VIRTUOSITY programs, each getting major accolades from listeners.

3) REDACTED (retired)

I first met REDACTED when he called me nearly a year and a half ago with a vision for entering the dating coaching business. Nowadays, he has built a nice practice for himself in Scottsdale, AZ and is about to release his first CD program.

His “wingwoman” service is starting to get well-deserved attention. Nowhere will you find a more genuine guy who is dedicated to his craft than REDACTED, so here’s hoping he hits the big-time soon.

4) Joseph South

Joseph South has a loyal following of listeners to his Joseph Went South podcast, a well-produced and insightful show highlighting the collective wisdom of JWS’s considerable life experience.

Joseph combines the right mix of edginess with an overall tone that lets you know he’s the kind of guy you could have a beer with. His “Early Frame Announcement” principle, which essentially describes how a woman openly tells you what her personality is like soon after meeting her, is one of the most intuitive bits of dating advice I’ve heard in a long time.

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One Dozen Top Dating And Seduction Resources For Men On The Net

Recently I did a video featuring all the cool resources on the Internet I could find for men when it comes to dating and seduction.

For fun, I’ve decided to list the twelve best (outside of the wide world of X & Y Communications, naturally…right?). I couldn’t come up with a clear winner so I’ve listed them in reverse alphabetical order:


Thundercat’s Seduction Lair

Joseph Matthew’s wildly popular portal for all things Seduction Community is often controversial, but always the source of an interesting read. With as much traffic his site gets, you’re always guaranteed something fresh and provocative. It’s the “gloves off” approach, all the way, which here in Texas is never a bad thing.

BTW, I’m still trying to figure out how I get traffic from TSL every other minute even though I can’t find any of my links there anywhere. I’ve been meaning to give Thundy a call and ask him about that.


OK, granted. There are some BITTER dudes on Allen’s forums. But that’s one popular message board nonetheless. What truly sets So Suave apart, however, is the completely novel way that articles are posted on the front page. Brief, focused material gets the nod, and that nod is often given to people who are normal, every day guys who contributed their coolest bits of advice.

And once your material makes that front page, it’s highlighted for literally weeks. Allen chooses the best of the best, and adds only one or two articles to the rotation every week.

Seduction Chronicles

This is an exceptionally well thought out site that is pleasing not only to the eye but to the intellect. Donovan somehow manages to incorporate a literally staggering amount of high-quality content while keeping a clean interface. The quantity and the quality of interaction on this site is unparalleled. Definitely a must-read.


What the guys at Sargenation have done is set up a blog-aggregation site that essentially acts as a clearinghouse for every major blog on dating and seduction out there. Visitors can log in and vote their favorites to the top of the list, while partaking of tons of additional content. Very user-friendly and well stocked on a regular basis with high-quality reads.

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Brad Howard’s Adonis Effect — Every REAL Advantage Is A GOOD Advantage

Brad Howard's New

Have you seen this yet? There’s some buzz about it so you may have.

Brad “Angel Eyes” Howard… author of more books and articles than anyone I know (except me)… including the popular Fat Loss Black Book… just sent me a special copy of his new collaboration called “The Adonis Effect“.

I have to admit it took me a bit of time to grasp the true “gravitas” of this particular deal. But basically, that’s only because I’m one of three options: 1) Too dense to “get it”, 2) Too dense LITERALLY to get it (let’s just say I could use this program), and/or… 3) The Adonis Effect is so different than anything else out there that you have to think outside the proverbial box to get your head around this piggy.

I wish I had more time to get more into this but needless to say… I’ll be putting this to good use myself.

So today was the big launch, and these guys are only guaranteeing 500 copies of the fast action version of The Adonis Effect.

After that, I’m told that they’ll likely pull the “Explode” bonus… which is something that you definitely want to get
your hands on.
Brad Howard's
By the way, I threw my own hat into the ring in the form of a special bonus audio program on Real Seduction that I did with Joseph “Thundercat” Matthews. I’ve been selling that as a standalone product lately, but you can get it as part of the killer Adonis Effect package.

If you want to reserve your copy (and I HIGHLY recommend you
do!), then you need to click here right now.

Seriously, this will provide you with a solid foundation in
life and could be the best thing that you do for yourself
in 2008 (if you got VIRTUOSITY in 2007, that is).

And here’s one last thing.

I hear that the current reservation list is well over the 13,000+ point so you’ll want to make sure you act fast to secure your copy and get the red hot bonuses.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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Hire Me As Your Dating Coach, Get Into A Top MBA Program

Ten-Plus Is Scot McKay's Most Popular Dating Coaching Program

As you already know, our dating coaching style is VERY different.

We talk about excellence a lot. Not just with women, but in life. That’s exactly what character-based attraction and seduction is all about. [Note: To certain black-hat “bootcampers” who are bogarting my term lately, I challenge you to a debate on how exactly “character-based” anything can be taught by a FICTIONAL character. But I digress.] You become a great man (as opposed to a “Mr. Nice Guy” or a “Bad Boy”) and you attract great women. It isn’t all that complicated.

So it’s perhaps not entirely unexpected to receive an e-mail like the one I just opened about a half-hour ago from Frank in Boston: Continue reading “Hire Me As Your Dating Coach, Get Into A Top MBA Program”


Product Image For Click With HimFive months in the making, Click With Him has finally been released to the world…specifically, to every sharp woman out there who refuses to settle for mediocrity when it comes to online dating.

And true to form, I’ve been awake since about eleven a.m. yesterday taking care of all the “background” details to make sure Emily’s new program is absolutely top-notch.

It is. That’s an understatement.

Emily has free videos for you when you sign up at www.clickwithhim.com. They’ve all been posted within the last 24 hours, so this is all new information.

In them, she offers a friendly intro…then it’s down to business. She has two videos that give away secrets that (in my educated opinion, as a guy) are about the most powerful online dating ideas for women I’ve ever seen put into words.

She has absolutely got it right…any woman who watches those two videos will be instantly more attractive to the RIGHT kind of guys. I can recognize that immediately. Hell, looking back, women who “got” what Emily’s talking about almost always caught my attention online.

So why is she giving this kind of information away?

I concept is very simple really. Once you hear what Emily has going on in two videos of less than a minute each, you are going to have a very good idea of what the rest of over ten hours of Click With Him magic can do for one’s dating life.

Plus, the truth is I can begin to do Click With Him justice in this blog post. Once you behold every wonder that awaits you (as written on Emily’s web page in all it’s pink glory), it’s going to occur to you: There will never again be a good excuse for a woman not to dramatically increase her online dating success.

Seventeen audio programs, including a complete plan for meeting the guy of your dreams in 30 days or less (backed by a real track record to prove it can be done).

An online profile “makeover” so comprehensive that over an hour of audio and a full-length video program are devoted to it.

How exactly to weed out cheaters. How to find a great guy even if his profile isn’t so great. How to make sure first dates go brilliantly…leading to second dates and more. Special guests, with more to come (did we mention that Click With Him is going to continue to expand, just like VIRTUOSITY for the guys?).

Emily has even figured out how what makes men want to commit to the right woman.

So my advice, for the moment, is to stop reading this blog and get in on all the excitement at Click With Him.

Even if you’re a guy, you should see what Emily is talking about. She’s so right on that any guys’ game would be helped just to soak some of this all in.

Every single program I’ve ever seen with six or eight CDs worth of material has gone for at least double the $97 ticket price for Click With Him . Well, except for Online Dating Domination, but that doesn’t count.

Speaking of Online Dating Domination (and VIRTUOSITY for that matter), I couldn’t allow myself to do a profile makeover video for Emily’s new project without doing the same for my bros.

It isn’t even on the web page yet, but RIGHT NOW you can get a full online profile tutorial video with either program. And yep…I’m making more. Use “xy35off” when you order, compliments of Yours Truly.

Yours Truly,


P.S. Now I’m taking a nap!



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She Thinks I Hung The Moon

Every Night There's A Full Moon Around Here

And she’s absolutely correct.

But it was nothing, really. And no false humility intended; all it took was a nail and one good whack from a hammer.

Here it is: What you see to the left isn’t really the moon. It’s something called “The Moon In My Room”, and that accurately fits the description of what’s going on in the picture.

It’s marketed by National Geographic and found in the toy department at Target for about $18 USD. In Europe it’s marketed by “Uncle Milton”, and my limited research indicates it costs a bit more across The Drink. But face it, kids “6 and up” already know what the moon looks like and what it does. The reality is all of that “politically correct” stuff about this thing being marketed as an “educational toy” is all just a flimsy front for the truth: This gadget is the baddest-ass potential addition to any guys’ bedroom since fitted sheets.

Seriously. Slapping this thing on the wall is tantamount to deploying a nuclear warhead. Forget lava lamps, black lights, etc. (or at least do so for now). If I have to describe the mood you can set with this thing in granular detail, you probably wouldn’t understand anyway. Let’s just say your bedroom can now pretty much be outside under a full moon in the summertime even if you happen to be cooped up in the Yukon Territory this time of year. Couple this outrageous nonsense with one of those “therapeutic sound” clock radios…set to “summer night” (i.e. crickets) or even “waves crashing” and you’ve got the very definition of passionate fantasy working in your favor.

You can select which phase you want the moon to be in, but having either a full or crescent moon in one’s room seem to me the only viable options, really. The lighting effect is impressively accurate. And get this–the thing has a remote control so you can manually change the phases. And an “off” timer. I’m not even going to ask you to repress the “Tim Allen” reaction.

Be Good,



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Best Wishes For A Happy New Year…And What’s In The Pipeline For 2008 [Video]

Emily joins me in sending along our sincere wishes for 2008 to be the best year for you ever. We’re looking forward to a great year ourselves, and you’re about to hear about some of what we have in store for y’all…

One of the things that wasn’t mentioned in the video is that we have a whole ‘nother set of video blogs coming up for you. Don’t touch that dial (does anyone under 25 even know what that means anymore?)

Be Good,



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Can Your Google Toolbar Do THIS?

OK, check it out. I was casually leafing through the last issue of Cliff’s List, which in and of itself is nothing unusual, when I found something that stopped me dead in my tracks. These days, it takes something altogether original to get that kind of reaction from me.

What I found was something called Diabolik’s Seduction Community Toolbar. Basically, somebody (namely “Diabolik”) who is apparently as gifted technologically as he is interested in improving his skills with women came up with the concept–and it’s completely cool.

Screenshot Of The Diabolik Seduction Community Toolbar

Basically, you download the lightweight application as you would Google’s Toolbar or anything similar. Installation is fast, intuitive and apparently bug-free. Then, the next time you open Internet Explore you have all the blogs, forums and associated other “goodies” from most of the big names in dating and seduction training for men at your fingertips. It’s like a “dating dashboard”. This is about as cool as it gets.

So definitely grab a heaping helping for yourself from the main download site. When you do, why not make your first official use of it to check out the Deserve What You Want forum? If you do, jump right in. These days we have FAR too many “lurkers” in relation to “posters”.

Be Good,



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