Dave M. is one busy guy these days. But that didn’t keep him from dropping in on the show for almost a full hour’s worth of non-stop game.
Let’s cut to the chase here. You’re probably used to hearing Dave M. talk about online dating. While it’s true that he and I could probably hash out online game for you all day long together (e.g. see VIRTUOSITY), I decided to think “out of the box” this time around.
Knowing that Dave is a master at online dating strategy, with the real-world track record to back it up, I started thinking perhaps it was time to unleash to the world exactly what this guy knows about how to make first dates go the way you want them to…every single time.
My logic dictated that the dude’s got to have tons of game here. After all, he’s had all the “practice runs” in the world to get it right, huh?
Rest assured neither he nor this session in general will disappoint you.
Expect almost a solid hour of non-stop game, kicking off with a voice mail from George at FSU asking about how to be consistently successful with women.
From there, it’s all about how to get your act together and maintain full mastery over first meetings with women. All I have to say is, “Bring a notepad to this party.” If you can soak up all the rapid-fire info here, you’re likely to cure yourself of first-date humiliation for a lifetime. And you and I both know that it’s all blue sky from there–as long as you can get this stuff right.
But no worries. We make it as easy as falling out of bed for you. No kidding.
By the way, listen closely at the end for a ridiculous scheme that Dave and I dreamed up right there on the spot…even while the audio recorder was running. I don’t want to give it away, because it’s a unique surprise specifically for you as a listener.
But let’s just say that putting the authors of two intensely potent and field-tested online dating programs together can end up being a lot like putting Beavis and Butthead in a room together armed with lighters and kerosene.
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I also had a “bleeding heart” and left that special unsyndicated bonus episode with Brent Smith on the server just for newsletter subscribers.
Nah. The truth is that as long as people are signing up for the newsletter to get it, I’ll be giving them a copy. That’s just the kind of guy I am, I guess.
Get in on the free newsletter for yourself and download the bonus podcast at www.thechickwhisperer.com . If you’re already getting the newsletter already, you can still grab a listen. All you do is log in with the same e-mail address you are already subscribed with and you can getchasum.
OK, having read all that, guess who hasn’t had much sleep lately?
Be Good,
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