8 Signs Your Girlfriend Doesn’t Respect You Enough

I Get No Respect...No Respect At All.If the subject line of this post grabbed your attention, it’s probably because you’ve been there before.

You were crazy about a particular woman, and what do you know? She actually went out with you. What’s more, she actually became your girlfriend.

Maybe she was even as hot for you as you were for her…at least at first.

But over time, as things became more, shall we say, “familiar”, you started getting the sneaking suspicion that she was sort of taking you for granted.

In fact, you got the feeling that she fully expected you to stick around forever regardless of what she did or didn’t do for you.

She had clearly grown complacent. She had gotten used to keeping you around without having to exert much effort.

You just weren’t much of a “challenge” anymore.

And you know what? I realize this is going to sting a bit…but that can only mean she was losing respect for you.

That’s right. You’ve heard of the “Just Be Friends Zone”? Well, you had been banished to the “No Respect Zone”. And as you probably found out, it’s every bit as deep a pit to climb out of.

Now, before you start throwing rocks at your computer monitor and/or slam your iPad to the floor, here are eight ways to tell if what I’m bring up here really applies to you or not.

That’s right. I’ve identified a total of eight quick signs that a woman is losing respect for you—or has completely lost it already:

Continue reading “8 Signs Your Girlfriend Doesn’t Respect You Enough”

The Chick Whisperer #27 — Flirting And Creating Natural Attraction

The World-Famous Chick Whisperer ShowThe concept of how to get a high-quality woman to feel attraction for us we first meet her is a popular one. Well, duh…with all the mixed messages about what women want, cultural feminization, and sexual-harassment policies we as guys face in our post-modern world, it’s no wonder there’s such confusion and frustration afoot.

So that’s why I invited my main man Christian Hudson, formerly with Charisma Arts and Master The Vibe and now with The Social Man, to co-host a show with me highlighting that very topic.

Listen in as we talk about the clear difference between “natural game” and “natural attraction”, and break down exactly what it takes to be the kind of man who drives women wild. We also have a very frank discussion on the role that flirting plays in all this, offering opinions on what exactly “flirting” means, along with practical examples of how to go about it exactly the right way.

Just for good measure, Christian and I answer a voice mail question about why we “freeze up” when around that one woman we desire the most–and reveal creative solutions for getting over the problem once and for all.

I’ve got to say, when the dust cleared after editing this turned out to be one killer episode. Those of you guys who like to explore theory and how to apply it objectively to real-world situations are going to be loving this show.

So all that’s left is to download Episode 27 and listen, right?

To do so, head to the RSS feed and subscribe:

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…or hit up iTunes and get the show onto your iPod with just one click:

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The iTunes page for The Chick Whisperer podcast can be accessed by clicking on any of the graphics in this post, actually. While you’re there, we really could use more reviews…preferably good. Your reviews influence iTunes rankings, so it’s a great way to support the show.

Be Good,


P.S. Next up I have the first in a new string of VIDEO BLOGS for you. Stay tuned.





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