Don’t fall off your chair when I tell you what I’m about to say. But you might indeed want to sit down for this nonetheless.
Here it is. I’m going to be teaching more about “kino” from now on.
In the past I’ve given the concept a hard time in general. But going forward I’m going to be more open minded about the term.
Now listen up though. It’s not like I’ve ever been against touching women. In fact, I highly recommend doing it as much as possible, given the fair opportunity to indulge oneself is there for you.
It’s just that when it comes right down to it, what has always struck me as wrongheaded was the concept of slapping a scientific, NLP-inspired moniker on the whole phenomenon and then packaging it in a tightly-wrapped package with specific “deployment” instructions on how to “escalate” it or whatever.
That’s why I haven’t pushed the concept, at least as generally described within the Seduction Community.
Knowing that women respond powerfully to a man who is not sexually pushy, putting potential physical contact with any particular woman on a time schedule–complete with paint-by-numbers-inspired action steps–comes off as bass-ackwards.
Dudes. If you’re in need of improvement in terms of the number of women you’re getting to paw up these days, the very last thing you need is to over-analyze the minutiae of the scenario (some more).
Disagree if you’d like (the comment space below is calling your name). Go ahead and tell me that guys who are just starting out need a framework to begin with. Tell me that you’ve got to start with “baby steps”.
But I’m prepared to offer a suitable alternative solution where I perceive there to be an issue here.
Because here it is: I think the straightforward truth of the matter in terms of what women would love for more of us guys to do about the whole “kino” issue is far less complicated than most of us typically imagine.
Lo and behold, women LOVE to be touched. And, as fortune would have it, they want to be touched by YOU in particular, as a matter of fact.
In many ways, as Bryan Bayer and I recently covered in a VIRTUOSITY session cum Power Sessions Bonus is right on target here.
We, as brothers in general, have shamed ourselves into thinking that touching a woman is inherently contrary to what she probably wants. Therefore, in order to satisfy our animal instincts somehow we have to resort to some sort of sneaky, underhanded hijinks to “get our way” with her…somehow.
Now I could pass this kind of thinking off as useless simply by reminding you that women are human beings just like us, often with perfectly normal intelligence, and they weren’t born yesterday. The last I checked, there wasn’t a “sliding scale” for measuring IQ in women versus men. Right? Intelligence is measured the same way whether you are a man or a woman. “100” is average no matter who you are.
But that would be too easy, and no fun either.
So let’s do some “chick whispering” here instead.
Remember, the “Big Four” factors are crucial in attracting women in the most naturally effective way possible.
This means she (whoever “she” is) wants a man who is confident and who in turn inspires confidence in her.
The very second you creep a woman out or make her feel as if she is in danger of being physically compromised, you’re toast. As Ross Perot would have said, “That giant ‘sucking sound’ is your chances with that woman being flushed away to Mexico.”
And there’s not doubt about it. Putting some chick on your “schedule” for how soon you need to be touching her, and the exact order it’s going to take place in is a sure-fire recipe for disaster.
When she says, “Ewww”, you can put your head between your own legs and kiss your @$$ goodbye, cowboy.
But when you can relax and enjoy her feminine presence for what it is, and respect her right to make her own decisions as an adult, something magical happens–even as the PUA crowd would tell you something’s inherently wrong with you for respecting a woman.
That magical something is…wait for it…she’ll start giving you subtle indicators that she wants you to touch her.
Now you have to know how to read the signs, but mostly that equals coming to grips with your own bout with guilt and shame over being a sexual man and realizing that women are equally as sexual as you are…if not more so.
Once the fog clears from that for most of you, I may get fewer e-mails from y’all that read something like this:
“Dear McKay:
So we were snuggling in front of the tube at my crib two nights ago. I was half asleep when she all of the sudden started tickling me. I looked at her and she giggled. A few seconds later she grabbed a throw pillow and whacked me on the coconut with it. So man, do you think she likes me? Should I have kissed her? Maybe she was just toying with me because she didn’t return my text message yesterday.
Christopher Clueless”
What will have happened instead, you see, is that the woman will recognize that you enjoy spending time with her and have some sense of concern for her well being. You aren’t out to “use” her. Rather, you convey your attraction in a natural, matter-of-fact sense that doesn’t come off in a matter somewhat akin to a horny Chihuahua.
Once you have sparked attraction (through confidence, masculinity, etc.) followed by extending a genuine indication that she can trust you–and rightly so–“kino” takes care of itself. You all but get a formal written indication.
From there, it’s on–assuming you have the self-esteem to accept what is unfolding before your very eyes for what it is.
Otherwise man, I won’t blame her for not responding to your texts the next day. The poor chick flat-out feels humiliated and rejected in those cases!
Imagine your worst blowout of all time, and then magnify it seven-fold. That’s how she feels when you create an environment for her to give you the “Kino All-Clear Signal” (KACS?) and you fumble the ball.
See, she’s like we as guys tend to be. She’s only considering what she must have done wrong.
I’ve done quite a bit of thinking leading up to this blog post, and I’m looking forward to expounding more on this whole subject. In fact, here’s a formal announcement: the May Power Sessions program has already been titled “Character-Based Kino”.
Let’s take the sleaze out of this, gentlemen. Life is a “Kino-Banquet” and most poor suckers are starving to death. If you are on the Power Sessions list, look forward to a true “instant classic” barnburner in a couple of weeks (preceded by a killer, killer bonus I’m co-hosting with someone you haven’t met yet). I solemnly promise you will have never heard anything like what I’ve got in store for you, and it will make the difference for you.
If you aren’t, don’t pay for the program just yet, despite all the links I’ve scattered in this post.
Instead, get something else and let me give you your first month two Power Sessions (and that bonus) FREE as part of the deal.
Clicking on the banner below would be a good choice, or you can getchasum at the store–even a “Seven Dollar Seminar” gets you in.
Mark my words, you are likely to see that May Power Session rolled into a larger project sooner than later. And at that point when the world is abuzz about it, you’ll already have gotten a head start. Cheers.
Be Good,
P.S. Fasten your seat belts. Next time, by request, I’ll be giving you my long-overdue thoughts about how to date taller women.