There’s no shortage of pickup training. In fact, it seems that just about every dating guru out there is puzzling over how to find a new twist on teaching it.
Meanwhile, there is a vast emptiness when it comes to solid information on what is arguably the most significant skill there is when it comes to being effective with women. Ironic, isn’t it?
That skill is relationship management.
Sure, you’ve got to know how to meet a woman before you can build a relationship with her.
But the pickup stage is over in a flash. Relationship management is what makes or breaks your overall success with women. Few would question the importance of getting it right.
But the fact remains that most of us get to the first date and are left with empty pockets when it comes to “what to do next”.
As a result, women drop out of our lives after only a few dates (if that)…and we never even know what happened. For some guys this “revolving door of women” is even more the rule than the exception–many never having been able to hold on to any relationship for more than a month or two, max.
If you can relate to what I’m saying, you know it’s one of the most frustrating feelings imaginable. You are excited about meeting a woman and even more so once you succeed at attracting her. Then…nothing. It all disappears before your very eyes, sometimes in a flash.
Well, that’s all about to change. It’s time to get control and discover how to be a quarterback instead of the waterboy. This is about making your own decisions about how long a woman is going to be in your life…or not.
You’ve been telling me for months that you want to get better at managing your relationships with women…be they multiple or exclusive, long- or short-term. And you’ve been telling me you want to know exactly how to go about dating many women to find one great one.
The Leading Man, to be released on September 13th, will be that complete system for managing relationships–on your terms, and on your timeline.
I’ll be giving you more details shortly. But for now, make sure you are on my newsletter list if this program interests you at all. You can use the form at the bottom of this post to sign up.
This is mission critical because I will be offering a pre-launch discount and a free copy of my forthcoming book Chick Whispering to those on my list exclusively.
Incidentally, Chick Whispering was inspired by The Chick Whisperer podcast and is all about how to understand women and succeed with them as a direct result. And it’s also made of unobtanium between now and 2009…unless you are on my list and get in on the pre-launch offer for The Leading Man.
Be Good,
Scot McKay