A Powerful Way To Lead A Woman

What I’m going to share with you today is the kind of the elusive obvious that can totally make or break your interaction with the woman. If you frequently finish in the “just friends” zone with the woman or you are sometimes unable to transition your conversation with the girl from the “intelligent and witty” into the “naughty and intense” then this may be just that missing piece of the puzzle for you.

You know that women are emotional creatures. And they like to be led forward in your interaction with them. As one of my friends rightly said: “Women want you to lead them into the places they don’t yet realise they want to go.” So how do you lead a woman towards experiencing some powerful emotions about you, such as attraction, comfort, trust, and excitement? That’s right, you should lead her with your own emotions!



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Kino That Works, And The Women Who Love You For Getting It Right

Emily, Delivering The Classic KACSDon’t fall off your chair when I tell you what I’m about to say. But you might indeed want to sit down for this nonetheless.

Here it is. I’m going to be teaching more about “kino” from now on.

In the past I’ve given the concept a hard time in general. But going forward I’m going to be more open minded about the term.

Now listen up though. It’s not like I’ve ever been against touching women. In fact, I highly recommend doing it as much as possible, given the fair opportunity to indulge oneself is there for you.

It’s just that when it comes right down to it, what has always struck me as wrongheaded was the concept of slapping a scientific, NLP-inspired moniker on the whole phenomenon and then packaging it in a tightly-wrapped package with specific “deployment” instructions on how to “escalate” it or whatever.

That’s why I haven’t pushed the concept, at least as generally described within the Seduction Community.

Knowing that women respond powerfully to a man who is not sexually pushy, putting potential physical contact with any particular woman on a time schedule–complete with paint-by-numbers-inspired action steps–comes off as bass-ackwards.

Dudes. If you’re in need of improvement in terms of the number of women you’re getting to paw up these days, the very last thing you need is to over-analyze the minutiae of the scenario (some more).

Disagree if you’d like (the comment space below is calling your name). Go ahead and tell me that guys who are just starting out need a framework to begin with. Tell me that you’ve got to start with “baby steps”.

Practical Steps To REAL CONFIDENCE.  No more vague answers.


Continue reading “Kino That Works, And The Women Who Love You For Getting It Right”