Will you look at this? Some guys get all the luck. This is my next-door neighbor’s actual license tag.
By way of simple housekeeping, before you get your boxers (or panties) in a wad about me posting people’s plates on the ‘net, get a load of this (for example) and consider cutting me a break, will you?
So let’s get to the point. Noticing this license plate, I couldn’t help but realize that James Bond (aka “007”) is never in the “Just Be Friends Zone”, now is he? It’s terra incognito for him.
Why is this?
Well, simply put, my man JB isn’t going around chasing each woman as if she’s the last mirror-fogging example of a female homo sapien walking the planet. Moreover, James has options. He’s in demand by women, which means he can be a real, legitimate chooser rather than chaser. No spasmatic reactions or indecisive waffling there–007 has everything handled.
He’s got an interesting and adventurous life, has the concept of cool down cold (if you know what I mean) and women all over the place are buying into whatever the man is selling.
Maybe the British accent has something to do with it, but I doubt it. Even the British women are all over him.
So if you are finding yourself being “JBFed” by women more often than not, start paying attention to your demeanor, attitude and how you carry yourself. Ask, “WWJBD?”
If you do that, my guess is that your success with MOTOS will be a lot less humble, Tex.
Be Good,
P.S. Speaking of license plates, take a look at this. If you are a leadfoot like me, your ship has come in…