
You may have read that weird one-word title and immediately assumed you were about to get something for nothing.

Who am I to disappoint you? Here’s a free copy of my book Sticking Points Solved. You’ll love it.

What’s more, there are 320+ episodes of The Mountain Top Podcast For Men here that won’t cost you a dime.

But here’s the thing. I’d like to challenge you to think of something else entirely the next time you see the word “free”.

Perhaps you’ve always thought of yourself as self-reliant rather than as a victim, so it should come easily to immediately associate “free” with FREEDOM instead of a handout. But have you caught yourself lately reducing it more often to a passive state rather than a pro-actively asserted right?

If you have, you’re far from alone. That’s the societal trend nowadays, and it’s not a benevolent one.

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12 Wonders From The Past That Post-Modernity Has Stolen From Us

I was a high school kid in the early ‘80s when the term “digital” gained traction in the public headspace. I specifically remember the very moment I learned what the term meant relative to the analog nature of, well…everything in life up to that point.

As naïve as I may have been, I wondered then what life would be like when everything was reduced to simple ones and zeros. Wouldn’t it all be so finely-calculated to the point of being hyper-sanitary…and boring?

As it turned out, my simple teenage mind was prescient in many ways. In the rush toward digital everything, plenty of what made life interesting—and arguably better—has been lost, probably forever.

Realistically speaking, plenty of what I’m about to throw on the table happened long before “my day”. As such, my intent isn’t to sound curmudgeonly. It’s just that with technology moving at such breakneck speed toward The Singularity, I haven’t seen much written about what we’ve sacrificed along the way as collateral damage.

Rise Above Today's Tension Between Men And Women, With Better Relationships In Mind


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The Future Is Also Male: 12 Ways It’s Still Up To Men To Change The World

Micajah Autry At The Alamo[Ed. Note: Several years after writing this, it rings true more now than ever. Enjoy.]

You’re probably familiar with the saying, “The future is female”.

No doubt, we love strong, empowered, dirt shredding, Krav Maga ass kicking women who are 100% feminine all the time around here at Casa McKay. Those who know our family best have seen it first-hand.

But naturally, we’re also still about strong, empowered, 100% masculine men. We love you, man.

So I boldly proclaim to you that the future is male, also.

To be clear, it’s not like the future is male instead of female. The future isn’t genderless, either. Indeed, the future is both male and female, just as the entire history of humanity up to this point has inherently been.

Yes, we as men are collectively treating women better than ever before, as we should, and that trend will continue. Meanwhile, men and women can, should and will continue to make valuable contributions to society, and indeed to each other.

Since masculinity and femininity are indelibly tied to gender and procreation, that also means sexual polarity itself is not a zero-sum game. I mean, think of the stark irony of that very concept. We as men are, by Intelligent Design, about one half of the population. Regardless of what you may have heard that’s unlikely to change. Therefore, it’s logically untenable to think men are somehow irrelevant nowadays and going forward.

Yet, we’ve arrived at a moment in history where we’re met with a constant barrage of virtue signalling messages telling us as men we’re in the way of progress and perhaps even collectively “on the wrong side of history”. We’re exhorted to “do better”, without ever acknowledging the possibility that we might have some virtue already tucked away somewhere.

We’re told our innate masculinity is “toxic”, even at times by other men themselves. But as much as some try to root around in the dark for valid alternatives, often with ostensibly decent intentions, we aren’t given any.

Rise Above Today's Tension Between Men And Women, With Better Relationships In Mind

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A Dating Coach’s Take On Why Mass Shootings Happen

I don’t consider myself a world expert in sociology, abnormal psychology or criminal justice. Nor am I sworn to the political right or left.

Given the conversation at hand, all of that might be an advantage in my case. At the very least, I have no problem “opening a can” on the conversation about the mass-shooting problem that nobody seems to be having. Whether that’s a can of worms or whoop-ass is for you to decide.

But either way, I’m not about to pretend I’ve figured out any definitive solution to such a complex issue. Rather, I’m simply about to present what has occurred to me naturally as a man who is immersed in the art and science of social dynamics and male/female relationships on a daily basis.

As such, the entire purpose of this post is to open the discussion among rational people who think for themselves. That means if you’ve been successfully propagandized by either the Right or the Left, prepare to be pissed off.

Remarkable stuff starts happening when one thinks for him or herself. I would love to have finished this piece sooner, but it’s been one of those posts where I’ve kept getting haunted by new and intriguing ideas even when I’m trying to think about something else.

I mean, by now my wife Emily has grown accustomed to me leaping out of bed in the night, all but sprinting to my computer with a spring in my step and a light bulb glowing over my head. But this time it has all been kicked it up a notch. Just last night I found myself driving home from the gym repeating “there’s a cause…pipe bomb…masculine self-fulfilling prophecy” over and over in my head so the spontaneous ideas wouldn’t evaporate before I managed to get home.

But the time has come. On with this crucial discussion.

Rise Above Today's Challenges To Relationships Between Men And Women


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10 Ways I Knew Emily Was “The One”

Scot and EmilyGetting into a committed relationship is scary. As much as we hope the person we’re with is our “one and only”, everybody knows the reality of divorce rates.

Even so, I remain appalled by how many people willingly jump like lemmings off a cliff into an exclusive relationship—or even marriage—with Mr. or Ms. Wrong.

The crazy part is most people who settle are fully aware they’re doing so. Such bad relationship decisions may be driven by a biological clock that’s ticking, ulterior motives (e.g. money, citizenship), low self-esteem or even gnawing loneliness.

But how ironic is it that we have so much trouble positively identifying the right relationship when it comes along? Indeed, I get asked all the time how to be sure one’s significant other is really significant enough.

That’s because, good grief…I’m the right guy to ask. After a turbulent first marriage and a devastating divorce, why in the world would I ever get married again…especially when I had successfully crafted a lifestyle of dating many high-quality women at once?

I had to be sure.

How To Have The Relationship Of Your Dreams


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Top 10 Subtle Signs That Someone Lacks Character


Two-Faced People Lack Character

Anyone who is blatantly narcissistic or psychopathic, has a hair-trigger temper, gets their jollies from swindling people, lies even when the truth is easy and/or robs banks is obviously short on character.

And on the flip side, people who have a well thought out belief system that’s the cornerstone of their lives, deliver on what they say they’re going to do, do the right thing even when nobody else is watching and generally believe in leaving the world a better place than they found it are considered to have good, strong character.

All of the that isn’t generally up for debate.

But in the middle there is a massive gray expanse, isn’t there? Nobody can be a paragon of perfection at all times, of course. Nevertheless, here are ten indicators of character deficiency that tend to fly under the radar.

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Asian Women Vs. Beer Men And Traffic Lights

It’s already an established fact that I have this thing for Asian flight attendants. And it’s not even like I prefer Asian women in particular. It’s just that the flight attendants over there tend to be more feminine, more graceful and—best of all—almost obsequious in their pleasure to serve. It all makes for a more enjoyable 14-hour flight.

Oh, and if you really hit the jackpot, they dress in seriously exotic uniforms that no Western flight attendant would be caught dead wearing in public, like this:

Peacocking, Sri Lankan Airlines Style

Women in Asia aren’t afraid to be, well, female. That, combined with the tantalizing cultural differences between East and West, ensure that we as male visitors are treated to frequent surprises of the best possible kind.

Once you step off of the airplane, you just might find women where you never think they’d be, dripping in feminine charm at a time and place far-flung from where you’d expect to find it.

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How To Be Everyone’s Favorite Person…Instantly

Why Are Promises So Hard To Keep?By now you’ve figured out that I don’t make unreasonable “easy button” claims.

But here is one of those exceptionally rare truths that isn’t only going to add ridiculous, off-the-chain value to your life, it’s also as simple as flipping a switch:

Be a man or a woman who does what you say you’re going to do.

Boom. Like I said, it’s not at all complicated or difficult to implement. There’s no learned skill. The only thing to remember is one’s own promise.

What we’re talking about here is nothing short of a cornerstone to character. Here in Texas where I live, keeping one’s word is perhaps treasured more than other places.

But there’s little doubt that the rare human being who makes promises and keeps them is beloved by all, regardless of geography. Man…life is SO much easier and more joyful when we have the pleasure of interacting with such high-end people.

Yet, so few people actually do what they say they’re going to do. Especially in California, I’ve noticed…ha!

Why is that?

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8 Surefire Ways To Tell: Are You A Fun Person?

Why Should India Have All The FunAstonishingly, there’s very little on the web addressing the topic du jour. Mostly, it’s a few quiz sites asking pretty random questions that carry the personal assumptions of whoever authored them. There’s nothing really, well, helpful or definitive there.

So then, given how absolutely crucial being fun is to the attraction process, let alone building a healthy and vibrant social circle, I decided to go ahead and let the fur fly (or the powder, if you were in India earlier this month).

What do you say we let the fun begin? Right on…

Like everyone tends to believe that they have a sense of humor, everyone also typically thinks of him or herself as a fun person. After all, how much of a true “stick in the mud” does one have to be to self-identify as “no fun”?

A sense of humor is rare enough, so what about a sense of fun? Do you have one? There’s no irony in the fact that both of those factors are directly related. That could be why there are as few truly FUN people as there are folks with a sense of humor. Just sayin’.

Part of the problem, I think, is that people don’t recognize fun when they’re potentially heading for it, or even in the midst of it.

I mean, what IS “fun”, and should it be a priority or not?

So much of how you might answer that question for yourself is based on personality and mindset, for sure. But hey…the weird twist there is that even people who aren’t any fun tend to recognize when others ARE. Weird, right?

It’s all too easy to lapse into the philosophical or psychological factors at play here, isn’t it? But that wouldn’t be any fun!

So on with it. Here are 8 factors that pretty much tell the tale of whether you’re a FUN person or not:

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Will You Pass The “Interesting Test”?

Emily Being InterestingBy now you know that a man who leads an interesting life replete with way cool and exhilarating activities stands a much better chance of attracting desirable women than a guy who spends most of his time on the couch watching the tube and eating Cheetos.

This is much to the chagrin of probably 75% of all men out there, apparently. My inbox is stuffed with messages from guys who wonder aloud about HOW to “lead an exciting life”, be a “man of adventure” or simply, well…how to be more interesting in SOME non-complicated way.

In all fairness, many of us may already be more potentially intriguing and exciting to women than we think. Consider, for example, how easy it is for us as guys to compare ourselves to the highest-functioning men out there and make blanket judgment on the fly that we’re about as boring and “vanilla” as it gets.

I mean, every time you read about Sir Richard Branson he’s doing something new and devastatingly amazing. Wasn’t building an international record company, several airlines, flying hot air balloons, getting a private island and founding Virgin Galactic ENOUGH, already?

You get on Netflix and are confronted with Ewan McGregor riding through Africa on a BMW motorcycle. Most of us would be doing cartwheels to be cast as an extra in the next Star Wars film, but this guy was freaking Obi Wan Kenobi. The next thing you know, he’s going on round-the-world travel adventures.

But here’s the thing. Even THOSE guys spend plenty of “down time” doing mundane stuff. It’s just that the camera isn’t rolling during those times for obvious reasons.

Perhaps we fall into the trap of believing that we have to live like Steve Irwin or James Bond (who’s fictional, no less) or else we’re slackers.

Personally, I believe this mindset comes from the same place as the assumption that all beautiful women are wined and dined 24/7 and whisked off to exotic locations on private jets at least twice a week.

The first step is to relax. You can find paparazzi pics on the Internet of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher going grocery shopping. If they don’t have to be Lara Croft and/or Indiana Jones, neither do you.

But make no mistake. You can’t be a chronic bump on a log, either. You have to exercise your ability to be interesting at least SOMETIMES, or the “adventure muscle” might atrophy.

So then, what yardstick does one use to figure out whether one is interesting ENOUGH to be at least potentially attractive to MOTOS (members of the other sex)?

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Do You Really Have A “Porn Problem”?

Seductive, Isn't It?What I’m about to share with you comes after months of consideration, countless conversations with real guys everywhere and yes…a final decision that despite how controversial my thoughts are going to be to some, this post really NEEDS to be written.

Here’s the thing. I get a lot of messages from guys on the subject of porn.

Typically, they’re worried that they have a very real problem in their life because they’re watching it. They wonder if it’s scarring them for life, disjointing their views of women or even “robbing them of masculine power”. They’re concerned that if any woman they ever go out with finds out about it, she’ll drop them like a hot potato.

Make Her Want To Do Anything For You

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5 Ways Dating Has Benefited From Modern Technology

We've Come A Long Way, Baby...Having driven over 2000 miles so far on our first annual “International Fall Road Trip” Emily and I have had plenty of time to come up with weird topics of conversation. Especially while driving through Missouri and Indiana late at night.

One such discussion centered around how modernity has affected dating relationships. Needless to say, there was a lot to talk about…a lot of it well worth sharing with you.

For the purposes of this post, though, I’m going to limit the scope to technical advances of the last 25 years or so. There’s no doubt that wondrous inventions like the automobile, motion pictures and heck, deodorant, have done wonders for the dating fortunes of millions. But geez, if you go back that far “dating” as we commonly know it didn’t even exist (although beer did). Nevertheless, I’ve got to draw the line somewhere.

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Adventures In Relationship Management

Don't Freak Out...It's Just A LizardToday, with the long weekend approaching I wanted to take a break from the dating advice stuff per se and tell you what happened here at El Rancho McKay this morning.

As she often does, Emily held one of her now infamous “Estrogen Fests”.

Actually, they’re not really called that. That’s just what I refer to them as. The real name for the daytime version of such an event is a “Play Date”.

You see, Emily is the queen of the local MeetUp group for stay-at-home moms with pre-schoolers desperately in need for someone to play with. (I’ll let you decide for yourself whether it’s the pre-schoolers or the moms I’m referring to there.)

For what it’s worth, the nighttime version of the “Estrogen Fest” is called “Mom’s Night In”. The kids don’t show up for those.

One night I somehow got blindsided by a “MNI” and was therefore at home when the “festivities” started. As it so happened, I was booked as a guest on a national radio show that same night. During a commercial break, I conspired with all twenty or so young mommies to shout “hello” in unison to the show’s host right after we got back on the air.

I didn’t give details of how or why there was literally a crowd of women at my house on a Thursday night. The show’s host never asked. Beautiful.

Anyway…this morning’s edition was the “PD” version, of course.

I used to get the heck out of Dodge when these things were scheduled to happen at our house. But sooner than later, I decided I actually enjoyed the idea of a bunch of young women running around my house in the morning barefoot and giggling with each other.

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5 Questions That No Dating Coach Can Answer

There Are Some Questions I Really Can't--And Shouldn't--Answer
Now, you see…before I even write a single word of this post, you’re probably already gearing up for the challenge of finding some OTHER dating coach to answer the questions I’m about to list, just because I said it can’t be done.

Well, so be it…but fair warning: once you see the list you might actually agree with me. That’s because the title of this post should probably have been, “5 Questions No Halfway Decent Dating Coach Should Presume To Be ABLE To Answer”.

But that’s too many words for a blog post title, really.

Never mind all that. Here’s the blasted list already.

Just to make it easier on everyone, I’m presenting the questions from the male perspective. Rest assured, however, that none of what we’ll discuss here today is gender-specific.

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Are We Guys Really The “Commitment Phobes” Some Women Think We Are?

Are Men Afraid To Take The Plunge?Guys: Have you ever been in a relationship with a woman who, perhaps even subtly, is putting the pressure on you to marry her?

If the relationship had been going on for a matter of months (or even years) without you ever mentioning anything about “future plans”, let alone putting a ring on her finger, you may have been accused of being a “commitment phobe”.

Perhaps even MORE frustrating to women is when we as guys do talk about the possibility of getting married to them someday, but with a decidedly “open ended” twist to the conversation.

Maybe you’ve been there before. Heck, maybe you’re there right now.

So what’s the deal? Does she have a point? Are men naturally wired to be mortally afraid of getting into a committed relationship with a woman?

Let’s go ahead and open up that can of worms, because I’m not sure I’ve ever known anyone to have the guts to actually address this topic with some real truth.

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How To Reconcile With Your Dad (And Why You Should Bother To)

The more guys I talk to the more it really hits home how many dudes out there really have a hard time relating to their dads.

And by “relating” I mean either identifying with OR communicating with…and in a multitude of cases BOTH.

For so many, the old adage that “you’ll end up just like your parents some day” seems more of a threat than a promise.

That’s too bad.

In a world where over 50% off all guys report having NO male role model to speak of, fewer and fewer men can honestly say they look up to their father in that regard…obviously.

Honestly, a huge number of boys grow up without a father figure in their life at all. So obviously, if there IS no dad it’s impossible to “relate” to him.

But even when you know exactly who your father is and where to find him, the relationship can go awry.

Never mind the fact that the father’s role in child development has been marginalized nowadays, leaving many men convinced that their presence just doesn’t matter in their kids’ lives.

(Well, either that or it helps them justify their pure laziness and/or apathy towards their sons and daughters.)

Where the rubber often meets the road is that we as sons and daughters instinctively (as in “innately”) have high expectations for our dads.

We are born in need of a hero to look up to, but that isn’t always the reality.

Not every dad is Ward Cleaver.

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Thoughts On Having Been In Europe When The Volcano Erupted

The Unpronounceable Volcano Doing It's ThingWell, as of last night Emily and I are back in good ol’ San Antonio, having “survived” being “stranded” in Europe courtesy of that now infamous volcano in Iceland’s shenanigans.

A good number of you sent us very encouraging e-mails over the past week or so, encouraging us to “hang in there”, “be safe”, etc.

While I genuinely appreciate everyone’s concern, I have to come clean with something. Here it is: The past week hasn’t really been as big a nightmare as the media would have liked you to believe.

Not for us, at least.

In fact, we made the best of a few extra days in Europe and ended up actually enjoying it.

How’s that, you say? Weren’t there a few days of uncertainty there? Isn’t it true that everyone was utterly stuck wherever they were when the ash cloud hit the proverbial fan?

Well, yes…and sort of.

The Man's Approach ... Coming This Summer From X & Y Communications

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The Magic Word That Leads To A Better Social Life

X & Y Communications Coach Austin ParkerI’ve been a bit of a workaholic lately. I bring this up because I’m tired after my work weeks and don’t always feel the energy.

A friend of mine recently called and said “Hey, Austin, how would you like to go do this zombie walk?” What’s a “zombie walk”? As it turns out, it’s a several hour affair where you rip up the shirt, stain it with fake blood, white stage makeup, and wander around aimlessly looking for babes and braiiiins. At 5pm on that certain Friday my friend called, however, I wasn’t really in the mood to commit to such a thing. But I said “yes”…because I knew I had to.

And here is why.

“Yes” is the secret word that will bestow social riches upon you. Your friends, girlfriends, and acquaintances are likely throwing interesting opportunities at you all the time. Sometimes these opportunities sound like more work than fun. I mean tearing up a shirt, wearing make up…who wants to do all that, especially on short notice? But I went for it, and once I got going I had some momentum and had a really kick ass time.

So next time you’re asked something by your friends, say “yes”. Always say “yes”. It’s the secret word that will lead to more opportunities.


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Just Say “No” To Infant Circumcision

Visit For More When Emily and I decided to have our son Scot, Jr. at home, we were confronted with the question that all new parents of little boys have to deal with: Should we have the baby circumcised or not?

This led to my researching the idea for the first time in my entire life. Most of us here in the United States have been socialized to somewhat blindly accept that circumcision is a “given” when a newborn boy enters the world.

But as it turns out, one of the first things I discovered in my research was that over the past decade the rate of circumcision of male infants in the U.S. has plummeted from 90% to 50%. This statistic stands even as the vast majority of other nations in the world have all but eliminated the practice as the “norm”.

This caught my attention. After all, having been circumcised as a newborn myself I’d never really given it much thought. I, like so many others, had accepted it as “normal”.

Well, upon doing due diligence to the topic I was utterly shocked by what I discovered.

Circumcision is decidedly not the “simple, painless procedure that only took a minute” that we often assume it is.

The amount of tissue that is removed from the biologically natural penis is way more than I ever knew. Check it out, guys. The next time you’re in the shower take a look at the “railroad tracks” on the ventral side of your unit (where the urethra passes through). That’s a scar, dude.

Further, as it turns out the foreskin plays a crucial role in sexual enjoyment for both the man and woman. When it’s removed, so is that potential for the ultimate sexual satisfaction we were born with. Here is an objective study that shows this to be true.

Next, because of the actual physiological nature of the foreskin, removing it does not simply involve “clearing away some extra skin”. In fact, it is viscerally attached to the shaft and the glans of the penis in a way that creates a mucous membrane underneath.

This means that it has to be peeled backwards away from the head of the penis in order to be removed. If you’ve got your thinking cap on, you’re already shuddering at the thought of this.

Worse, over 50% of all children who endure the procedure do so with minimum (if any) anesthesia, presumably due to concerns over “infant safety”. And even kids who are supposedly numbed down ahead of time tend to show clear indications that any anesthesia they received was clearly not sufficient.

And finally…the clincher: There is no established, proven medical reason to perform this procedure.. Most counterclaims cite cleanliness issues, which is ironic since the country with the highest incidence of infant male circumcision (the U.S.) is also perhaps the one most obsessed with taking several showers per day. All kidding aside, effective hygiene of the uncircumcised penis is far from complicated.

Ultimately, you ask most North American parents why they elected to have the procedure performed, the vast majority will tell you it was because “it’s just normal to”, or “so he can look like his dad”. I’ve even heard “because it’s cuter that way”.

I’ve decided to personally do my part in spreading the word about what male infant circumcision truly involves, so that parents everywhere can make an informed decision when their moment comes to make that decision on behalf of their newborn sons.

My new friend Marilyn Milos from shared a video with me that I’ve posted for you below. Be advised that even though the effort is made to provide a bit of “comic relief” courtesy of Penn and Teller, parts of this are very difficult to watch–especially when they show the actual procedure being performed.

Nonetheless, I urge you to watch it–especially if you are planning to be a parent anytime in the future:

Make no mistake, I fully get that some circumcisions are performed on religious grounds. That’s the way it is.

But in a world where the very worthy cause of abolishing female circumcision takes center stage, at the very least we owe it to our sons to let them make their own decision about cutting their penises or not. I didn’t even pierce my daughter’s ears when she was a baby, and many other parents don’t either…even as they take infant male circumcision for granted. So you can see how important an issue this is for parents to be informed about.

By the way, if you are indeed anticipating the hospital birth of a son in the near future, make sure you bring this topic up with your attending physician. Amazingly, we know of at least one boy who was circumcised without the parents even having been asked. Perhaps this isn’t so amazing after all when one considers that circumcision is a billable procedure, of course.

If anything, it’s my sincere hope to have caught your attention today. Infant male circumcision really is an area where the vast majority of us really are under-informed.

Be Good,

Scot McKay

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The X & Y Communications Asia Tour 2009 Kicks Off

Been There, Done That, Bought The T-Shirt OK, let’s face it. In order to “go on vacation” Emily and I pretty much need to get out of town.

Actually, we pretty much need to get out of the country. That’s just the way it is around here.

But then again, when you love your job as much as we do, there’s really no hardline differentiation between “work” and “play”. So when we planned our latest global escapade a few months ago, we thought about how we could combine some real adventure (aka “R & R” in our vernacular) with the opportunity to learn a lot and, of course…shoot LOTS of video and do LOTS of interviews.

So it’s off to the Pacific Rim with our happies.

We’re splitting today, actually. The Mist Enshrouded Mountain-Top Fortress That Is X & Y Communications will be entrusted to “Brutus The Liquid Metal Housesitter” and his trusty Rottweiler “Killer” (well not really, but close) and away we go.

After a “short hop” from San Antonio to New York City, we catch the express to Beijing, China where we plan on hangin’ out at the Great Wall, taking some amazing video and meeting some terrific people.

Then, it’s off to Thailand where we can’t wait to eat enjoy the rich Thai culture and, again, talk to lots of folks. Look for vids from the infamous “Sky Bar” in Bangkok, remote natural reserves and an “undisclosed beach location”.

After that, we get to spend the day in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; where we’ll visit the Petronas Tower and take in the rich culture of that country (which we assume are unrelated events).

KL is actually a built-in stopover on the way to Hong Kong, where we’ll close out the trip. HK is a place that has always been on our “must see” list and yet another incredible opportunity to talk to people and do interviews.

On the “rebound”, we’ll have some time in New York and then it’s straight back to San Antonio with our ragged, jetlagged selves.

All told, we’ll be gallivanting around the Northern Hemisphere from today until September 15th. So all of this is long for “our phones are turned off, and we probably won’t be Twittering as much and/or answering e-mails with such razor-sharp precision for a couple of weeks.” But when we DO Tweet over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll make it count…you can bet on that.

On the flip side of all this Papa is going to be well-rested and WAY, WAY less cranky. And we’re pretty sure you’ll get some kickin’ video blogs and podcast joy out of the transaction.

Meanwhile, normal X & Y Communications operations are business as usual, of course. Victor and his first-class Customer Service Team are at your service processing orders and taking names with their typical legendary precision.

Talk to you soon.

Be Good,

Scot McKay




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