Women Want A Man Who Will Lead…Here’s Proof

In the latest edition of the X & Y Communications weekly newsletter, I shared with you an e-mail from a man who had been dating a particularly sharp woman. She had been showing some clear signs of interest, including staying out with him way later than she planned on date #2.

Yet, our hero (in this case Russell from Michigan) was used to distinct “chasing behavior” from other women he had been dating recently. So when that latest woman didn’t exactly follow suit in the form of calling first, suggesting where to go on dates, making overt statements of interest, etc. he took it as either a minimal interest level or (gasp) manipulative behavior. After all, why should a guy have to do all the “heavy lifting” here?

In my answer to his e-mail, I reassured him that the woman was likely very interested in him. Importantly, she was equally likely not a manipulator who wanted him to “chase” her.

My take on the situation was in fact that she was simply one of those rare, amazing women who demonstrates a sense of dignity that rare, amazing men ALSO tend to possess. That is to say, she understands the attraction-killing danger of giving away one’s power in the form of neediness and/or insecurity.

She wasn’t about “chasing” anyone…or about “chasing” at all, really. High-quality men and women are past that much in the same way that Mark Cuban is past checking out his personal credit report.

But most importantly, like virtually all other particularly sharp women, she was looking for benevolent leadership from our main man Russell. She requires a man who can make decisions, have situations handled, and set plans based on genuine recognition of her reasonable preferences and desires as a woman.

Since releasing that newsletter, the responses I’ve received have been fascinating. Typically, some of you guys have been sending me examples similar to Russell’s from your own life asking me to unravel what occurred. Apparently, what we’re discussing here is so foreign to standard “Seduction Community” teaching that it’s frying our collective circuits as guys.

But wait…I also heard from numerous women. That’s right, gentlemen…the ladies are reading the newsletter. And here’s a random sampling from an almost uniform chorus of female voices:

“Hey Scot…..loved your email today (female here) You are so on the mark with your thought process and advice. Where have all the men gone that can ‘lead’? Appreciate your candid info….you really know ‘what a girl wants’. HAPPY NEW YEAR” –Diane in Canada

“I’ve been reading your articles for a few weeks now and I just had to respond to your latest article – YOU ARE SO RIGHT ON!! I am so perplexed/frustrated with meeting men who have absolutely no leadership skills like this guy. We have a great time but then do… ????
Anyway, I wish all men would be reading your newsletters. I mostly just think they are clueless with no malice intended but I do NOT want to be a teacher. Keep up the good work. I really appreciate it and hope to meet a wonderful one of these days!” –Ginger from Parts Unknown

“I love your response to Russel, and you have my sincere congratulations for recognizing and pointing out the quality women truly do want men who lead. I understand Russell’s confusion over the situation with the woman he tried to date. It seems that men particularly have a stereotype of women – that we are bossy and always “want to call the shots.” In reality, we call the shots because the men often do not. But, deep down, we really want a man to lead. We adore men who will stand up for his convictions and give us something to respect and follow. Trust me, I am a woman who have been married to the same man for over 12 years. So, keep up the great work!! All the best.” –Kirsten from Who Knows Where

…and this gem:

“I don’t usually respond to any dating emails but this one was compelling and
I couldn’t resist. You summed it all up by telling him that we women crave masculinity. It’s a NON-NEGOTIABLE! Women can’t resist a charming, smart, socially savvy man who leads. That is
sexy to us. A man who can lead in turn makes us want to explode with our femininity, which is what you men want, right!?

So, guess what boys…we won’t even keep your number on our cell phones if you don’t show us we are worth the effort! Any indication of weakness on your part automatically eliminates you from the running!

By expecting the woman to call (at least in the initial stages of dating) you are sending this woman a message that you Do Not Value HER (which is also an indication of arrogance on your part..way up there on that list of turn-offs). How can you possibly expect to win-over that “High-Quality” woman if you don’t let her know that she’s worth your time and effort?! If you don’t do your part to inspire us to shower you with our femininity, then you can’t have it. Period. End of story. It’s simple guys…pick up the phone…D-I-A-L! Show us your manliness–and your reward will be great.” –Abby from Seattle

So, Abby. Tell us how you really feel, huh?

All of this reminds me to remind you that what we are up to around here is not “underground”. I couldn’t really give a rat’s hindquarters if women “find out” what we’re talking about. In fact, see for yourself…they not only know about it, they’re cheering me on.

I hear one of you guys out there saying, “Yeah Scot, but women will say they want something from a guy and their actions will demonstrate the exact opposite.”

Really? Are you sure about that, or is that just something you learned from somewhere “underground”?

Yeah well, I like it right here above ground, where the sun shines. Real women have spoken, and you can choose to believe that they know what they’re talking about…or not.

As for me, I’ve always preferred women who knew what they were talking about. Women who say one thing and do something else kind of bore me. Then again, men who are like that are sort of a drag also, as anyone who has ever been in the business world (or bought a used car) can attest.

So here’s my challenge to you for 2008, guys: Are you going to keep doing what you’ve always done when it comes to attracting women?

If you’ve decided that enough is enough and that it’s time to trade in mediocrity for a wildly successful dating life, then you know what to do. Here’s the link I mentioned in the newsletter…and those of you who are on the guest list for it have the secret code I gave.

I’ve got your back and am at your side as you attain a level of success with great women that very, very few men will ever even realize exists.

And ladies, what about you? Do you refuse to settle for anyone less than a man of masculine leadership and character? If you think all men are lacking in that department, it’s time to cut loose old ways of thinking and begin to recognize the simple truth that there are a multitude of men out there who deserve great women. The question is, are you ready to meet one? If you don’t have a clear answer, here’s a great place to start.

Take care, and thanks again to everyone who writes and/or leaves comments. I’ll be back again in a day or two with what could be the ultimate wintertime first date idea.

Be Good,



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So, You Want To Eliminate The Competition? (Part Two) [Video]

Last time we talked about having to “compete” for people you’d like to date. But what happens once you’ve actually “won”? Let’s face it, at that point it’s time to re-evaluate, lest you face the type of danger I talk about in today’s video:

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Can Your Google Toolbar Do THIS?

OK, check it out. I was casually leafing through the last issue of Cliff’s List, which in and of itself is nothing unusual, when I found something that stopped me dead in my tracks. These days, it takes something altogether original to get that kind of reaction from me.

What I found was something called Diabolik’s Seduction Community Toolbar. Basically, somebody (namely “Diabolik”) who is apparently as gifted technologically as he is interested in improving his skills with women came up with the concept–and it’s completely cool.

Screenshot Of The Diabolik Seduction Community Toolbar

Basically, you download the lightweight application as you would Google’s Toolbar or anything similar. Installation is fast, intuitive and apparently bug-free. Then, the next time you open Internet Explore you have all the blogs, forums and associated other “goodies” from most of the big names in dating and seduction training for men at your fingertips. It’s like a “dating dashboard”. This is about as cool as it gets.

So definitely grab a heaping helping for yourself from the main download site. When you do, why not make your first official use of it to check out the Deserve What You Want forum? If you do, jump right in. These days we have FAR too many “lurkers” in relation to “posters”.

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So, You Want To Eliminate The Competition? (Part One) [Video]

A lot of times Emily and I get e-mails from men and women (especially) who claim that they can’t stand competing for the affections of MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex). Typically, they want to know how to eliminate such competition and/or how to “just say know”, as it were, thereby refusing to compete altogether.

Well, have I got a take on that concept for you. Watch below…

As noted, that’s Part One. Next time we’ll talk about the opposite side of the coin: What happens if you actually succeed at “eliminating the competition”? Prepare for a somewhat shocking answer…

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I Wasn’t Kidding. High Quality Women Exist, For High Quality Men

Ali From MiamiIf you read my newsletter this week you heard me talk about how a shocking number of guys think “all women” (especially American ones) are deceitful, manipulative golddiggers who’ll cheat on you, leave you and take all your money.

Yeah, well. You also heard me talk about how most guys who throw that level of blame over all women like a blanket should take a look in the mirror. After all, it’s easier to blame others than to deserve what you want (a concept one reader termed “profound”…go figure).

But don’t get me wrong, guys. I ain’t mad atcha. My #1 goal–as always–is simply to empower you to get GREAT WOMEN into your life. But you know how it is. It’s hard to transfer into reality a concept that you don’t even BELIEVE IN.

And rest assured, truly high-quality women aren’t like Santa Claus. They’re 100% real, whether you like it or not. They’re usually not overweight, old or bearded either. Nor do they get stuck in your chimney. Come to think of it, though, they do sometimes bring nice gifts.

I digress.

See that picture up there? That’s Ali from Miami. Here’s the e-mail I got from her after she read that last newsletter:

“AMEN!!! I am going to mass print this newsletter and give it to EVERY man I meet that complains that there aren’t any GOOD women out here. And I meet A LOT of them. I am amazed at how many men are disillusioned by MOTOS. Real or perceived, I don’t know. But it seems to be an epidemic. Just take a look at the Headlines/Opening lines on many male online profiles. Probably the most popular opener is….”Are there any good women out there”? I read this and scream…YES, YES there is! Me, Me.

I am a woman of the highest echelon and I am holding out for a man who deserves me! We will deserve each other.

Thank you Scot for the best newsletter yet!”

Yeah, well. I’m not surprised. I’m not surprised by Ali’s message OR her existence. Just in case any of you are attempting to believe that my relationship with Karaoke-girl (two posts below this one) is all “staged” or something, there’s more evidence for you that I’m not blowing smoke about all this “high quality women” stuff.

By the way, did you happen to catch the fact that Ali’s ONLINE? So tell me, what is it going to take for some of you guys out there to finally get your hands on this and start participating in life as we know it around here? Go back and dust off yesterday’s newsletter and getchasum using the killer coupon I sent you. It’s time for a whole new attitude…and some serious success with great women that is beyond your dreams.

What? You aren’t getting the X & Y Communications Weekly Newsletter yet? That means you aren’t getting my frequent cool surprises reserved for newsletter subscribers. It’s all FREE, of course, and you can start getting it (and STOP missing out) simply by using the form at the upper right corner of this blog.

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Massive Success With Women This Holiday Season, Or Burger King? You Decide

Find out how to get a great woman to hang out with for the holidays, and what to do once you’ve found her. Everything from how to handle Christmas parties, gift advice, fashion, social dynamics and–of course–secrets to making New Year’s Eve a blast.

If you weren’t able to make the original call, we’ve got cleanly edited copies of that latest tele-seminar we threw on the subject last week available for you to download for a paltry “love offering” of seven bucks (Yes, that’s even in US dollars).

Basically, this means you can rake in all of this outrageous wisdom and thereby separate yourself from the “herd” for about the cost of a super-sized #5 with cheese (for example).

Then again, I’m kind of hungry right now, so maybe that’s not as compelling as analogy as it could be.

What the heck…get your lunch AND your success with MOTOS “super-sized” for a grand total of what, $14? If only you could point and click yourself a Whopper this easily.

The important part here is that Carlos Xuma, Dean Cortez, and I gave up tips on holiday dating and how to maximize your opportunities to meet women this season, and how to kick off 2008 with the best bang of all. Most of this stuff was 100% original. Here’s what I mean:

–Have you ever wondered what kind of opportunities there are to meet women this holiday season? We’ll give you ideas on how, when, and where to meet them (and this involves ACTUALLY meeting them, not just talking about it).

–How to focus on the ridiculously ingenious ways to get the right women interested that are practically BUILT IN to the holiday season

–Fashion styles and statements you can make to stand out from the rest of the guys

–Giving a gift to your woman? Potential girlfriend? We’ll talk about what gifts are good to get for a woman – and which gifts you must avoid at all costs! (This alone is worth the $7…no doubt)

–How to handle your holiday parties, and especially making the biggest impact on New Years Eve (Warning: You might be a little shocked by my “crown jewel” New Year’s strategy)

You can get your copy of the Holiday Hookup tele-seminar HERE. But hurry…by this time next week the program is going to be back to its “street price” of $14. So getting in on it now is like…well…buying yourself a free lunch. So who says “there ain’t no free lunch”…sort of?

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10 Ways To Maximize Your Pickup Game At Karaoke Bars

Emily Demonstrating Proper Karaoke Technique

Recently I received an e-mail from a guy in Australia who had heard Emily and I talking about karaoke here and there on X & Y On The Fly. He wanted to know if we had any advice regarding getting the most out of karaoke and therefore meeting lots of women…especially if you aren’t naturally gifted with world-class singing ability.
'You Got Me Feelin' Hella Good So Let's Just Keeep On Dannnn-cin'

Karaoke…ah yes. The world’s most OVERLOOKED bar/club strategy. Nowhere else can you FORCE women to notice you like you can at a karaoke bar. Better yet, play your cards right and you have ridiculously silly built-in ways to meet the sharpest women in the place.
'Upside Down...Boy You Turn Me'
Here’s my top ten ways to get all of this done:

1) Don’t care…just GO FOR IT. Confidence pulls better than talent. Overall, taking yourself much less seriously than you usually do can be a massive plus.

2) Go after cool songs by people who can’t sing anyway. Anything by the Blues Brothers is perfect. Try “Sweet Home Chicago”. A caveat–some songs seem like they don’t require much talent, but they really do and the songs are HARD. Anything by Nirvana applies here. “Wonderwall” by Oasis is a song that also comes to mind, as is “Jumper” by Third Eye Blind. Curiously, those two songs in particular also get every girl in the place to sing along with you–which is a MAJOR plus. I love ’em all but they took major practice.

3) Assuming a firm grasp on how your personality conveys, go learn a song or two that is COMPLETELY UNLIKE your personality…and master it/them. The way to do this is to drop a measly buck on iTunes and download the song. Play it back to back to back until you have every nuance. Usually 5-10 times does it, and then you have it forever. I know one guy who only does songs by women like Aretha Franklin and Gladys Knight–and he nails them every time. He’s a masculine enough guy and the irony is rich, so people are loving it. Chicks cheer for him. Incidentally, you don’t know me well enough yet to hear what my personal secret weapons are…LOL.

4) If you can’t sing, rap. Try “Baby Got Back”. Goofball raps are generally better than serious gangsta rap, unless you’re just flat-out stone cold. Then, it’s a lot of fun. Again, iTunes is the ticket.

5) You may not be as bad a singer as you think. Sing along to stuff in the car and start getting a grip for whose stuff you can carry.
'Thunder Only Happens When It's Raaain-in'
6) A little known trick–you can get the KJ (karaoke jockey) to raise or drop the key. I drop two keys and I’m Jon Bon Jovi or Vince Neil. It drives other dudes nuts, especially nights when my pipes are on. They’ll say stuff like, “Dude…you NAILED that. There’s NO WAY I could hit that.”

7) Some songs are MUCH cooler as karaoke songs than in “real life”. You’ll get a feel for this by watching. The point is not to get caught up in making sure you sing a “cool song”. Maybe “7a” here is singing songs sung by guys but that women LOVE.

8) Know an “old standard”. Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra are killers. One of my favorites to pull this time of year is The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. This is straight-up pimping out of the box, I’m telling you. And the younger you are, the better this goes over.

9) Tip the KJ and get to know him/her like you would a bouncer or a bartender. Things will go better for you.


10) MASTER at least one amazing M/F duet. As soon as some chick you want to meet turns out to be brave enough to get up there and sing tell her (not ask her) that you want her to do a duet with you. “Picture” with Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock is the default, easy standard these days.

That's Enough...Someone Else Take Over
On the topic of that last point above, I fantasized for the longest time about finding a “wingwoman” who could master “Paradise By The Dashboard Light” by Meat Loaf and belt out her part like a champion. These days, Emily and I have now built that particular duet into our trademark. At least half the times we go to our regular places we close out the night at 10 mins. to 2a with that and it brings the house down (including last night). I still get a rush doing it. I’d love to get Meat Loaf on The Chick Whisperer sometime…LOL

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Hey, Watch Where You’re Going! [Video]

Here is one of the most elementary secrets to making sure you maintain an image of “coolness” at all times. Yet, a shocking number of guys completely overlook it. The video below explains all…

So what do you think? Any humorous vignettes to share?

More on this sort of stuff is here.

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Recent Interview With Rion Williams

Not too long ago I had the chance to sit down with the “thinking man’s” dating and seduction coach, and fellow Texan, Rion Williams. I’m pleased to have been his guest.

In this interview for his Lifestyle Dating Radio podcast, Rion and I generate some completely original material as we discuss exactly what it is that makes women feminine and how we as men should respond to that. It’s all about LEADERSHIP, my brethren.

Be sure to subscribe using the link below and GETCHASUM….

Rion Williams’ Lifestyle Dating Radio

You probably already know who Rion is, but just in case here’s the link:

All Things Rion Williams

Rion is also featured in VIRTUOSITY, discussing with me how to ignite femininity. It was an epic session.

I’ll be back atcha again real soon with another video blog.

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FREE Teleseminar On Holiday Season Success With Women: TONIGHT (12/6)


I wanted to remind you guys out there about our next FREE Teleseminar happening on 12/6

Remember that this is a TELE-seminar – meaning that you dial in on
your phone to listen in. No travel necessary!

Carlos Xuma and I (and maybe a special guest…) will be giving up tips on holiday dating and how to maximize your opportunities with women this season, and how to kick off 2008 with the best bang of all…

– Have you ever wondered what kind of opportunities there are to meet women this holiday season? We’ll give you ideas on how, when, and where to meet women…

– How do you handle New Years parties?

– Hidden strategies that help you meet more women

– Killer secrets to maximizing special–but usually overlooked–advantages the Holidays bring

– Giving a gift to your woman? Potential girlfriend? We’ll talk about what to give for gifts and why…

…plus a whole bunch more. Here’s the link to get the call information:


We also need your questions, so be sure to submit them in the form
on the page…

We suggest you dial-in early to get this presentation in its

Remember, it’s a conference call where you dial in and listen in…

DATE: Thursday, December 6th.
PHONE NUMBER TO DIAL: 218-486-3695
CONFERENCE ID (Enter When Prompted): 167688#

That’s TONIGHT! Mark it on your list, check it twice, and we’ll talk to you
later (literally).

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Quality Begets Options [Video]

Want to know how to get ALL the women? Here’s the secret. Fair warning: This is not what your friendly neighborhood PUA wants you to know…

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X & Y On The Fly #34 — How To Understand The Opposite Sex

X & Y On The Fly PodcastNo, we haven’t lost our minds. Yes, we think the subject matter of this podcast is within your reach (and everyone else’s, for that matter). For the details, you are just going to have to listen in.

The XYotF shows tend to be full-length deals, so I’d recommend subscribing and slapping these puppies on your iPod.

While this show is a bonanza unto itself, we fully realize we haven’t been producing nearly enough episodes. So here’s a surprise. Go to www.x-net-media.com and sign up for our newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a shiny new copy of a special BONUS EPISODE we call “The JuniorCast”. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, simply log in using the e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can download the BONUS EPISODE also.

So see? We’ve got your back.

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Online Dating Profile Rating #20

Online Dating Profile Rating PodcastNow brought to you by Match.com. It’s about time, huh?

Anyway, we are back to overhauling profiles after a brief hiatus while we upgraded our affiliation. In this episode we take a look at a woman’s profile that has gone to the dogs…literally. No worries, though. A little “tweakage” will go a LONG way.

Grab a listen now. And if you want to submit your Match.com username for possible consideration on the show, e-mail it to scot@datetoorder.com.

Subscribe here.

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Would 007 Ever Land In the “JBF” Zone?

Living Proof My Mind Is Always Engaged...My Neighbor's License TagWill you look at this? Some guys get all the luck. This is my next-door neighbor’s actual license tag.

By way of simple housekeeping, before you get your boxers (or panties) in a wad about me posting people’s plates on the ‘net, get a load of this (for example) and consider cutting me a break, will you?

So let’s get to the point. Noticing this license plate, I couldn’t help but realize that James Bond (aka “007”) is never in the “Just Be Friends Zone”, now is he? It’s terra incognito for him.

Why is this?

Well, simply put, my man JB isn’t going around chasing each woman as if she’s the last mirror-fogging example of a female homo sapien walking the planet. Moreover, James has options. He’s in demand by women, which means he can be a real, legitimate chooser rather than chaser. No spasmatic reactions or indecisive waffling there–007 has everything handled.

He’s got an interesting and adventurous life, has the concept of cool down cold (if you know what I mean) and women all over the place are buying into whatever the man is selling.

Maybe the British accent has something to do with it, but I doubt it. Even the British women are all over him.

So if you are finding yourself being “JBFed” by women more often than not, start paying attention to your demeanor, attitude and how you carry yourself. Ask, “WWJBD?”

If you do that, my guess is that your success with MOTOS will be a lot less humble, Tex.

Be Good,


P.S. Speaking of license plates, take a look at this. If you are a leadfoot like me, your ship has come in…


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