Before you read this post, I ask that you ready yourself to learn and apply what you’re about to read.
When I first got into pickup this was my “working the room” game and it brought me much success. I challenge you to try this at your next customer meeting, house party, or night out.
Without further ado:
In the past I was terrible with names. When I was in college I was an orientation team leader one year. I had 20 freshman and I struggled with their names. To me this was embarrassing. Ask yourself, how can you hope to project any kind of interest in someone if you can’t even get their name right?
For this post I will discuss three types of learning senses: Audio, visual, and kinesthetic. We’ve all heard “use someones name as soon as you meet them”, or “visualize the person naked with their name tattooed across their forehead”, and you can think of others. I learned another technique that helped me as a kinesthetic (learn by doing!) guy. After you learn someone’s name and successfully repeat it, use your writing hand and discreetly go through the motion of writing their name with your hand.
Continue reading “Name Memorization And The Art Of Working the Room”