Women Made Easy: What They Do, Why They Do It And How To Be A Man About It

Women Made Easy

Subject: A Dirty, Messy But Absolutely Thrilling Journey Into The Female Mind

What if… you could rise above the frustrated, confused ranks of men all over the world who are convinced women are impossible to understand?
In other words, what if you finally figured them out? For real…

By that I mean legitimately knowing what thoughts are going through their heads, why they do what they do, and best of all how to handle it all like a man.

Can you imagine how profound an advantage that would be? Women would flat-out adore you, connecting with you in an almost supernatural way–even as you wield more personal power in their presence than ever before.

Well, I’ve been literally immersed in the art and science of understanding women for over a decade. During that time I’ve empowered tens of thousands of average men to achieve way better than average results with the opposite sex.

And having been bombarded with questions from men all over the world who are completely nonplussed by what women say and what they do, I’ve come out with a killer new book on Amazon that answers them ALL. Check it out…it’s already a #1 bestseller in two categories within 24 hours of its official release:


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That New Bud Light Commercial Where They’re On A First Date

If you’ve been watching the NCAA tournament at all this year, you’ve probably already seen this commercial about three dozen times:


Considering that it centers around a first date between two people who’ve met online, I figured it would be fun to talk about it some…especially since I haven’t broken down any TV commercials around here lately.

So let’s get into it.

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