Handle Approach Anxiety: Courtesy Of The “Above Ground” Seduction Community [Video]

There’s at least one major benefit of not being “underground”.

And it’s not necessarily that the beaches are better.

It does, however, have everything to do with getting over approach anxiety. Find out what can only happen in broad daylight…all in this latest video-blog:

There are yet more v-blogs already in the can and waiting their turn. I’ll be posting them soon.

But next time we’ll cover a massive “one-two punch” for online dating profile success. More precisely, we’ll unveil a tandem of online dating strategies so powerful that when used in synchronicity they can take you from “writer’s block” to “world champion” so fast you might get whiplash.

Sound complicated? Nah…we’ll explain it the easy way. Stay tuned…

Be Good,



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How To Undo Her Bra…Single Handedly

Getting Past The Bra Doesn't Have To Be A Dark And Intimidating ExperienceMost guys share a dark secret in common.

No matter how well we know how to ignite a woman’s femininity, no matter how consistently we can “kiss close” a woman, and–indeed–no matter how long it is we’ve actually known a woman we’re with just about every guy faces a certain obstacle. An obstacle though soft, frilly and decidedly feminine as it seems stands in the way of the average man like afternoon traffic on I-35 in Austin.

It’s, of course, her bra.

Why can’t any guy seem to undo it quickly, easily and without any drama?

Granted, there are certain things that are so firmly rooted in a woman’s daily life that they become second nature to her while utterly confounding most men. An example is how a woman can take a shower, come out to grab a towel and a split-second later emerge with a “towel turban” on her dome that would make this guy jealous. How does she do that? Has any man ever really seen it done?*

Another example is getting the bra on and off. She puts it on by installing it backwards around her waist first so she can see to hook it together. From there, the drill basically goes: 1) Turn 180 degrees on her torso 2) Arms through straps 3) Position.

And much to the chagrin of every AFC out there, she can whip the contraption off just as easily. Usually when this occurs in your presence, unless you are being treated to a striptease (which admittedly is one way out of this whole mess), it’s accompanied by a statement to the effect of, “Oh whatever… Here, let me just take care of it myself.”

The horror.

But here it is…we as guys don’t deal with bras in “normal life”, so to some degree it’s an unfair expectation for us have this trick down as well as she. Ask her to tie a Double Windsor and see what happens. Most women are utterly nonplussed by such a daunting task.

Although, when a woman ties your tie for you it can be a surrealistically hot experience, can’t it? There’s just something intriguing about that.

So once and for all, no more excuses. It’s time to turn the tables and give you some added intrigue, pardner.

Right here, right now I am going to flat-out cure you forever of “bra intimidation”. No more fumbling. No more finagling. And for sure no more embarrassing mood breakers when it’s time to take her bra off.

You see, the problem is largely a matter of misunderstood engineering. Women’s bras generally are fastened in the back by between one and three hooks.** Conventional wisdom states that to unhook that which is hooked, one much angle and turn the hook to allow it to take it’s logical course to freedom based on its shape.

Ironically, that course of reason produces the most tedious possible results.

Rather, the focus should be not on the shape of the hooks, but rather the action of the elastic. After all, it’s not really the shape of the hook that’s inherently holding everything together back there, it’s the tension afforded by the elastic.

So then, learning to unhook a woman’s bra most effectively is basically a lot like learning to drive a stickshift in that once you understand the mechanics of what’s going on, the more the proper actions make sense.

I did a cursory search on the Internet for a suitable tutorial on this subject. While several came close and indeed gave valid “one handed” instructions, every one was still too complicated.

Emily tells the story about how back in high school a certain clique of brash and socially popular upperclassmen would come up behind them casually in the hallways between classes and with one sudden, deft motion undo their bras and begin laughing hysterically.

In the hallways. Between classes. With one hand. Through the girls’ clothes.

And what was most unnerving to Emily and her friends was not simply the imminent crisis involved, but the blasted accuracy with which the boys could operate.

My first thought upon hearing all of this was to wonder why we were too dense to think of this one back when I was in eleventh grade.

But I digress.

The point here is that if some eleventh grader can unfasten a bra, you can do it. But then again, you may have to be at least old enough to remember how to work a television dial.

Why? Because that’s exactly what it takes to get this right…the first time, every time.

And obviously, who used to change channels with two hands?

Forget attempting to uncurl hooks clumsily, “double fisted” all the while. Forget some motion akin to “snapping your fingers”. Forget anything you’ve heard about placing your middle finger between the bra and her back before “squeezing the latched ends towards each other”.

Sure, that last option is half right…as is the “snap technique” for that matter. But “understanding the engineering” here means that you realize not only that the hooks must be relieved of tension (by squeezing the ends of the bra strap towards the middle), but that they must also be redirected from each other at that point lest they simply re-fasten on the “rebound”.

Sound complicated? Nah. You just “change the channel”.

Grasp the back of her bra where the hooks are in the middle with your thumb and the edge of your forefinger exactly as you’d grab the channel dial. This inherently gathers the hooks together slightly. Then, from “channel 2” to “channel 13” we go, gentlemen. For those of you who may be challenged by this analogy, you are grasping at about 1:00 and twisting counter-clockwise to about 11:00.

Then just let go. If you really must, maybe tug outwardly just ever-so-slightly after grasping and as you twist.

Oh, and although not mandatory, performing this feat left-handed is preferable.

It’s like magic, I’m telling you. So elegant a motion, yet so powerful the results.

And yes…if you can undo her bra through clothes, it’s all the more simple without. The only real caveat is that the larger the woman is, the more hooks you’ll encounter. Logically then, undoing a taller, curvier woman’s bra may require a bit more authority (read: “deliberately executed steps”) than advertised…but the technique is no different.

So the next time you’re done watching what’s on…change the channel.***

Be Good,



*It’s simple, really. She takes the towel longways, drapes it over the back of her head while bending forward, brings the ends together, twists them together a couple of times and throws the bundle over the back of her head. Voila.

**Although some bras fasten in the front, the design of those varies quite a bit so we’ll stick to statistical probability for now. Otherwise, this could become more like an e-book than a blog post.

***No “stickshift” lessons will be mentioned here. I’ll leave that to someone else’s comments.


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Sick Of The Games And Manipulation? Here’s The Cure.

Power Social Skills From Carlos XumaIt’s no secret that Carlos Xuma and I think alike on a lot of things. He and I have become frequent collaborators and good friends.

If you are in on VIRTUOSITY, then you already know that Carlos joined me as a co-instructor for a killer session on “Games People Play”, where we spent an epic-length session detailing ways people manipulate and “play games” with each other in relationships.

AND…if you have experienced that audio program, you also know that Carlos announced to the world on it that his next CD Series was going to be on social games…and it would likely be his magnum opus.

Well, just this week Carlos made good on that promise by releasing Power Social Skills. Having taken the full tour of what he’s offering here, I’m pretty much convinced that he has lived in a cave for the last five months getting this absolutely perfect (well…between martial arts classes and some quality time with the ladies here and there, I’m sure).

Now I’ve always had full trust in Carlos’ work, having enjoyed it even before I kissed the IT world “buh-bye” forever to do what I do today. But what he has unleashed here is completely different. And even as the guy who has concocted something as
rambunctiously content-rich as VIRTUOSITY, I’ll be the first to step up and say that this has to be one of the most value-packed and overwhelmingly beneficial programs for men I’ve ever seen.

What’s more, it covers one of the most critical yet most overlooked areas when it comes to being successful with women.

Seriously, you can attract all the hotties you want. But if you repeatedly fall prey to an undercurrent of “games” and flat-out manipulation your life will still be M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. You didn’t really need me to remind you of that though, did you? After all, how many online profiles have you ever seen that clearly state “No Games”? That’s because being with someone who plays them sucks.

The problem, though, is that nobody really seems to be able to define what “games” are, really.

OK, so here it is. Take a look at what Carlos has going on and you’ll quickly recognize how dramatic the benefits of getting in on it will be. I mean, he’s breaking down one hundred thirty-two different kinds of social games and brands of manipulation. Are you kidding me? Well, it’s all there in black and white (or black and yellow) on his web-site. Get that level of knowledge and wisdom down, gentlemen, and you’ll pretty much own your own private skillset of super powers.

So do you get the idea that I am impressed by this program? My guess is that you will be too…but you have to take a peek for yourself to know for sure:

Power Social Skills

Next time I’ll be back with a post on a topic that is a bit edgier than what you are used to from me…get ready. Until then…

Be Good,



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Never, Ever Settle Now Available Separately…For A Limited Time

Scot McKay's Fourth Book Is Titled Never, Ever Settle

Okay, okay.

I’ve had bunches of e-mails asking if I was ever going to make my fourth book Never, Ever Settle available outside of the VIRTUOSITY package.

With so many people taking their 2008 new year’s resolutions seriously (and the year is already about 4% up, folks, so get crackin’!), I figure now’s the time to let as many people get their hands on it as would like to.

It’s like a little slice of VIRTUOSITY, really.

So if “Failure To Deploy” is a recurring theme in your dating life, it’s time to do something about that (literally). Never, Ever Settle covers the causes of dating failure in vivid detail. More importantly, however, it gives you the straight-up practical plan necessary to take action and start getting what you deserve.

After all, it is the direct sequel to Deserve What You Want, building on that foundation. And there’s MUCH, MUCH less than you think standing in the way between you and the great women who should be in your life.

If you haven’t yet read Deserve What You Want, you should. And if you have, you’ll love Never, Ever Settle.

Be Good,



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I Want You But I Can’t Stand You [Video]

Ever meet someone you really can’t stand, but yet you feel this sexual desire for him or her anyway? What’s up with that? I mean, someone can insult you, irritate you to no end or–amazingly–even be bent on making one’s life flat-out miserable, yet the sexual attraction is clearly there.

Take a look at the video below for the low-down on this completely unintuitive but very real human phenomenon…

I’ll be back with another video for you in a few days…this time on why we’re not “underground” when it comes to seduction around here. It’s all in broad daylight…next time.

Be Good,



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She Thinks I Hung The Moon

Every Night There's A Full Moon Around Here

And she’s absolutely correct.

But it was nothing, really. And no false humility intended; all it took was a nail and one good whack from a hammer.

Here it is: What you see to the left isn’t really the moon. It’s something called “The Moon In My Room”, and that accurately fits the description of what’s going on in the picture.

It’s marketed by National Geographic and found in the toy department at Target for about $18 USD. In Europe it’s marketed by “Uncle Milton”, and my limited research indicates it costs a bit more across The Drink. But face it, kids “6 and up” already know what the moon looks like and what it does. The reality is all of that “politically correct” stuff about this thing being marketed as an “educational toy” is all just a flimsy front for the truth: This gadget is the baddest-ass potential addition to any guys’ bedroom since fitted sheets.

Seriously. Slapping this thing on the wall is tantamount to deploying a nuclear warhead. Forget lava lamps, black lights, etc. (or at least do so for now). If I have to describe the mood you can set with this thing in granular detail, you probably wouldn’t understand anyway. Let’s just say your bedroom can now pretty much be outside under a full moon in the summertime even if you happen to be cooped up in the Yukon Territory this time of year. Couple this outrageous nonsense with one of those “therapeutic sound” clock radios…set to “summer night” (i.e. crickets) or even “waves crashing” and you’ve got the very definition of passionate fantasy working in your favor.

You can select which phase you want the moon to be in, but having either a full or crescent moon in one’s room seem to me the only viable options, really. The lighting effect is impressively accurate. And get this–the thing has a remote control so you can manually change the phases. And an “off” timer. I’m not even going to ask you to repress the “Tim Allen” reaction.

Be Good,



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Best Wishes For A Happy New Year…And What’s In The Pipeline For 2008 [Video]

Emily joins me in sending along our sincere wishes for 2008 to be the best year for you ever. We’re looking forward to a great year ourselves, and you’re about to hear about some of what we have in store for y’all…

One of the things that wasn’t mentioned in the video is that we have a whole ‘nother set of video blogs coming up for you. Don’t touch that dial (does anyone under 25 even know what that means anymore?)

Be Good,



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A Surefire Secret To Effective Online Dating Profile Pictures

Okay, hopefully all the guys know by now to keep their shirts on for their online dating pics. And to not post pictures that look like they’re about to kill someone. And to avoid pics taken at strip clubs.

And in the interest of equal time, I’m sure women know by now not to go with the “Glamour Shot”, more pictures of the cat than of themselves, close-cropped face shots and/or anything blurry.

But what can we use as a yardstick for measuring good pictures? We’re usually left to the process of elimination here, aren’t we?

In coaching calls lately I’ve been describing the quintessentially perfect online dating profile pic as “warm, yet confident”. One woman–at a loss for what that actually looks like–asked for examples. Going through my “archives” for suitable examples was a very real “proof-of-concept” moment, as I realized that nearly all of the women who had caught my attention online–including Emily–had primary photos that captured exactly what I was talking about. So, I sent her some.

From there, realizing that this “warm yet confident” concept was truly on-point, my imagination was thereby tuned in to the concept. But the question remained as to what exactly to tell someone to get him or her into the proper mindset to produce some winning photos.

Shortly thereafter, while evaluating some software online, I got the proverbial 2×4 upside the head.

It happened when I saw a graphic advertising “live customer assistance”. Ironically, I even have very similar graphics here in the X & Y Communications web universe, but had still managed to overlook the obvious. Yet, the truth is crystal clear once one’s eyes are opened to it: Virtually every picture on the web of a headphone-wearing customer service agent–guy or girl–would make an outstanding online profile pic. Just rip the blasted headphones off and they would be all set.

Customer Service Chickie, Lookin' All Warm And Confident

Why is this the case? Well, any such pic almost always shows a warm, confident individual. Sure, the people in such photos are often good-looking, but not always “off the charts” hott by any stretch. Nevertheless, they typically come off as very attractive–in the literal sense. We are drawn in.

This is all by design.

After all, what’s the purpose of one of those “headphone pictures”? You got it…the idea is to get you to jump the fence, click the graphic, and start a conversation. If the person seems friendly, easy to talk to and as if they wouldn’t laugh at us for having dumb questions…we’re more likely to take the plunge and talk.

Here's Another Warm And Confident One

Moreover, if that same person appears to look as if he or she is likely to have the answer we’re looking for, so much the better. And nothing demonstrates the clear possibility of competence than an aura of confidence.

So let’s bring the concept full-circle. Just what is the point of your online dating profile pictures? Exactly–the point is to encourage people to contact you. In many ways, therefore, the goal is ultmately the same as that of online sites with customer service agents.

Can She Help You?  Probably So.

So why not take a lesson from their collective marketing savvy and put it to work for you: When you take some shots for your online dating profile, ask your self “WWCSD?” (“What Would Customer Service Do?”)

My guess is that such a mindset–as “unorthodox” as it may sound–will bring you ridiculously positive results. It certainly can’t hurt.

Operators Are Standing By...And Just How Long Will You Wait By The Phone For It To Ring?

Strangely enough, if you look at the X & Y Communcations “Team Page” you could probably slap headphones on both Emily and I and we’d pretty much be instantly transformed into credible customer service agents. As fortune would have it, both her pic and mine on that page began life as–yes–our respective primary pics on Match.com. Go figure.

For more revolutionary and proven ways to take your online dating success to the ultimate level, be sure to take a close look at Online Dating Domination. Guys, that’s the plan for becoming the most successful guy in your entire metro area on any dating site of your choice. And ladies, Emily’s got a similar plan for you coming very, very soon. Stay tuned.

Be Good,



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The Best Wintertime First Date Idea Ever

Here is some Q & A that went on recently between a reader and I. While there are some key general principles in there about setting up oneself for success on first dates, the greatest takeaway is the reader’s date idea itself. Read on.

Hi Scot:

I just thought i would email you to see if you have an answer that you could give to me advising me about going on a date with this beautiful girl.
I have had the date set up for a couple of weeks and explained to her that because of Christmas I had no money, setting a date in January (well next Friday).

I’m planning on taking her ice skating and then for a nice meal. But I found out that she has another date tomorrow night (Sunday) and I was just wondering what your advice would be about this–whether to keep the date as I do really want to take her out, but I just don’t know as of [learning about her going] on this other date.

Also any tips you could give me that would really give me a good chance to get a second date and take her out even more.
I have my hopes up about this date as I don’t have much luck with the ladies but I am hopefully changing this over the next year.

Many thanks,

Colin (United Kingdom)

Hello Colin:

Well, first of all I wouldn’t have told her that I needed two weeks to plan the date because I had no money.

Second of all…I wouldn’t have needed to have any money anyway.

Third…I would have recognized that a truly sharp, worthwhile woman cares more about my interest in spending time with her than how much money I’m spending. And I would have made plans for a LOT sooner…if just to go Christmas shopping together or to see the Christmas lights downtown. Whatever.

That she has a date with another guy tomorrow is in and of itself immaterial. That’s the bed you’ve made by empowering her to explore other options during the interim between when you asked and when your date actually happens. If after that date she likes him more than you, that’s the way it goes. On the other hand, if he blows it for himself as many guys do (either by being too sexually pushy and or…wait for it…by trying to impress her with how much money he spends on her) then you may actually be handed an opportunity on your evening with her to show her how a real man operates.

As an aside, the fact that she TOLD you about the other date is likely a sign of interest in YOU rather than him. Think about it. Yet you are asking me questions as if you feel you’ve already “lost” before you’ve even gone out with her. Success with her and with women in general has to start with the confident mindset of a man who is a winner and assumes rich options with women.

If you haven’t told her about the “nice dinner” after the ice skating plans, I wouldn’t. I am also assuming you know how to ice skate decently (not necessarily like Sidney Crosby or anything, but at least as well as she’ll be able to) and therefore can demonstrate confidence and leadership.

That said, ice skating sounds like an exceptional first date idea. There are built-in ways to be “physical” together that are quintessentially perfect for sending the right messages. You can hold her hand, skate arm-in-arm if she’s a beginner, and physically help her up after a fall (not by the arm like an NBA player, please).

You can even perform the all-powerful “out of context dance twirl” a time or two when you’ve stopped skating and are ready to step off the ice (or already have). All of these examples allow you to show that you can lead physically WITHOUT coming off as a horn dog. Note the distinct difference between what I’m talking about here and “escalating kino”, which is how sex-focused men try to manipulate women whom they assume–and typically mistakenly so–aren’t wise to what’s going on.

Ice skating. Good call. Most Definitely.

Pick her up for the evening and take her skating. Don’t plan on this lasting for any longer than an hour and a half or so because it gets old (and cold) faster than you think–especially if there’s a lot of falling going on. Believe me when I tell you a nice restaurant is not going to fit the texture of the evening after that anyway.

Assuming you two are having fun, then you announce that it’s time to go grab a bite afterward. Choose somewhere that’s inexpensive and with a lightweight atmosphere. It is imperative that this be about continuing to spend time together now that you’re hungry having ice skated for a while. You are not attempting to impress her with dinner here. Then, continue the fun conversation making best use of the doubtlessly humorous or otherwise talkworthy stuff that happened while you were ice skating.

Getting this right isn’t difficult, my good friend. I can guarantee it’s at least easier than learning to ice skate was.

Oh…and lest I forget. Watch for the perfect first-kiss moment, which could come at any time. If you help her up after another slip up on the ice and she stays close to you and looks you in the eye rather than skating off right away, PLEASE kiss her…briefly but effectively. If you don’t, every woman reading this will come to your door and go “Ruth Buzzi” on your happy beating you over the head with their purses.

Assuming the best in the above scenario, when you take her home after dinner, walk her to her door, tell her you had fun and that you’ll call her. Then LEAVE. No more kisses. Get this last step right and the guy from the date before yours is in BIG trouble. She won’t be able to stop thinking about you. And please don’t wait “three to five days” to call the poor chick, will you?


Be Good,



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