The Top Ten Most Underrated Dating/Seduction Gurus

I believe it’s high time for there to be a list of the “unsung heroes” of men’s dating and seduction advice.
After all, there are plenty of published lists of top PUAs and/or dating “gurus” that tend to be populated by the same guys year after year. So I see this as a chance to introduce you to some of the guys you may not have already heard about…but should.

So here’s my list of the top ten “fast movers” and “under the radar” guys. By the way, the list is alphabetical not hierarchical.

1) Alonzo Jennings

Alonzo hails from the San Francisco Bay Area and is an interesting cat to say the least. His vision is to combine a vision for life coaching and motivational speaking with an ancillary focus on dating advice and how to get better with women.

So impressed was I with Alonzo’s gig, that I recently had him join me for a bonus program that went out to my Power Sessions For Men guys. The response was overwhelmingly positive…enough that Alonzo will be on VIRTUOSITY and perhaps The Chick Whisperer in the near future.

2) Ask Romeo

Jae, Allen, Shrop and the rest of the crew at AskRomeo have some serious game. Better yet, they have serious talent for being able to impart what they know to others. With something like twenty coaches spread out all over the U.S., there’s someone on the team who just about everyone can relate to.

Jae and Shrop both have done extraordinarily strong VIRTUOSITY programs, each getting major accolades from listeners.

3) REDACTED (retired)

I first met REDACTED when he called me nearly a year and a half ago with a vision for entering the dating coaching business. Nowadays, he has built a nice practice for himself in Scottsdale, AZ and is about to release his first CD program.

His “wingwoman” service is starting to get well-deserved attention. Nowhere will you find a more genuine guy who is dedicated to his craft than REDACTED, so here’s hoping he hits the big-time soon.

4) Joseph South

Joseph South has a loyal following of listeners to his Joseph Went South podcast, a well-produced and insightful show highlighting the collective wisdom of JWS’s considerable life experience.

Joseph combines the right mix of edginess with an overall tone that lets you know he’s the kind of guy you could have a beer with. His “Early Frame Announcement” principle, which essentially describes how a woman openly tells you what her personality is like soon after meeting her, is one of the most intuitive bits of dating advice I’ve heard in a long time.

Online Dating Domination Means Meeting Your TOP CHOICES Among Women Online


5) Lance

Lance is one-half of the “Honey And Lance” blog authorship team. The juxtaposition of male and female seduction-friendly opinions is nothing short of priceless, and the quality of the writing equally so.

About three months ago I e-mailed Lance out of the blue just to let him know that I appreciated his stuff, to which he responded graciously.

To be completely forthright, Lance and I think very, very differently on a lot of subjects. But if your style matches his, you’re not going to find any more solid game in the blogosphere.

Honey’s writing is outstanding also, by the way. It’s just that my understanding of Lance’s role on the blog is more of a teaching/coaching one than Honey’s.

6) Martin Merrill

If you’ve heard of Martin Merrill before, it’s likely thanks to his killer book Make Women Laugh, of which there is no peer that I know of in the world of dating advice.

However, Martin is now putting the finishing touches on a program he calls Dating Voyance, a play on the word “clairvoyance”. Suffice it to say this will challenge much of what has been taught in the Seduction Community, and could represent a major turning point for many of the guys who are brave enough to tackle it.

7) Race and Kelly

Here it is. NOBODY has stronger game than these guys. Some may have skills that are just as good, but none BETTER. Race and Kelly started out as Hatch and Song_Bird in cyberspace, and their exploits as documented on their blog raised the collective eyebrows of everyone who happened across their blog.

Their gig is MySpace, and the number of smoking hot women these guys are pulling off that site is flat-out ridiculous. They hold house parties and invite 30 or 40 women at once because there is logistically no other way to meet them all.

Now they’ve finally released an e-book called Window Shopping For Women. To say it’s “recommended” would be tantamount to saying an Aston Martin DB8 is a “nice car”.

8) Ramon Thomas

South Africa’s premier dating coach is wildly popular in his own country, but not so well-known elsewhere. Perhaps this is because he’s so dad-blamed busy right where he is.

Nonetheless, Ramon’s outstanding writings are well worth checking out by anyone who wants a rational, “normal guy” take on all things from a decidedly level-headed and genuinely intelligent perspective.

Ramon has also set himself apart as a respected speed dating expert, a topic I discussed with him at length on a recent Online Dating Domination co-hosted program.

9) Ray Shiri

Ray’s Remote Seducer program is one of the few truly excellent online dating resources out there. I can list the others on one hand. This guy has a smooth, natural and decidedly urbane style that reminds me a lot of Sebastian Drake or Christian Hudson.

Impressed enough was I that I invited Ray to talk “Hot Or Not” game with me for the latest addition to Online Dating Domination. That’s still in the editing stage, but there’s good stuff coming I assure you.

10) Teddy Shabba

The word that comes to mind when I think of Teddy is “prolific”. Hit up, go to the “dating” section and you’ll quickly see that Teddy leads the entire world in terms of number of dating articles submitted to the world’s largest article distribution site.

I could be jealous, but then again I could also get off my tail section, write over twice as many article as I have so far and shut up about it.

Or wow…maybe not.

Let’s just give mad kudos to Teddy for a job well done there. Good quality stuff that covers just about any topic a thinking man could possibly consider. And there’s even more good stuff at his main site.


So let’s hear your feedback on this list. I’m sure plenty of you can name someone you think should have been on the list.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge some of the guys who arguably could have been on this list, but who I left off specifically because I felt they were already getting some well-deserved notoriety.

That list would be headed by none other than AJ & Jordan from Pickup Podcast, who hit the scene a little over a year ago and have blown up since…deservedly. These guys would have been near the top of such a list as this last year.

Brad Howard has also come out of nowhere this year. Well, actually he came out of the health/fitness niche, which is decidedly “somewhere”. Nonetheless, his great blog and outstanding Adonis Effect program have put him on the map.

Cory Skyy is also another guy who is getting justified attention after a relatively short time on the scene. His natural game is the real deal, folks.

It was good to see Michael The Dating Wizard and Oliver “Grungey” Turner get their respective turns on David DeAngelo’s “Interviews With Dating Gurus” recently, each having taught solid stuff for several years without a fusillade of marketing to support them.

Speaking of David D. guest gurus, it has also been great to see Will H. get back into the game. Same can be said for Sean Stephenson, whose new program for guys is long overdue. I think a lot of us have been hoping for some tightly-packaged stuff from those guys since we first became acquainted with them, and now we’re getting exactly that.

Like this list? Digg it or save to and your kindness will be much appreciated.

Let’s do this again next year, shall we?

Be Good,

Scot McKay

Online Dating Domination Means Meeting Your TOP CHOICES Among Women Online



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6 Replies to “The Top Ten Most Underrated Dating/Seduction Gurus”

  1. hey I’m not sure Teddy actually writes all his articles, if you read them, there are some major inconsistencies.

    He does write a ton though !

  2. I like that Michael The Dating Wizard is on here, but no Frank B. Kermit???

  3. AoS: Gonna give Teddy the benefit of the doubt on this one.

    Artisan: Completely LOVE FBK man. Totally on-point and he’s a good friend. It didn’t occur to me to consider him “underrated” or “unsung” because I think his name is well-known at this point, deservedly.

    The context of mentioning MDW and Grungey was in acknowledgment of them getting some recognition through the David D. series that was a long time coming.

  4. Hey Scot, thanks for the major shout out!! I’m not sure if I’m deserving of being on the same list as some of those other guys, but Honey and I certainly won’t turn down the site traffic. We’re really enjoying building our blog and if people can take value away from us, whether it be in the form of advice or just humor, than we’re happy to keep sharing.

  5. Right on, Lance. Deserving indeed.

    Y’all just keep doing what you do and we’ll see you at the top.

    BTW, Artisan, I just finished up a guest interview on FBK’s radio show. That guy is a phenomenal interviewer on top of all else. He got some really, really original stuff out of me. I was honored to be his first guest now that he’s got his studio back up and running.

  6. Thanks for the ranking Scot and yes I do write all of my articles.
    Every article I write is based on men keeping and maintaing there power.
    Aos if you care to point out any inconsistencies in my articles I would appreciate it.

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