OK, so check it out. I realize that you’re probably thinking I must have a firm grasp of the obvious posting a video with a title like this.
After all, shouldn’t everyone be having fun on Twitter automatically? I mean, that should happen by default. Or so you’d think, at least.
Well, even though there are “haters”, nit pickers and even sneaky Amway reps among us, it doesn’t have to harsh your buzz. In fact, I can think of several ways to take your existing level on the Twitter Enjoyment Index (TEI?) and make it skyrocket through the roof…pretty much effortlessly, I might add. Here’s the video. It’s exactly five minutes flat…booyah.
So what did I miss here? Any other ideas on how to make Twitter fun? Sock it to me below, but no…posting “inappropriate” pictures of @emilymckay doesn’t count as an “idea”. But I admire your determination.
By the way, has anyone else ever noticed that people’s demeanor on Twitter tends to match the look on their face in their avatar photos with uncanny accuracy? Come to think of it, I guess that makes me a sly smartass…but an affable sort, at least.
So LOL, will you? I’m trusting you enjoyed this one, and I’ve got more coming soon.
As always, if you liked this particular video, please re-tweet this URL, or use the “Tweet This” button below. I appreciate your help in spreading the good word immensely.
OK, today I’ve got something that’s clearly a change of pace.
As you know, I’ve been harping on Twitterconstantly lately. But that’s for good reason. This is not only the hottest social networking site on Earth at the moment, it’s also arguably the most significant in terms of blasting your online dating success through the roof–directly and indirectly, as subscribers to the newsletter already know.
In the real world, there are as many reasons to get geeked over Twitter as there are people onTwitter.
In fact, many (if not most) of you reading probably are not regular visitors to this blog, and linked here through something Twitter related as opposed to dating related.
So on with it.
Here’s the thing. Since New Year’s Day I’ve gone from 1000 followers on Twitter to almost 2200 as we speak.
And I’m convinced you can do it too.
I know what you’re thinking. Either, 1) “Yeah, but you’ve got a gazillion people on your mailing list”, or… 2) “Prove it.”
Well, if you’re of the former category consider that it took just under a year to get to 500 around here, so something had to change to make the spike happen.
And if you’re of the latter category? Well then, you’re just going to have to watch this 21-minute video, where I spill all the details:
Something tells me I’d better brace myself for some comments on this. Go ahead and tell me what’s on your mind.
And before we wrap up, here are a few notes I’ve thought about since the movie was recorded:
1) Yes…you can “piggy back” the basic strategy, in turn leveraging the recent timelines of those you link to from your own.
2) Yes…instead of one big session per day you can run several different quick sessions during the course of a day, just as long as you can keep a handle on non-followers as described.
3) And…just in case it wasn’t implicit, I agree 1000% with what the “Twitter gurus” say: You’ve got to be interesting, helpful and engaging when you “tweet” or else everyone is going to get a clue and unfollow you despite your best laid plans. In other words, what I’ve presented in the vid is a good way to get followers, but keeping them is up to you.
Maybe we’ll do a video on that last point later.
But for now, go on Twitter and getchasum. And always remember, as the video says, if you’re just “collecting followers” you’re missing the point. Join in the conversation, follow people with interests you as yet know nothing about, expand your horizons and–most of all–make lots of new friends.
And if you are interested in Twitter as a dating site, what you’ve seen in this video takes the idea of gaining quick social proof to the ultimate level, huh?
By the way, if you liked this and thought it was helpful, please re-tweet by using the “Tweet This” button at the very bottom of this post. Greatly appreciated!