Dealing With Breakups: When Nothing Particularly Heinous Has Happened [Part Two Of Four]

Part Two Of A Four Part Series On BreakupsIdeally speaking, each of us should theoretically break up with everyone we ever date…except for one.

And as dark as it sounds, that’s actually a good thing.

I realize that reality isn’t always that uncomplicated, and believe me I have the track record to prove it. But I think you get my drift.

And here’s the deal: Provided you are the kind of person who is generally easy to get along with, and if you’ve had some practice at avoiding utterly poisonous MOTOS, then you are going to be faced with the inevitable: breaking up with someone who hasn’t really done you any harm whatsoever.

You’ve probably been there before already. You start dating someone who attracts you early on, but after some time has passed one of you has decided that he or she really isn’t “feeling it” anymore. Someone is starting to feel a pull towards freedom–or someone else–but this creates a genuinely awkward situation almost every time.

You see, most of us are decent, upstanding people who really don’t get off on trampling other people’s feelings. Especially people we sort of, well…like. Right?

So what happens is that when someone just “isn’t feeling it anymore” for whatever reason, things tend to drag on for longer than they rightly should–all in the name of “not hurting anyone”.

But protracting relationships that aren’t going anywhere only really leads to greater emotional drama down the road. It’s rather like sticking one’s head in the sand.

Case in point. One well-worn “exit strategy” is to tell the other person that he or she “needs some space” or even that they “should date other people”. Such euphemisms are universally code for, “I’m pretty much sick of you and want out, but I don’t know how to do that without completely flooring you.”

I see some of you nodding out there. Don’t shout me down for telling the truth.

Deserve What You Want


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Dealing With Breakups: When Something Heinous Has Happened [Part One Of Four]

Part One Of A Four Part Series On BreakupsI’ve been threatening to write this series for a while, but fortunately I didn’t need an ultimatum in order to stick to the plan.

Sounds like a metaphor for a bad relationship, right?

Well, whatever the case, here we go on a full-tilt four part series on breakups.

This is a topic that isn’t covered nearly often enough, but which by my calculations is also a major area of interest to those of you who have written to tell me what you want to hear more about.

The way I see it, the formula is this:

A Question People Are Actually Asking + Not A Whole Lot Of Answers Out There Already = Probably A Good Idea For A Blog Post

So let’s get on it.

The logical way to break down this series into parts is as follows:

  1. When Someone Did Something Heinous
  2. When Nobody Did Anything Particularly Heinous
  3. Ending Short-Term Relationships
  4. Ending Long-Term Relationships

Throughout the process you’ll get the “hows” and the “whys”, featuring some practical steps and ideas.

One caveat before we start, however: I am writing this series in the spirit of dealing with dating relationships rather than marriages. When marital relationships, community property and small children are involved, some of the issues I discuss may require a bit different of a perspective (the notable exception being physical violence–my advice is always going to be to get out in those situations). As such, we’ll save that discussion for another time. Who knows, I may surprise you with a “surprise” Part Five.

So true to the plan, let’s deal with breaking up with someone because a major breach has happened.

Read Scot McKay's Book Deserve What You Want


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X & Y On The Fly #36 — How To Communicate With The Opposite Sex

X & Y On The Fly PodcastEmily and I decided it was about time we did an episode on how men and women can not only learn how to decode what the other gender is saying, but actually speak to MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex) in terms that they can actually understand.

First it was understanding MOTOS, now actually talking to and decoding them effectively once and for all? Yeah, we must be crazy.

But what can we say? We both had lots of energy at the exact same time (rare these days) when this was recorded last night and I personally believe this is one of our most amped-up episodes ever. If anything, there’s plenty of original stuff to think about in there.

So if you’re already a listener, mad love atcha. And if not, do yourself the joy of subscribing so from now on you’re the first to know when our little masterpieces are unleashed.

We love to find new reviews on iTunes, so please leave us a glowingly creative (and preferably positive) one. Get there by clicking on the graphic above.

And if XYotF has made even a shred of impact on your life, PLEASE Digg us, Stumble us or save us to The good word of listeners just like you helps our audience grow.

And don’t forget, when you go to and sign up for our newsletter you can gain access to an unsyndicated BONUS EPISODE we call “The JuniorCast”. Wait until you get a load of what happened when Jr. was born, and what relationship insights came from it. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, simply log in using the e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the BONUS EPISODE also.

Be Good,

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Relationship Mastery 101 — And Now For Something Completely Different

Lance Taylor's Relationship Mastery 101 Was A Blast To Be A Part Of.The old Monty Python classic line holds true here.

When Lance Taylor called me last year telling me what he had in mind for a project, it took me a while before I was able to completely grasp what he was saying.

As he described his vision, I could’ve sworn he was actually thinking about getting a dogpile of pickup artists together and having them talk about how to succeed in actual relationships with women.

At first I thought this was crazy talk. But then again, I was one of the first guys he called, so I was happy to listen since there must have been some reason he picked up the phone and dialed my digits.

And as it turned out, I wasn’t imagining things after all. Lance was going to compile a series featuring some world-class seduction experts. And they were going to talk about long-term success with women.

Now I’m not a “pickup artist”, per se. But I’ll tell you, the concept was fascinating. After talking to Lance, I was absolutely thrilled to submit some of my very best material to him for that project of his.

fast forward six or eight months later, and I have to tell you…it’s STILL fascinating.

Only now, there’s a finished product.

Lance has dubbed it Relationship Mastery 101, and it’s a barnburner.

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More On “Reverse One-Itis” And Falling In Love Too Fast

If you receive the X & Y Communications newsletter, you just read my answer to a man who has a woman in his life who is expressing clear emotional attachment early on in the non-exclusive relationship.

If you don’t receive the X & Y Communications newsletter, that problem can be cured by using the form of a the top of the right-hand column over there. –>

As promised, here is another similar question from Sander in Atlanta (which if you’re from Boston, rhymes.) This time, there’s the added complication of him wondering how not to fall into a similar situation himself.

Read on… Continue reading “More On “Reverse One-Itis” And Falling In Love Too Fast”

Emily’s New Click With Him Program Launches TOMORROW

Product Image For Click With HimThat’s right, after literally MONTHS in the making, Emily’s new flagship program for women Click With Him is ready for release.

It will be five months to the day since VIRTUOSITY was released to men everywhere who refuse to “settle” for any woman who isn’t of the highest echelon on Earth.

Now, it’s finally time for the ladies out there to have access to the same type of vision.

Having been the “techie” for Emily’s new program (as well as a “featured guest” and occasional interviewer) I have to tell you…she’s really outdone herself.

Yeah, I realize that’s a biased opinion. But after all, I did marry her for all the right reasons, I must say. You know: “Deserve What You Want” and “Never, Ever Settle“.

So yes, absolutely. This chick knows what she’s talking about. Not only is she presenting a full-on deep dive into how to be the kind of amazing women guys can’t wait to commit to (and can I get an “amen” from the brethren to making sure there’s more of them out there?), she’s unveiling literally everything she knows about how to succeed online as a woman. Continue reading “Emily’s New Click With Him Program Launches TOMORROW”

Lose The Exclamation Point…And Be Proud [Video]

OK gentlemen, it’s time for another video blog.

And this time I’m going to talk about pickup strategy. Yes, even in the world of character-based seduction it’s absolutely still crucial to have game when approaching women.

Amazingly, I’ve never seen or heard the subject of this video talked about. Here’s a hint: It’s not always “what to say next” (which I’m asked about constantly) but HOW to say it.

Be sure to watch the entire vid, though, because just for good measure I’m going to share with you a simple four-word phrase that you actually CAN use verbatim which helps you master the key principle of this video until it becomes habit…and beyond.

And ladies, all of this is golden for you also.

So what do you have to say about all of this? Leave your comments…I don’t ask for those nearly enough around here.

Next time, we’ll have real-life demo of how (and how not) to write first-emails to the absolute sharpest women online. Don’t miss it.

BTW, how’s your phone game coming along these days? And text messaging…is it helping you or hurting you out there? This month’s Power Sessions For Men program is an hour and twenty minutes of non-stop practical info on “Telecom Game”. What’s the hot phone set-up for success with women? How do you handle getting numbers and then putting those numbers to good use? How do you handle voice mail? And what’s the right way to handle phone conversations with women you are already seeing on a regular basis? Best of all I give you step-by-step tutorial on how exactly to make women incredibly worked up (in the best way possible) over the phone. As for texting, I’ll show you how not to ruin a perfectly good relationship with text messaging (like so many guys do) along with world-championship caliber text flirting strategy.

There’s more but that last paragraph was already too long. Just click here for all the info on Power Sessions. Or, I’ll give you the “Telecom Game” Power Session for free with any purchase as a one-month trial membership.

Be Good,



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The Real Reason Why Women Will Stay With An Idiot/Jerk But Not A “Nice Guy” [Video]

As much as this particular topic is discussed, a part of me is surprised that what I talk about in the video below has NEVER been mentioned anywhere as far as I’ve seen.

We all know women cannot bring themselves to be attracted to Mr. Nice Guy. Yet it seems that Idiot/Jerks (or “I/Js”) practically never get the “JBF” talk. Perhaps the answer to why this tends to be the case has more to do with what women are like than with what the guys involved are like.

Push play below to see what I mean…

Next time, I’ll be posting Part Two of how to make your online profile narrative stand out from the rest.

Be Good,



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X & Y On The Fly #35 — Get Over It: How To Fall Out Of Love

X & Y On The Fly PodcastIt’s easy to let yourself fall in love. Falling OUT of love? Not so easy. Join Emily and I along with our guest the illustrious SoCal queen of dating advice herself Renee Piane for straight-talk on a subject that never quite seems to be addressed properly…or fully.

You know by now that XYotF shows tend to be packed to the gills with content, so I’d recommend subscribing and storing these golden nuggets of joy on your iPod.

And don’t forget, when you go to and sign up for our newsletter you can get your grubby mitts on an unsyndicated BONUS EPISODE we call “The JuniorCast”. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, simply log in using the e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the BONUS EPISODE also.

Be Good,



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