Why There Won’t Be A Newsletter About What Happened In Pittsburgh

I’m sure you’ve read the news about the unfortunate and tragic events that unfolded in Suburban Pittsburgh on Tuesday night.

My sincerest condolences go out to the victims, their families, and anyone else directly affected.

One particularly unfortunate part of the story is that the gunman, George Sodini, left a blog chronicling his premeditation of the crime and his motivation for doing it in lurid, shocking detail. One of the most consistent themes within the context of what he wrote was his failure with women.

So as you might imagine, I’ve been flooded with e-mails asking my take on what happened and/or asking me to draw parallels between what Mr. Sodini was struggling with and what thousands of frustrated guys deal with on a daily basis.

But I will not be indulging in the latter. And my take on the tragic occurrence Tuesday night is simply this:

No matter how frustrated you may be with women right now, you are NOT like George Sodini.



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