Field Report: “I Presently Have Six Quality Women In My Life”

The Author And His Friend, The Former Bud GirlThis email is in reference to your News Letter about guys learning information to meet quality women and not applying what is taught to the real world. I am 100% living proof that your advice works. I have developed leaps and bounds after following your wisdom and reading your news letters. Your one on one counseling is superb. With that said, I presently have 6 quality women in my life. I know it’s not about the numbers, but the quality that counts. However, when guys start becoming successful, it happens, and a new learning process starts for yet another level. It has taken me three years to get here. Truth be told, if I can do it, anyone can.

One very important lesson that I have learned in the attraction process is for a guy to gain knowledge from other successful men and then, more importantly, apply this information to his life. Scot, what you and other experts have taught me is that it first starts with me learning from others and then acting on the gained knowledge to become a better man. There is no quick launch method, no attraction pill, and there is no one thing I can say or do to attract women. Who you are and how you attract women is all about learning and applying; making it part of who you are. I have learned that 20% of your time should be spent gaining book knowledge and 80% of your time should be spent applying what is learned to real life, with real females. The Army has a saying: a mediocre plan timely executed is far better than the most detailed plan not executed at all. Here is some general information that I have learned. If I had advice for those starting out, it is this:

1) If your desire is to attract better women, then become a better man that attracts women. The information is out there for those who want to learn. Make what you learn who you are in the real world. Learn by applying.

2) Learn to stop analyzing your actions with women, let go, and have fun. Be creative and become a kid again. Learn to be fun with women. Make meeting women a fun game. Adopt an attitude that you will put a smile on every woman’s face that you interact with in some way. I am living proof that it is fun to learn methods, apply, and spend time with quality women.

3) Get out and test everything. You must fail before you can succeed with women. Failure is your best friend. It’s tough love. Believe me, I learned to be cocky and funny the hard way. I turned more women off because I did not know how and when to apply. But experience prevailed! Even more important is learning to become masculine, naturally confident, and how to make it fun in almost any given situation. Learn creative conversations, spontaneity, intrigue, and how to shock her in a fun way. Learn to become the “man” of a woman’s dream and what that means.

4) Know your strength and weakness with women. Write out a plan to overcome your weaknesses and break your weaknesses down into small steps. Learning to be successful with women is a process. Develop small processes that work, add them to your entire attraction process system, and build upon it. You must learn attraction basics, develop a process that works for you, and lead women through it.

5) It is important to know that there are lots of quality women in the world and fewer quality guys who get it. Take advantage of these odds by becoming an attractive man that women want to be around. Know what you want and become a man that attracts her.

I have learned so much and I believe it’s time to tell my story. I still have far to go to where I want to be. As you know, it all works on levels and I am not there yet. However, I am also nowhere near the bottom and I have taken all that I have learned to heart. Right now life is fun and my biggest challenge is learning to manage my “hanging out” (dating) life. I have learned to not date anymore, but to simply hang-out when I find someone that I want to spend my time with. I have learned its not money or how much time, however, it is the “experience” that counts. I have learned to develop the experience by becoming spontaneous, intriguing, interesting, fun, and safe. I focus on making myself more excellent. I have learned it’s about having fun and relaxing. I approach women as it being exciting to find out who they are and challenging to take a woman through the attraction process. I have learned that the process is an adventure that is everywhere and anywhere I make it out to be.

— Kevin Kelly (Colorado Springs, CO)

Lt. Col. Kevin Kelly is currently on active duty in the U.S. Army in Colorado, having recently returned from yearlong tour in Afghanistan. He’s finishing up a Ten-Plus program with me and obviously doing great. I was pleasantly surprised to receive this detailed account from him in last night’s e-mail, and it’s reprinted with his permission. Thanks for your service to our country, and for sharing your insights, Kevin. Terrific stuff.

As far as your success with women goes, if you’re interested in going from where you are right now to where you want to be then Ten-Plus is probably right for you also. It’s a guided plan of action with guaranteed results. For more, check out or contact me personally at

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Stop Sucking It In

Hey guys, today I want you to think to yourself if have you at any point recently looked into the mirror and sucked your stomach in?

Don’t worry guys, I’ve done it. I think we all have, trying to make ourselves look better–if only for that moment.

However, there is a problem with this. We are essentially fooling ourselves into believing we are in better shape than we truly are. I’ve found that if I have been doing lots of fitness work, eating right, watching less TV etc., then I will still suck my gut in front on the mirror, and it makes me feel good.

“Wow, I’m looking good at the moment.”



Continue reading “Stop Sucking It In”

Three Tips For Guys Who Are Starting Out

In today’s post I’m going to try to break down some of the things that I did when I was starting out on this journey that I believe helped me out.

First, I recommend getting some friends/wingmen who are also along this journey.

I met 4 guys early on after I joined a forum. These guys were also from Sydney, and didn’t have that creepy vibe that many guys in the community give out. The advantage of having friends who are on the same, or similar, path as you is that you have someone to just vent with, someone who can push you, and someone you can just chill with.

It is possible to take this journey on your own, but its a hell of a lot more fun when you have like minded guys coming with you. A good place to meet like minded individuals is on or on the forums at where they have a whole section dedicated to finding wingmen.

My second tip was actually given to me by one of my wingmen. Write a blog. There are many places where you can go to write a blog, is one example.



Continue reading “Three Tips For Guys Who Are Starting Out”

To Those Starting The Journey




“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

–Anais Nin

Congratulations on making a decision that will transform your life.

Seriously, congratulations. You may think “I haven’t done anything, I just got tired of spending Saturday nights playing Minesweeper/staring at the lobotomy box/nervously gawking at hotties from across the bar.”

But you’ve decided to master your own life and stop wallowing in a septic tank of self-pity. How many people have come to the same realization as you and decided to do nothing, or worse–whine and yowl about it?

And let’s not forget the second part of that sentence—”…making a decision that will transform your life.” It’s not just about your ability to date. That extra confidence will show on the basketball court, in the client’s office, and at Thanksgiving dinner with your own family members.

Now, the first step of the journey is to take a long, hard look into the darkest corners of your brain.

Cooking For Your Date Is The Nuclear Weapon


Continue reading “To Those Starting The Journey”