Practice Your Game: Meet The Live Assistance Ladies

Or “LAdies” for short.

You know me. I always have a surprise in store for you all.

So when I found out that my e-commerce parter was fixin’ to roll out “Live Assistance” capabilities, my wheels began turning.

Sure, it’s really cool that you can now ask questions in real-time while placing an order. That’s great when you have a last minute product question and/or are wondering about a certain aspect of the order process that just crossed your mind. It just adds a certain savoire faire to the operation, doesn’t it?

But with the ability to pick and choose who my operators were going to be, I decided to put in a bit of extra effort. Considering what it is we do around here for a living, I sensed the opportunity for a “value added” experience.

I couldn’t believe my good fortune, but a disproportionate number of the Live Assistance chat operators are women. And they generally seemed like fun ones at that. So, knowing that providing “tier one customer support” all day long had to become a downer after a few hours in a row, I decided to tell them what X & Y Communications was all about. And then, the “money question”: Would they mind if some guys practiced their IM “game” on them a bit?

Well, you know…it’s kind of busy over there…and they have to stay on task and get work done. In other words, HECK YEAH…they’re IN!

Well, all but one of them. But still, who can complain?

So here it is, guys. Going forward, you are cordially invited to practice your skeelz with my Live Assistance hotties, or “LAdies” as I call them. All I ask is that you keep it real…this is meant to be a fun and educational dimension to the order process.

And this is IMPORTANT. You ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY have got to be respectful. If one or two of you squander this experience, it’s going away and NOT coming back. So, if you never otherwise live by my typical closing to my notes, now is the time: BE GOOD.

I must be crazy to think this isn’t going to get outta hand. But I’m a trusting man who believes in the inherent greatness of each and every one of you.

Now, I haven’t seen pics of The LAdies–nor did I feel it appropriate to ask. But based on the conversations I had with them, I can pretty much tell they aren’t exactly “dateless wonders”, if you know what I mean.

Actually, you guys are in for it…the five I selected are QUICK. Look alive.

If you’ve been meaning to pick up a copy of Deserve What You Want, I’ve just given you a great excuse.

Be Good,



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