Have you seen this yet? There’s some buzz about it so you may have.
Brad “Angel Eyes” Howard… author of more books and articles than anyone I know (except me)… including the popular Fat Loss Black Book… just sent me a special copy of his new collaboration called “The Adonis Effect“.
I have to admit it took me a bit of time to grasp the true “gravitas” of this particular deal. But basically, that’s only because I’m one of three options: 1) Too dense to “get it”, 2) Too dense LITERALLY to get it (let’s just say I could use this program), and/or… 3) The Adonis Effect is so different than anything else out there that you have to think outside the proverbial box to get your head around this piggy.
I wish I had more time to get more into this but needless to say… I’ll be putting this to good use myself.
So today was the big launch, and these guys are only guaranteeing 500 copies of the fast action version of The Adonis Effect.
After that, I’m told that they’ll likely pull the “Explode” bonus… which is something that you definitely want to get
your hands on.
By the way, I threw my own hat into the ring in the form of a special bonus audio program on Real Seduction that I did with Joseph “Thundercat” Matthews. I’ve been selling that as a standalone product lately, but you can get it as part of the killer Adonis Effect package.
If you want to reserve your copy (and I HIGHLY recommend you
do!), then you need to click here right now.
Seriously, this will provide you with a solid foundation in
life and could be the best thing that you do for yourself
in 2008 (if you got VIRTUOSITY in 2007, that is).
And here’s one last thing.
I hear that the current reservation list is well over the 13,000+ point so you’ll want to make sure you act fast to secure your copy and get the red hot bonuses.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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