Well, as of last night Emily and I are back in good ol’ San Antonio, having “survived” being “stranded” in Europe courtesy of that now infamous volcano in Iceland’s shenanigans.
A good number of you sent us very encouraging e-mails over the past week or so, encouraging us to “hang in there”, “be safe”, etc.
While I genuinely appreciate everyone’s concern, I have to come clean with something. Here it is: The past week hasn’t really been as big a nightmare as the media would have liked you to believe.
Not for us, at least.
In fact, we made the best of a few extra days in Europe and ended up actually enjoying it.
How’s that, you say? Weren’t there a few days of uncertainty there? Isn’t it true that everyone was utterly stuck wherever they were when the ash cloud hit the proverbial fan?
Well, yes…and sort of.
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