Today, with the long weekend approaching I wanted to take a break from the dating advice stuff per se and tell you what happened here at El Rancho McKay this morning.
As she often does, Emily held one of her now infamous “Estrogen Fests”.
Actually, they’re not really called that. That’s just what I refer to them as. The real name for the daytime version of such an event is a “Play Date”.
You see, Emily is the queen of the local MeetUp group for stay-at-home moms with pre-schoolers desperately in need for someone to play with. (I’ll let you decide for yourself whether it’s the pre-schoolers or the moms I’m referring to there.)
For what it’s worth, the nighttime version of the “Estrogen Fest” is called “Mom’s Night In”. The kids don’t show up for those.
One night I somehow got blindsided by a “MNI” and was therefore at home when the “festivities” started. As it so happened, I was booked as a guest on a national radio show that same night. During a commercial break, I conspired with all twenty or so young mommies to shout “hello” in unison to the show’s host right after we got back on the air.
I didn’t give details of how or why there was literally a crowd of women at my house on a Thursday night. The show’s host never asked. Beautiful.
Anyway…this morning’s edition was the “PD” version, of course.
I used to get the heck out of Dodge when these things were scheduled to happen at our house. But sooner than later, I decided I actually enjoyed the idea of a bunch of young women running around my house in the morning barefoot and giggling with each other.
As of yesterday at noon Texas time, The Leading Man has now been released to the world.
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you already know that this is the world’s first complete system for relationship management. If you’re on anyone else’s mailing list besides mine and/or read any one else’s blog you’ve probably heard about it at least once elsewhere.
What you may not know, however, is that I made major “surprise” additions to The Leading Man just in time for its official worldwide launch.
Granted, there was already over ten hours of detailed instruction on how to wear the pants without losing your shirt, how to quarterback your relationships instead of feeling like the waterboy, and how to lock down the “revolving door” of women in your life.
But now I’ve also included a special bonus video featuring X & Y Communications coach Jim Dalton and I talking about how to select an amazing woman while eliminating the wrong ones. This is your first chance to see one of our new coaches in action.
Plus, I’ve added a killer new “round table” discussion. In it, you’re going to get women’s opinions on what exactly
what they want from a man in terms of effective relationship management I invited none other than Kim from Pickup Podcast, Liz from Inner Game Magazine and–of course–Emily from right here at X & Y Communications. In other words, YES…you’re going to find out whether or not what I teach in The Leading Man is on the money or not…even in our own household.
Then, just to make sure I packed as much value as I knew how to into this thing, I added four more bonuses…each of which could easily stand alone as a separate product (in fact, a couple of them have before).
I have to tell you, response has been tremendous thus far, about 26 hours into the launch. There is clearly a demand for this sort of teaching, so it is my honor and privilege to share with you absolutely everything I’ve got on how to build solid relationships with high-quality women.
So, go ahead and check out the four free videos I have on the site for you, and also be sure to join the special mailing list I have set up for The Leading Man while you’re there. I’m giving away a mountain of free bonus gifts…just for signing up.
And YES…the price for this system is going to be going up to $147 from it’s $97 release price sometime this coming week. Just in case you’re still on the fence about whether or not to pull the trigger on this special launch week offer, consider this e-mail from Georgiy in “parts unknown”:
hey man,
you’re charging TOO LITTLE for your program with all the hype you’ve created.
I observed your whole launch process, and with all the buzz you have created the price you charge should be at least twice as much. I was hoping to see 297!!!
I’m telling you this because I’ve been a student of jeff walker and frank kern for a long time and that is just my humble opinion 😉
Hmm…I guess Jeff Walker and Frank Kern’s loss is your gain. By the way, I told Georgiy that he was more than welcome to buy three copies of The Leading Man if it made him feel better.
After pulling several “all nighters” this week, the all-new web site for The Leading Man has been launched.
About a week ago, I let you in on some of the very basic details in this blog post.
Now, you can find out what all is included–in detail–and even get four killer video tips on relationship management when you log in that you can start using right now.
Take a look, and enjoy the videos. By the way, I’m going to have some cool surprise bonuses for those who get on my information list.
After all, life is way too short to have a “revolving door” of women in and out of your life. Pickup skills carry you through the first ten minutes. Relationship management is forever.
Whether you want to date multiple women, identify and attract the greatest woman you’ve ever met, become the leader who “wears the pants” in your relationships or all of the above…The Leading Man is the complete system designed to get you to exactly where you want to be.
So take a look at the site, and be sure to share your feedback.
There’s no shortage of pickup training. In fact, it seems that just about every dating guru out there is puzzling over how to find a new twist on teaching it.
Meanwhile, there is a vast emptiness when it comes to solid information on what is arguably the most significant skill there is when it comes to being effective with women. Ironic, isn’t it?
That skill is relationship management.
Sure, you’ve got to know how to meet a woman before you can build a relationship with her.
But the pickup stage is over in a flash. Relationship management is what makes or breaks your overall success with women. Few would question the importance of getting it right.
But the fact remains that most of us get to the first date and are left with empty pockets when it comes to “what to do next”.
As a result, women drop out of our lives after only a few dates (if that)…and we never even know what happened. For some guys this “revolving door of women” is even more the rule than the exception–many never having been able to hold on to any relationship for more than a month or two, max.
If you can relate to what I’m saying, you know it’s one of the most frustrating feelings imaginable. You are excited about meeting a woman and even more so once you succeed at attracting her. Then…nothing. It all disappears before your very eyes, sometimes in a flash.
Well, that’s all about to change. It’s time to get control and discover how to be a quarterback instead of the waterboy. This is about making your own decisions about how long a woman is going to be in your life…or not.
You’ve been telling me for months that you want to get better at managing your relationships with women…be they multiple or exclusive, long- or short-term. And you’ve been telling me you want to know exactly how to go about dating many women to find one great one.
The Leading Man, to be released on September 13th, will be that complete system for managing relationships–on your terms, and on your timeline.
I’ll be giving you more details shortly. But for now, make sure you are on my newsletter list if this program interests you at all. You can use the form at the bottom of this post to sign up.
This is mission critical because I will be offering a pre-launch discount and a free copy of my forthcoming book Chick Whispering to those on my list exclusively.
Incidentally, Chick Whispering was inspired by The Chick Whisperer podcast and is all about how to understand women and succeed with them as a direct result. And it’s also made of unobtanium between now and 2009…unless you are on my list and get in on the pre-launch offer for The Leading Man.
This time I’ve got a special bonus episode of The Chick Whisperer for you.
If you’ve been hanging around here at the blog for the past couple of weeks (i.e. “been around the blog a few times”), you’ve already gotten acquainted with our six newest members of the X & Y Communications Team. Actually, based on the number of e-mails and blog comments we’ve seen so far, I’d say you’re response has been very positive.
With that in mind, the newest show features interviews with all six of the new coaches. Having read their posts, now you’ll get a chance to hear what they’ve got to say in their own words. Along with a brief introduction, you’ll discover where they’ve come from and where they are today with regard to their success with women. Most importantly, you’ll also get their vision of the future–including what they’ll be focusing on in terms of blog posts and even live seminar instruction.
So instead of one co-host this time, I’ve actually got six.
But I’ve also thrown in a few more surprises for you this time ’round, including the formal announcement of the next major X & Y Communications project on relationship management.
There’s also some decidedly edgy stuff at the beginning that you’re probably not used to outta me.
All that’s long for “don’t miss this episode”. Subscribe and download on iTunes using any of the graphics on this post. If you do, please also leave us a review in support of the show if you would. That helps us greatly in the rankings.
If you’re not on iTunes, you can subscribe via the feed here.
Finally if you haven’t already, sign up for the newsletter and get the special bonus video collection called “Coolness Personified” I’ve been mentioning on the show. It’s free, of course.
Ready for some innovative ideas on a topic that most people dare not even touch in this age of “political correctness”?
You bet you are.
Relationship management is a massively important yet amazingly under-emphasized topic. That’s why Emily and I just finished hashing out a whole show on the concept of “wearing the pants” in the relationship.
Guys all over the world are subject to ridicule and even flat-out humiliation if the women in their lives “wear the pants”. So what exactly does that mean? More importantly, is a guy supposed to have a tyrannical “death grip” on things or is some balance more appropriate as far as decision-making is concerned?
And what happens when the woman calls the shots? Find out from two other women besides Emily what their take on that is…and you might want to sit down first.
Get the most comprehensive discussion on this topic you’ve ever heard, and walk away with a clearer sense of exactly how men and women can find true balance when it comes to relationship management.
Or just listen simply for the sake of hearing Emily growl like a tiger at the beginning. The show almost ended there…
Subscribe and download here if you aren’t on iTunes. If you’ve got iTunes, just click the graphic above.
Remember to sign up for our newsletter at Our gift to you is now the brand-new e-book on how to handle breakups. You may remember the blog series I did on that subject a while back. Well, I’ve added some material and put it all into a convenient e-book for you…cool, huh?
Enjoy the podcast. By the way, see if you can ID the major factor on the topic of “wearing the pants” that Emily and I completely forgot to address…because that’s exactly what the next blog post will cover.
Be Good,
P.S. By the way, if XYotF has been even .006% meaningful to you, PLEASE Digg us, Stumble us or save us to The good word of listeners just like you helps our audience grow.
It’s no secret that we’ve been talking a lot about “phone game” around here recently.
Not only is the latest Power Session devoted to it, the latest X & Y Communications newsletter was also.
In that newsletter, we highlighted an e-mail question sent in by Brendan in California about finding the balance between calling a woman too little and too much.
Now as you know by now, not being “underground” has its advantages. Women not only tend to like what we tell guys about improving their skills with them, they also tend to get on my newsletter list and stay there.
Most claim that they enjoy reading about themselves from a guy’s perspective and/or regard the information as a guide to how to identify great men out there. Interesting, no doubt…either way.
Best of all, I often hear from the women on the list. Ever so often I even have the good fortune to open an e-mail from a woman that really offers some additional “insider information”.
About ten minutes ago, I received just such an email from Karen in Portland. In it she talks about her own “phone game” experiences. This “first-person” perspective is absolutely golden.
But the real gift to each and every guy reading this blog is her tandem of “Top 10 Lists” dealing with female reactions to calls from guys. Priceless.
Will you agree that everything she says is universally transferrable? Maybe, maybe not. But we all would do well to treat her message as a valid case study.