Welcome to the first of a multi-part series chronicling the hijinks, escapades and even life-shaking epiphanies experienced on our recent adventure driving into the heart of Mexico. Fair warning…this series isn’t completely focused on dating and seduction advice, but if you read on you’re sure to find plenty of highly applicable information nonetheless. Most of all, I hope you enjoy this series as a quick break from your busy day and from the serious business of life…Cheers.
![After A Fair Share Of Paperwork Hassles, It's Wide-Open Road Ahead](https://i0.wp.com/www.edumckaytion.com/images/mex1.png?w=525)
“Quieres whisky?”
The tuxedo-clad Mexican waiter catches me off guard.
“Absolutamente“, I answer solemnly but resolutely.
We’re now at the reception after Emily’s cousin’s wedding that, in the unforgettable words of Yogi Berra, “made this day necessary”.
Actually, it’s what inspired the entire trip.
And since we were already through what we had imagined to be the most brutal part of the journey by the time we made it to Ciudad Juarez anyway, we figured we’d do the “deep dive” and say hola to Emily’s relatives further south.
And believe me, the whisky was sounding really good by the time it was offered up.
You see, the previous thirty hours or so had been something else.
For starters, the drive from San Antonio to El Paso is notorious. Let’s just say that the first thing you see when you hit I-10 in San Antonio is a sign that says “El Paso — 538”.
When I say there is nothing in between that sign and the one that says “Welcome To El Paso, Home Of Some Pretty Good Carnitas Tacos”, I’m including the town of Fort Stockton, TX.