In my journey through pickup I’ve found this whole thing is more about learning social leadership than anything else.
One thing we all have in common is we are leaders.
If we weren’t leaders we would settle for what we get like everyone else does. Today I’d like to help you assume your role as social leader among your friends in one easy step. Are you nervous?
Don’t be. This is really easy.
Being a social leader isn’t dominating the conversation, talking too much, or acting like a jerk to your friends.
Rather being a social leader is that fun guy (or gal) who brings something to the lives of those around them.
Social leadership is about giving. Now you’re thinking “Austin, what do I give my friends? Cracking jokes isn’t going to make me a leader on its own, is it?” No, probably not.
I still haven’t told you the easy step yet, have I? Ok, here it is. Go to Google and type in the name of your city, follow it with the word
“events”, and click search. I’ve attached a screenshot to help you out:
If Google fails you, Craigslist has a community section with events, classes, and volunteer opportunities in the upper left hand corner of their site.
Thats it! You are now on your way to discovering unique things taking place in your area that you and your friends don’t know about.
There is a step two, though.
Text or call your friends (as many of them as you can) and say, “Hey! a bunch of us are going to the Running Of The Turtles on Chelston St”. Who knew that Syracuse, NY had a running of the turtles? Actually I made that up.
But some events are just as eccentric. This works especially well on a weekday when most people aren’t really planning to do much anyways. [Ed. Note.: Wow…these coaches have the life, huh?]
Tonight I discovered a wine tasting event with appetizers at a fancy hotel restaurant. Three glasses of wine and an appetizer for $16.
You can’t beat that anywhere else. I also brought together friends I hadn’t seen in awhile and met someone knew. All in a days work.
Here is my challenge to you. Go do this today! Find something you haven’t done before. Invite your friends. And then post here how it