“And That’s Why I Don’t Eat Shrimp”

I'll eat THIS kind of shrimp, don't get me wrong.

Are you an NBA fan? If you watched the playoffs, then no doubt you saw the T-Mobile commercial where Charles Barkley is constantly calling D-Wade. Hilarious stuff, particularly when Chuck inanely spouts, “That’s why I don’t eat shrimp.”

Well, despite all the marketing hype in the Seduction Community about pulling the youngest hotties possible (especially if you’re an older guy), that’s pretty much how I feel about dating eighteen or nineteen year old girls, even if they are “legal”.

And for those of you who might be assuming that this is all a function of my current age, I’ve pretty much viewed the universe this way since I was 21, with a few scattered exceptions.

Not coincidentally, you see, at 21 years of age is when a guy in the United States (like me) can finally order a beer.

It’s not that the younger girls aren’t often really, really hot…you and I both know they are.

The deal is that it’s unnecessary to go through the inconvenience and hassle of dating them.


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