Relationship Mastery 101 — And Now For Something Completely Different

Lance Taylor's Relationship Mastery 101 Was A Blast To Be A Part Of.The old Monty Python classic line holds true here.

When Lance Taylor called me last year telling me what he had in mind for a project, it took me a while before I was able to completely grasp what he was saying.

As he described his vision, I could’ve sworn he was actually thinking about getting a dogpile of pickup artists together and having them talk about how to succeed in actual relationships with women.

At first I thought this was crazy talk. But then again, I was one of the first guys he called, so I was happy to listen since there must have been some reason he picked up the phone and dialed my digits.

And as it turned out, I wasn’t imagining things after all. Lance was going to compile a series featuring some world-class seduction experts. And they were going to talk about long-term success with women.

Now I’m not a “pickup artist”, per se. But I’ll tell you, the concept was fascinating. After talking to Lance, I was absolutely thrilled to submit some of my very best material to him for that project of his.

fast forward six or eight months later, and I have to tell you…it’s STILL fascinating.

Only now, there’s a finished product.

Lance has dubbed it Relationship Mastery 101, and it’s a barnburner.

Get Lance Taylor's Relationship Mastery 101


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The Chick Whisperer #19–“What Do I Do Next?”

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer Show

For the latest episode, I got the newest VIRTUOSITY co-conspirator, Cory Skyy, in on the game.

Cory’s ideas pretty much blow everyone away who takes time to listen to what he’s got to say. This is for good reason, since his approach to “natural game” is on a whole new level.

So what better guy to have sit in for the latest topic, which is “What Do I Say Next?”

That question is pretty much the most popular question to ask of all time around here. I get e-mails from guys literally every day (sometimes sitting back to back in my inbox) asking me some form of that question.

Well, as you’ve come to expect around here, Cory and I don’t just slap a “band-aid” on that question and call it a solution. Instead, we take the long view and show you how to never have to worry about having to ask “What Do I Do Next?” ever again.

We also take the time to answer a voice mail from Dave in Indiana about how to handle things when you’ve been seeing only one woman “unexclusively” for a while more in concept than in reality…but then you really do meet someone else you’d like to date also. If you think about it, that’s a damn good question.

So click the pic above and “subscribe” on iTunes to get in on the action. Please leave us a review, also. Thanks again to all TCW listeners for supporting the show–we’re back on the front page in our iTunes category. Much appreciated

There’s also one last chance to get your hands on that special unsyndicated bonus episode with Brent Smith that we produced especially for newsletter subscribers. Get in on the free newsletter for yourself and download the bonus podcast at . If you’re already getting the newsletter already, no worries…just enter the same e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the bonus episode also.

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Hire Me As Your Dating Coach, Get Into A Top MBA Program

Ten-Plus Is Scot McKay's Most Popular Dating Coaching Program

As you already know, our dating coaching style is VERY different.

We talk about excellence a lot. Not just with women, but in life. That’s exactly what character-based attraction and seduction is all about. [Note: To certain black-hat “bootcampers” who are bogarting my term lately, I challenge you to a debate on how exactly “character-based” anything can be taught by a FICTIONAL character. But I digress.] You become a great man (as opposed to a “Mr. Nice Guy” or a “Bad Boy”) and you attract great women. It isn’t all that complicated.

So it’s perhaps not entirely unexpected to receive an e-mail like the one I just opened about a half-hour ago from Frank in Boston: Continue reading “Hire Me As Your Dating Coach, Get Into A Top MBA Program”

Lose The Exclamation Point…And Be Proud [Video]

OK gentlemen, it’s time for another video blog.

And this time I’m going to talk about pickup strategy. Yes, even in the world of character-based seduction it’s absolutely still crucial to have game when approaching women.

Amazingly, I’ve never seen or heard the subject of this video talked about. Here’s a hint: It’s not always “what to say next” (which I’m asked about constantly) but HOW to say it.

Be sure to watch the entire vid, though, because just for good measure I’m going to share with you a simple four-word phrase that you actually CAN use verbatim which helps you master the key principle of this video until it becomes habit…and beyond.

And ladies, all of this is golden for you also.

So what do you have to say about all of this? Leave your comments…I don’t ask for those nearly enough around here.

Next time, we’ll have real-life demo of how (and how not) to write first-emails to the absolute sharpest women online. Don’t miss it.

BTW, how’s your phone game coming along these days? And text messaging…is it helping you or hurting you out there? This month’s Power Sessions For Men program is an hour and twenty minutes of non-stop practical info on “Telecom Game”. What’s the hot phone set-up for success with women? How do you handle getting numbers and then putting those numbers to good use? How do you handle voice mail? And what’s the right way to handle phone conversations with women you are already seeing on a regular basis? Best of all I give you step-by-step tutorial on how exactly to make women incredibly worked up (in the best way possible) over the phone. As for texting, I’ll show you how not to ruin a perfectly good relationship with text messaging (like so many guys do) along with world-championship caliber text flirting strategy.

There’s more but that last paragraph was already too long. Just click here for all the info on Power Sessions. Or, I’ll give you the “Telecom Game” Power Session for free with any purchase as a one-month trial membership.

Be Good,



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Step Two To An Online Profile That Stands Out [Part Two Of Two]

In part one of this series we discovered a major reason why most people have boring, generic online profiles. Simply put, we do what we’re told. When asked to write “About me and who I’m looking for” (a la, that’s exactly what we do.

As in–that’s what all of us do, it seems.

So as mentioned last time, we already know that you can dramatically increase your online profile’s effectiveness by rephrasing the questions more interestingly.

But I promised yet another killer way to make your profile read differently. And this one is used by so few people out there that you will instantly separate yourself from the herd should you try what I’m about to tell you.

You see, the inherent problem is that the profile narrative is a writing assignment…literally. Filling it out reminds us–at best–of completing a job application.

And at worst, it feels a lot like writing an “essay” did back in junior high.

So subconsciously, many of us write as if we’re going to be graded. It’s almost as if someone at has a big red pen ready to scrawl disparaging notes in the virtual margin of our profiles.

Either that or, well…some people just never were all that good with essays at all so they’re starcrossed from step one. If you can’t spell, punctuate and/or agree in gender, number and case…well then you’re hurtin’ for certain.

And let’s face it…MOST of us (except for the freakish weirdos amongst us who think blogging is fun) really don’t look forward to writing “essays” anyway.

So what to do? After all, without a killer profile narrative you’re online presence suffers in a big way.

Well you could hire me to write something for you. But the problem is that I don’t do “profile rewrites”.

I do, however, teach men and women how to transform their mediocre profiles into expressions of greatness. All the time.

You see, were I to write your blasted “essay” for you the real problem might actually be exacerbated rather than helped.


Simple. Because whether I write your profile or you write it yourself with your head lost in “Sixth Grade Essayland” the issue is the same: It just flat-out won’t be YOU TALKING.

As much time as I spend writing stuff, I am no match for YOUR authentic self. And for that matter, neither is your mindset when lapsing into how you were trained as a child to compose theme papers.

The solution?

What you do instead of WRITING your profile at all is…you SPEAK your profile. Because when you SPEAK, your true self is portrayed.

If you have a digital voice recorder around the house, you’re all set. If you don’t, they’re about $60 retail (for a really good one, at that). Fortuitously, the chances are even pretty good that your mobile phone has a voice recorder feature.

Speak what you want to express in your profile narrative into the voice recorder. Then transcribe it. That’s all.

And don’t let me catch you making a “crib sheet” with notes scrawled on it. In order for this exercise to make sense, you must start only with general thoughts in your head rather than hardcopy notes or some memorized “lines”.

Speak from the heart. Remember how you rephrased the “essay question” itself (as talked about in Part One) and talk to those thoughts.

As retarded as it sounds, if you want to talk to a friend while you record or even pull up the profile of someone you potentially like and talk to it, go for it. Then again, if talking into thin air with your eyes glazed over does it for you, so be it. Whatever puts you into the flow.

When you are through, play it all back and write it down as you spoke it…COMPLETE with the “you knows” and “I’ll tell you whats”. Use the spell checker and by all means punctuate appropriately, but don’t correct your “grammar” or the wordsmithing itself. If you can upload the digital file to your computer as an MP3 and pause it as it plays that’s even better. If it’s kind of long, you can even use freeware like Audacity to edit it before you write. You have options.

My educated guess is that your profile narrative–when completed–will sound exactly like YOU talking. Probably because it IS you talking…duh.

And it will stand out from the sea of generic wannabes without a doubt.

Your responses will go up because your profile narrative will be REAL. You won’t have to write crap like “no games” because you’ve already DEMONSTRATED that concept. in real-time. Fantastic stuff.

And when you actually meet someone, you’ll not have to worry that you’ll seem completely different in real life than you did in your profile. Sure the pics will have to match also, but you already know that.

Go and give this a try and email me your success stories at

Online Dating Domination...Forget The 'Numbers Game' And Meet The Ones You Really Want
BTW, if you are a guy there’s 11.5 hours MORE targeted strategy on how to dominate your metro area for you in the Online Dating Domination program. It takes a strategy that’s tight as a drum to call your own shots online, but it can absolutely be done…and in less time than you think. If online dating is frustrating you, imagine how it would feel to write women you actually WANT TO MEET…and HEAR BACK FROM THEM more often than not. What would your social life look like if you were able to harness online dating into being your tool like that…rather than vice-versa?

Emily's Click With Him Program Has Been A Long Time Coming
And ladies, after literally months of work Emily is very, very close to releasing her brand-new program called Click With Him. We literally have the very last of 17 audio programs in the editing stage, and if you click the link above you can check out the basics already and even pre-order. Among what she has in store is a 30-Day Plan To Finding A Great Man Online (which she can back up) and a full-scale top-secret session on how to become the kind of woman a man wants to commit to. Believe me when I tell you there’s something to what she talks about.

Emily even had me sit down and spill how to spot great men behind mediocre profiles. Hey…not every guy reads this blog, let alone has Online Dating Domination on his iPod, okay?

I’ll be talking again to you soon…literally. Then next post will be video.

Be Good,



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The Real Reason Why Women Will Stay With An Idiot/Jerk But Not A “Nice Guy” [Video]

As much as this particular topic is discussed, a part of me is surprised that what I talk about in the video below has NEVER been mentioned anywhere as far as I’ve seen.

We all know women cannot bring themselves to be attracted to Mr. Nice Guy. Yet it seems that Idiot/Jerks (or “I/Js”) practically never get the “JBF” talk. Perhaps the answer to why this tends to be the case has more to do with what women are like than with what the guys involved are like.

Push play below to see what I mean…

Next time, I’ll be posting Part Two of how to make your online profile narrative stand out from the rest.

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The Chick Whisperer #18 — Defining Relationships And Making Solid Decisions

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer Show

I finally got my act together and released Episode #18 of The Chick Whisperer podcast last night. This must mean we’re “legal”. Were things only that uncomplicated…LOL

My co-host for this one is my good friend Frank B. Kermit. Frank and I have something in common. We’re each married to our own respective version of the greatest woman we’ve ever met.

So we got together, answered one of your voicemails and proceeded to throw down on the subject of having complete, total control over your world when it comes to women. You may need a shot or two of good ol’ Patron Silver after you hear what we’ve got in store for you.

After all, it’s time to stop listening to the hype over what someone else thinks you should want from your relationships with women and make your own decisions from a position of strength.

And check it out–you have more options than you think. It’s time to man up and exercise them. Guys like Frank and I have your back all the while, no doubt.

So getchasum. In fact, if you hit the graphic above and “subscribe” on iTunes that would rule…especially if you leave us a review. It’s YOU the listeners who have moved us up the charts again into a firm spot on the front page in our iTunes category. Right on.

And don’t forget, I have a special unsyndicated bonus episode with Brent Smith tucked away for newsletter subscribers. Get on board at .

Be Good,



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