Now it’s time for the second part of that two-part video blog series on “The Car You Drive”.
Last time we talked about your car’s condition and upkeep.
In this segment, you’ll get the lowdown on what the style of car you drive says about you. And what’s the deal–Are there really “girl cars” and “guy cars”?
Watch and discover…and laugh too, if you’re in a good mood:
I sincerely hope these two vids have been of benefit to you. Actaully, if they’ve even been a tiny shred of value to you, please bookmark this on or Digg it, using the convenient icons below.
And for something extra-Diggable, check back in a couple of days. I’m going to list my top ten cars for people with a successful dating life.
After that, you’ll be getting a load of my top ten dating/seduction resource sites on the Internet. Prepare for something completely different there, no doubt.
Be Good,