Relationship Mastery 101 — And Now For Something Completely Different

Lance Taylor's Relationship Mastery 101 Was A Blast To Be A Part Of.The old Monty Python classic line holds true here.

When Lance Taylor called me last year telling me what he had in mind for a project, it took me a while before I was able to completely grasp what he was saying.

As he described his vision, I could’ve sworn he was actually thinking about getting a dogpile of pickup artists together and having them talk about how to succeed in actual relationships with women.

At first I thought this was crazy talk. But then again, I was one of the first guys he called, so I was happy to listen since there must have been some reason he picked up the phone and dialed my digits.

And as it turned out, I wasn’t imagining things after all. Lance was going to compile a series featuring some world-class seduction experts. And they were going to talk about long-term success with women.

Now I’m not a “pickup artist”, per se. But I’ll tell you, the concept was fascinating. After talking to Lance, I was absolutely thrilled to submit some of my very best material to him for that project of his.

fast forward six or eight months later, and I have to tell you…it’s STILL fascinating.

Only now, there’s a finished product.

Lance has dubbed it Relationship Mastery 101, and it’s a barnburner.

Get Lance Taylor's Relationship Mastery 101


Continue reading “Relationship Mastery 101 — And Now For Something Completely Different”

More On “Reverse One-Itis” And Falling In Love Too Fast

If you receive the X & Y Communications newsletter, you just read my answer to a man who has a woman in his life who is expressing clear emotional attachment early on in the non-exclusive relationship.

If you don’t receive the X & Y Communications newsletter, that problem can be cured by using the form of a the top of the right-hand column over there. –>

As promised, here is another similar question from Sander in Atlanta (which if you’re from Boston, rhymes.) This time, there’s the added complication of him wondering how not to fall into a similar situation himself.

Read on… Continue reading “More On “Reverse One-Itis” And Falling In Love Too Fast”

Lose The Exclamation Point…And Be Proud [Video]

OK gentlemen, it’s time for another video blog.

And this time I’m going to talk about pickup strategy. Yes, even in the world of character-based seduction it’s absolutely still crucial to have game when approaching women.

Amazingly, I’ve never seen or heard the subject of this video talked about. Here’s a hint: It’s not always “what to say next” (which I’m asked about constantly) but HOW to say it.

Be sure to watch the entire vid, though, because just for good measure I’m going to share with you a simple four-word phrase that you actually CAN use verbatim which helps you master the key principle of this video until it becomes habit…and beyond.

And ladies, all of this is golden for you also.

So what do you have to say about all of this? Leave your comments…I don’t ask for those nearly enough around here.

Next time, we’ll have real-life demo of how (and how not) to write first-emails to the absolute sharpest women online. Don’t miss it.

BTW, how’s your phone game coming along these days? And text messaging…is it helping you or hurting you out there? This month’s Power Sessions For Men program is an hour and twenty minutes of non-stop practical info on “Telecom Game”. What’s the hot phone set-up for success with women? How do you handle getting numbers and then putting those numbers to good use? How do you handle voice mail? And what’s the right way to handle phone conversations with women you are already seeing on a regular basis? Best of all I give you step-by-step tutorial on how exactly to make women incredibly worked up (in the best way possible) over the phone. As for texting, I’ll show you how not to ruin a perfectly good relationship with text messaging (like so many guys do) along with world-championship caliber text flirting strategy.

There’s more but that last paragraph was already too long. Just click here for all the info on Power Sessions. Or, I’ll give you the “Telecom Game” Power Session for free with any purchase as a one-month trial membership.

Be Good,



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