The Man’s Approach Is Now Available

Approach high quality women, start conversations with them and make plans to see them again.  The Man’s Approach from Scot McKay and X & Y CommunicationsAsk any guy what his #1 challenge is when it comes to women and he’ll tell you: It’s gathering up the courage to actually approach them and start conversations with them.

Indeed, the issue is nothing short of pandemic worldwide, attested to by the ever-increasing number of “pickup artist” training courses available out there.

But wait a minute. What if a particular guy isn’t exactly so interested in becoming a “pickup artist”? What if he’s a pretty “normal” guy who’d simply like to have a great girlfriend, and perhaps even a terrific wife someday?

The truth is if you’re that guy, you’re still going to have to actually meet the woman of your dreams before you can build a relationship with her, right?

Given the obvious truth of that statement, it’s altogether remarkable that there has never been a comprehensive plan on how to meet high quality women in particular, start conversations with them and make plans to see them again.

Until now, that is…

Scot McKay's New Program – The Man’s Approach


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When She Says, “I Have A Boyfriend” + Special Teleseminar Event

The Man's Approach Is Coming On Friday September 10th, 2010With The Man’s Approach ready to drop this Friday September 10th at 11 am EDT, I wanted to be sure to get you up to speed with the goodies I’ve been handing out…just in case you’re not on the info list.

So far there have been two reports, and you can grab both of them once you get on the info list I just mentioned:

Special Report: 5 Things Women Want You To Know When Approaching Them

Special Report: When She Says, “I Have A Boyfriend

Response to those two reports has been nothing short of overwhelming. Even more amazing has been the number of responses we’ve gotten to the quick survey we have at the website. There have been 2090 in just about a week to the main question: “What are your biggest challenges when it comes to meeting women, starting conversations with them and/or making plans to see them again?”

We really didn’t dream we’d get as much input from guys all over the world as we have. While our first thought was to take all the answers and use them to make The Man’s Approach even better, we’ve decided to go ahead and hold a webinar/teleseminar TOMORROW NIGHT, September 9th @ 9 pm EDT.

On that call I’m going to be joined by a few other world-class experts at meeting women and we’re going to cover the solutions to as many of the sticking points guys have submitted as we can in 90 minutes.

Here are the coordinates for the call:

DATE: Thursday September 9th (That’s Tomorrow)

TIME: 9pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4)

ACCESS: Via US Call-In Number OR Worldwide Via The Web


That’s all for now. Be sure to get in on the pre-launch info list because I have yet another special report coming tomorrow…just before The Man’s Approach itself launches on Friday.

Be Good,


The Man's Approach ... Coming This Summer From X & Y Communications



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