You Introverts Think You’ve Got It Tough?

Hey brothers, first of all, apologies for neglecting my contributions to this wealth of knowledge. I have been busy trying to acquire my first property and moving out. Thanks for your responses to my previous blog on cold approaches (and why they are so last century).

I have not always been an extrovert. In fact, in school I was one of the shyest kids out there. I was always content to observe the token hot chicks at school from afar and hang out with my so-called friends who I really had no interest in connecting with.

Tony Robbins says that you can do anything if you have a strong enough “why”. So, when I got to university, I intensified the pain I was feeling and used it to motivate myself to approach relentlessly. I would take up empty seats next to people and introduce myself. I quickly became known as that “fun, social guy from my psych class” and the title became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Within a few months I was hanging out with people whose company I actually enjoyed.

Before I knew it, I was taking good company for granted and the five years of my degree had flown by. I took up a job in the city and started getting out into the real world. I started spending more late nights in the city. A consequence of this was that it took about an hour to get home.



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Why Cold Approaches Are So Last Century

“Day game is my domain” he told me as we sat down for some lunch. My friend was known in our circle as a day game purist, with a style much different from mine.

He seemed to have an “on/off” switch.

Today, he planned to flip his “on” switch and had set aside this time to go sarging.

I was intrigued.

Had he established some kind of “anchor” where he would touch his arm and become “super-sarge”?

We finished our lunch and he led the way. I am glad he was leading because I had a lot on my mind and wasn’t really in a social mood. I was intrigued to see this “switch” being flipped.

Suddenly he stopped.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“Looking for targets.”

We waited in the high traffic area watching people roll by. Yeah, we saw hot women.

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