The Future Is Also Male: 12 Ways It’s Still Up To Men To Change The World

Micajah Autry At The Alamo[Ed. Note: Several years after writing this, it rings true more now than ever. Enjoy.]

You’re probably familiar with the saying, “The future is female”.

No doubt, we love strong, empowered, dirt shredding, Krav Maga ass kicking women who are 100% feminine all the time around here at Casa McKay. Those who know our family best have seen it first-hand.

But naturally, we’re also still about strong, empowered, 100% masculine men. We love you, man.

So I boldly proclaim to you that the future is male, also.

To be clear, it’s not like the future is male instead of female. The future isn’t genderless, either. Indeed, the future is both male and female, just as the entire history of humanity up to this point has inherently been.

Yes, we as men are collectively treating women better than ever before, as we should, and that trend will continue. Meanwhile, men and women can, should and will continue to make valuable contributions to society, and indeed to each other.

Since masculinity and femininity are indelibly tied to gender and procreation, that also means sexual polarity itself is not a zero-sum game. I mean, think of the stark irony of that very concept. We as men are, by Intelligent Design, about one half of the population. Regardless of what you may have heard that’s unlikely to change. Therefore, it’s logically untenable to think men are somehow irrelevant nowadays and going forward.

Yet, we’ve arrived at a moment in history where we’re met with a constant barrage of virtue signalling messages telling us as men we’re in the way of progress and perhaps even collectively “on the wrong side of history”. We’re exhorted to “do better”, without ever acknowledging the possibility that we might have some virtue already tucked away somewhere.

We’re told our innate masculinity is “toxic”, even at times by other men themselves. But as much as some try to root around in the dark for valid alternatives, often with ostensibly decent intentions, we aren’t given any.

Rise Above Today's Tension Between Men And Women, With Better Relationships In Mind

The space where a rebuttal to that agenda should go has been a shockingly empty void, for the most part.

That has to change. For reasons I’ll explain further later, our very survival as a human race may depend on it. The vast majority of feminine women out there want and need us to grab our masculinity by the balls as much, if not more, than even we do.

I offer for your consideration that the collective failure to find a solid alternative to being masculine only proves there isn’t really anything wrong with masculinity in and of itself.

Entire sets of gender characteristics aren’t good or bad; there are only good or bad human actions. There are virtues associated with both masculinity and femininity, and vices that respectively corrupt each as well.

Following logically, virtuous masculinity is still very much masculinity. Men of solid character teach their sons accordingly. And yes, it takes a virtuous man to take a stand against any vice-ridden shadow of masculinity.

As the widely misattributed saying goes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

And if there’s anything we all can agree on in an otherwise deeply conflicted world, it’s that we don’t want evil to triumph.

So with that, let’s get into the list of a dozen ways it’s still up to men to change the world. Bear in mind it’s not that women cannot change some of what follows. The premise is not unlike a chivalrous act such as opening a car door for a woman. It’s not that she can’t do it for herself, but it sure is nice when a man steps up and shows he cares enough about her to do so.

As such, this list comprises those world-changing missions that feel most right for men—as the providers and protectors of femininity, and steadfast champions thereof—to take up and accomplish.

1) Reclaim a real Higher Power.

Over the last several decades, Western culture has slowly, but definitively carried on the agenda of replacing traditional religions with secular humanism.

I would argue that in the wake of that, politics have become the new religion.

Sure, politics are supposed to be about ideas, but they’ve become the idea that ideology itself bows down to.

This presents a fundamental problem. Even in the apparent absence of a foundational belief system based on a higher power, people still want to be given ideological structure. As the culture becomes more secular, the human need for a grounded belief system remains.

This, of course, leaves interpretation and dissemination of morals and ethics to a human oligarchy of mere mortals, as opposed to almighty divine omniscience.

Never mind, for the purposes of this piece at least, that this is how Marxism works. The more pressing point is that in this age of social media driven superficiality and short attention spans, the masses are led like sheep to profess a “faith” they resonate with and then consume whatever they’re fed, which often comes In the form of skimmed headlines.

Such indoctrination has proven to be stunningly effective. Consider how rarely anyone ever takes a stand for any issue that straddles party lines. If it’s not a political football with a clear partisan divide, it stays out of the media spotlight—relegated to the shadows of concern by those who are directly affected in some way.

In a very real way, so-called “news” stations feature personalities who seem more like televangelists than reporters. Current events have, at best, taken a back seat to political “faith healing”.

I mean, they found the freaking “missing link” last week, yet the story was buried beneath “300 hamberders” and what Stormy Daniels thinks of a kid in a red hat smiling.

Predictably in context, if a story stops fitting the desired narrative, it’s suddenly abandoned. Accordingly, once the media stops caring about the political ramifications of a particular issue, so does the Congregation.

Remember a couple short years ago when people wouldn’t even go visit their uncle in the next state because of ISIS? How about the constant threat of North Korean missiles just last year? Hey wait, what has the Dow been doing for the last few weeks, given how much it was talked about in late December?

The truly fascinating part is this rise of what I’ll call “political faith” basically proves that religion is ultimately about feeling the need to “belong” as a part of something bigger. Temporal consistency and eternal hope are apparently no big deals. We’re promised “progressive change” in the here and now instead of the sweet by and by. It makes you wonder how many erstwhile churchgoers ever really believed in salvation.

“Woke” is the new “saved”.

Interestingly, and perhaps not tangentially to this discussion between us as men, there have been compelling studies that present the concept of conservatism as masculine and liberalism as feminine. That’s a tantalizing thought, but whether you espouse it or not (pun intended), one cannot deny that “gender politics” is a very real concept, and conservatives and liberals indeed polarize each other every bit as powerfully as sexual attraction does.

There’s evidence this correlation is now being applied literally. Even certain online dating sites are urging users to temper their sexual attraction based on their political “religion”, and celebrating when they fall in line. Men, you have been warned. Relationship between the sexes has been reduced to a “religious argument”. If you’re not of a certain “faith”, you might end up dateless, alone and frustrated as a direct result. Oh, and they’re guessing you’ll probably be “whining” about it.

So gentlemen, I issue a wake up call. Arise from the slumber of sexually-polarized politics, and reclaim the concept of “one nation, under God.” I don’t personally care Who your God is, just that you make it a divine one rather the “royal they”. In doing so, you will take back our country, our conscience, our self-esteem and dare I say ever our relationships with women–which may finally return to being grounded upon a power bigger than ourselves. Feminine women will love you for it, and I dare say you’ll find it easy to love them right back.

2) Get out from behind the computer, and out of your cubicle.

Live your purpose. Reclaim what it means to LIVE. Ostensibly safe, risk-free, physically soft suburbia isn’t it.

Most men have no idea what it means to feel alive anymore. If that statement confuses you, you’re likely affected by it, probably without even realizing it.
To be sure, greatness is rarely achieved through comfort and safety.

But the most sobering truth about this phenomenon is that nobody respects a male human being who falls for the trick of being “pampered into mediocrity”, even those who are falling for it together.

That phrase in quotes was coined by the same man who in practically the same breath cited a jarring quote by pro surfer Phil Edwards:

“There is a need in all of us for controlled danger. That is, there is a need for activity that puts us on the edge of life. There are uncounted millions of people right now who are going through life without any sort of real, vibrant kick. I call them ‘the legions of the unjazzed.'”

Real man, real life. Wake up and LIVE. Make a difference. Take your loved ones with you.

3) Tech and suburban comforts have been robbing us of manly skills. That has to stop.

If I were to suggest you learn how to tie knots like a Boy Scout and change your own oil, it may sound quaint to you. After all, much of the soft, cushy life we live has been enabled by service industries. It’s a “done for you” world. Even Baby Boomers have been enjoying calculators and microwave for most of their lives.

The ramifications of this extend into nearly every nook and cranny of our lives. But as was inevitable, such technological convenience has led to practical atrophy. It’s as if we need not bother to learn how to do anything nowadays except stare into an electronic screen.

Restaurants line suburban streets, since hardly anyone even knows how to boil water anymore. Nobody cooks for themselves, and they need not cook for each other if they aren’t even going to meet together in real life anyway. Some newly-constructed four thousand square foot homes actually have tiny kitchens. Is “entertaining” even a concern among home buyers these days?

Screw actually LIVING, more of us than ever before are barely even EXISTING.

The fallout from this is a shocking number of men nowadays quite literally dread, if not downright fear basic operations that used to be a rote part of life just a few short generations ago.

But the more useful we are without our smartphones, the better we’ll continue to be as men. Don’t get lulled into thinking there won’t be times when the chips are down, and you’re left waving a white flag.

4) Take back full responsibility for connecting with others face-to-face.

What has happened to our smartphone-driven social lives is a lot like what has happened to our food. We have embraced pre-packaged, processed “fast food” convenience at the inordinate expense of health and nutrition.

As straightforward as that may seem, I have a confession to make. Despite the obvious social disconnection demonstrated by groups of teenagers sitting together swiping at their smartphones, I had a bear of a time for a while trying to figure out what the deeper issue was there that bothered me so much.

It finally hit me that it’s sapping us of bold masculinity. Go watch Big Jake or The Outlaw Josey Wales and try to imagine how such a story could possibly be told in the age of smartphones. I imagine you’re already laughing.

Direct, straightforward communication is manly. Real men look each other in the eye, and they have little affinity for the anonymity of the Internet.

Obviously, this means if you like to log on to YouTube or Fox News with an avatarless, generic username and get off on telling people to “die in a car fire”, you might be part of the problem instead of the solution. If you wouldn’t post your real name, don’t post at all.

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5) Take control of your health, honestly and fearlessly.

Do what you know is right, and take care of yourself physically. Everyone you know and love needs you to be at peak effectiveness.

Eubie Blake is quoted as having said, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” As easy, and falsely reassuring, as it is to pretend bad health consequences won’t happen to you, there’s no reason to live with that kind of regret. Yet, we as men are infamous for not attending to our health nearly enough.

If the world truly does need good men, then it needs us to stick around long enough to complete a full life’s mission.

Get a competent doctor and don’t put off making an appointment when you instinctively know you need to.

That said, take full control over your health. Be your own advocate. Don’t let doctors intimidate you into treatments you don’t need, and demand a price point up front for everything because you can. This is a free-market economy, the medical profession is a for-profit business and your doctor works for YOU, not vice-versa.

Similarly, don’t let the pharma companies and their tv ads mesmerize you. The goal is to get off the meds instead of adding new ones. People are asking their doctors about ingesting chemicals with names like “Taltz” (aka “Ixekizumab“) because the ad on CNN told them to. Meanwhile, similar ads tout the effectiveness of certain drugs at countering the side effects of the other drugs you may be taking.

I’m not saying pharmaceuticals aren’t valuable in treating bona fide illnesses and disorders. What I am saying is at some point we’ve got to stop and think. We shouldn’t passively pop pills without questioning how we might either proactively OR retroactively avoid taking them in the first place.

Also noteworthy, if you bust your ass somehow, handle the injury rationally with a level head. It’s a bad idea to “play through the pain”, but you don’t want to act like a crybaby either. Get the treatment you need. Also, remember the object lessons of countless professional sports players who came back too early from an injury and ended up getting hurt all over again.

6) Stop giving in to the family law system.

Lots of men complain about having been fleeced by their exes in divorce court. That certainly happens, but back when I was recently-divorced and dating again I saw an intriguing pattern.

Nearly every one of the divorced single moms I dated—of which there were many—was scraping to get by. The few exceptions had forged their own path, not living on their ex-husband’s wealth in any way, shape or form. Most talked about having made financial and material concessions in exchange for primary custody of the kids.

So wait a minute. How can it be that both divorced men and women wonder where all the money went? The answer is simple. The lawyers got it.

Like your doctor, your lawyer works for you, not vice-versa. Always remember that. You have a right to know what is going on with your case and why. Question any suggestion from your attorney that points to prolonging a family law case and/or increasing the complexity of it.

One time I was personally standing before a judge in a courtroom with my soon-to-be ex, who came unprepared for her court date and hadn’t even filed an answer. My lawyer asked for a recess, where I was advised to allow two-weeks for mama to get her act together. That would presumably cause the judge to look favorably upon us. Nonsense. It would have been OVER that very day, with a ruling completely in my favor.

What’s more, don’t let anyone interpret what “best interest of the child” means on your behalf. Beware of clauses in draft agreements that favor the welfare state. Knowing the laws governing age of emancipation in your state is a good start. Here in Texas, if a divorce decree states that child support is to be paid “until high school graduation”, the “child” has until age 26 to graduate. Obviously, hamstringing a child’s personal development to that degree shouldn’t ever be reasonable collateral damage for collecting continued child support payments, but few men have the foresight to consider that possibility. Meanwhile, the court only cares that you foot the bill for such “underachievers” rather than the State.

Above all, don’t let yourself be intimidated by idle threats and/or lack of knowledge. Often the most prudent and most compassionate course of action is to STOP being “Mr. Nice Guy” . Most guys passively assume the latter role out of fear of either their ex or facing the legal system at all.

One of the best moves I ever made was making friends with an ethical family lawyer in another state who had nothing to do with my case, and therefore had no personal interest in it. I found out very quickly what I could easily do in certain family law situations without paying a lawyer to do it for me. I also found out plenty about the psychology of what drives billable hours for attorneys and how to counter it.

From there I was finally playing on a level playing field instead of feeling I had to walk on eggshells lest my “toxic masculinity” be leveraged against me. Until at point, it had ironically been my “nice guy” nature that had been used to make things worse for everyone…except the lawyers.

You’re a man. That means like your ex, you have equal rights, and your respective attorneys should be working for your family’s best interests rather than their own.

7) Reclaim compassion AND generosity in a selfish society.

We’re told to “do better” as men all the, but mostly in terms of reclaiming compassion in a violent or abusive society.

Great. But stand up against selfishness also. The term “narcissist” is bandied about as a cheap insult like “jerk” used to be. When I first started using the term “gaslight” about eight years ago, it wasn’t cool yet. Nowadays, “gaslighting” has similarly become a generalized pejorative, in the manner of describing that which jerky “narcissists” do.

Perhaps ironically, the vast majority of those who use the term “gaslighting” are typically themselves gaslighting whoever it is they’re aiming their vitriol at.

Said vitriol is usually due to the other party not agreeing with the “gaslit gaslighter’s” position.

Add it all up, and we’re living in a world full of selfish, entitled souls who are fed up with the audacity of others to be just as selfish.

Be the one who breaks the cycle. Give. Help. Be of service to those who need it and/or request it, but all without being anyone’s doormat, of course.

8) Don’t let a small minority of angry women steal your confidence and boldness, especially since they’re actually part of the problem, not the solution.

Somehow, as men have been indoctrinated into looking into our own masculinity itself with suspicion, the agenda that precipitated this collective mindset has flown under the radar to such an extent that most men haven’t even noticed how it hasn’t always been this way.

As an example of how it works, in recent years there has been a movement toward assuming that men and women will blindly side with their own gender, regardless of the circumstances.

The Kavanaugh hearings were a quintessential example. If you were a woman, you were expected to #BelieveAllWomen. And if you were a man, it was assumed, and projected upon you, that you would side with Kavanaugh, therefore excusing whatever alleged bad behavior he was accused of.

The universal assumption of this “us vs. them” premise is, of course, the purest form of association fallacy. In the real world, plenty of women feared for the how their sons would fare in the future under the premise of being denied due process. Meanwhile, it’s safe to say that the vast majority of men abhor the idea of harming women under any circumstances. After all, providing for and protecting women is central to masculine virtue.

Even in prison, rapists and other offenders against women are dealt especially harsh treatment by fellow inmates. But notably, it’s especially good, mostly decent men who are hit the hardest by accusations of “toxic masculinity”.

That’s because human nature is such that people who want to be offended and complain about what they hate are usually cowards. That means they typically won’t dare to target the most heinous offenders.

They’ll go after mostly decent people, betting the subject of their scorn will be “Mr. Nice Guy” about it instead of hitting back just as hard.

9) Start thinking for ourselves in general.

Although the very thought of doing so practically sounds maverick in nature, it’s high time we put an end to groupthink. “Virtue signalling” is nothing more than a needy attempt to kowtow to whichever political “religion” allegedly promises us that feeling as if we’re part of something bigger.

That is, of course, precisely what drives echo chamber mentality, enabled to new heights by social media’s expansion of influence.

Political correctness has long tipped the scales toward favoring how the listener receives a message rather than the actual intention of the sender. But in a world of rampant groupthink, such arbitrary judgment has been expanded for the deeply offended to include “dog whistle” accusations. Nowadays, you can be accused of mental foul play and wrongdoing by proxy of what you’re assumed to have meant to say, not what you actually said.

Do research. Learn. Go by cold, hard facts rather than emotionally driven hearsay.

How can the information superhighway have become a broadband autobahn over the past twenty-five years, yet most people are apparently just as ignorant as ever?

Could it be because few of us actually believe in anything anymore, except fitting in? That may be true for some, but I strongly suspect the rabbit hole goes much deeper.

Do those who proffer wholly preposterous judgments based on virtually zero factual evidence actually believe what they’re saying, or are they simply following an agenda such that they hope YOU will believe it and fall in line with the desired narrative? This is a valid question, deserving of a rational discussion, yet a startling number of “headline skimmer” types indeed fall for it.

Here it is: If you can’t defend your position, or somehow shame people to “sit down and shut up” as a feigned means for doing so, it means someone else told you what to think. Your thought process is not your own, and the more dogmatic it is the greater the likelihood it never has been.

Yet, somehow we reached the tipping point in our culture where daily Twitter wars are waged not by men and women, but some sort of mutant strain of humanoid sheep. The truth matters little vis-à-vis hard copy truth, even raw video, to the contrary.

Whatever conclusion you have reached by actually thinking for yourself, the simple truth is that YouTube couldn’t remove full versions of that incident between MAGA hat-wearing teens in D.C. and two other groups fast enough. (What, you didn’t know there were two other groups?). I won’t bother to link to the video, because it will have long since been deleted by now. It didn’t “fit the narrative”, so it was censored. Meanwhile, media outlets persisted in reporting the desired version of the story, to either the perverse delight or disgust of whichever flock of sheep one herds around with.

The BBQ scene in the infamous Gillette ad? That was carefully, and dare I say brilliantly architected. Most men love to BBQ and see it as a primal gesture of the masculine virtues of providing and protecting. The visual in this ad is of many men BBQing, ALL of whom are in lockstep “toxicity” based on the attitude they’re portrayed as having. That’s how the producers of the video could communicate the #yesallmen message without saying the actual words. It’s a psychological trick, designed to cause perfectly decent men to think, “Wow…I really am part of the problem.”

But you were simply being told how to think by an entity that was a few chess moves ahead.

Also of note, that scene in the video was another example of tactics rooted in logical fallacy (e.g. association fallacy, as described above) with the full trust that the public will take what’s fed to them at face-value.

All too often, that works like a charm nowadays, for reasons described above. Unfortunately for Gillette, and fortunately for the rest of us, the producers of this video got just a skosh too greedy with their agenda on this one. Millions of men realize we’ve been had, largely because we haven’t been thinking for ourselves.

So “do better” as a man, not only at being the providing, protecting hero you probably already are, but also at thinking for your own damn self and standing up with true authoritative wisdom for what you believe.

Bear in mind, however, that as you do so you may find yourself in a weird demilitarized “no man’s land” of reason, juxtaposed between two competing flocks of sheeple who demand in equal measures for you to “stay in your lane”. It will oftentimes require both courage and conviction to stand up for your hard-fought, legitimately obtained truth. But it will feel great.

With that, brace yourself. Here comes the part about dating, sex and relationships you knew was inevitable from a guy like me.

10) Take back what apps are doing to cheapen dating.

Vast numbers of us are getting what we apparently wanted. Dating apps promised virtually endless options with minimal effort required.

But as it turns out, we should have been more careful about what we asked for.

The attempt to find a true connection with a wonderful female fellow human being has been reduced to a gauntlet of making snap judgments in a matter of seconds based on a digital photo and a line or two of text.

Do we have any right to wonder why people are failing to connect in record numbers, and “ghosting” has become a phenomenon?

When you actually DO meet someone, is it gets awkward, given how we spend much of our lives “socializing” only in the digital realm. It’s as if we have to suspend our disbelief that the person we’ve met is actually the one we we’re messaging with.

All of this is weird and unnatural, and we have to proactively snap the hell out of it. Whatever happened to savoring and enjoying real, actual connection with people…especially with someone we’re attracted to?

We have direct control over our social life, or at least one half of the interaction, so this is a problem we can solve for ourselves.

Underneath the barrage of bits and bytes, people haven’t changed. We’re still social. Demented and sad perhaps, but still social. That means it’s not only okay to go out and meet women in real life, it’s practically a moral imperative. And as a man, you’ll need to approach her first. That’s what turns a woman on. Besides, if you’re too chicken to do it, how can you expect her to “man up” and do it herself?

11) Being a man is NOT being a woman, and vice versa. Be a masculine man of virtue, and desire women sexually with confidence.

If you believe masculinity and femininity are mostly about innate nature versus relatively subjective nurture, don’t purposefully confound your own kids for the sake of an agenda, especially if you’ve been merely told to follow the party line instead of thinking for yourself.

After all, masculinity and femininity have been what they have been for millennia. Having traveled extensively worldwide, I’ve observed how startlingly consistent they are in their essence. At a more personal level, I have fathered a son and two daughters. It has been nothing short of shocking to see how each kid exhibited classic gender traits at just two or three months of age.

Only in the last decade or so has the concept of gender fluidity really gained traction to the point of mainstream discussion. This assumption that one can and should freely choose the gender traits one identifies with empowers the voices who claim there’s something inherently wrong with masculinity.

Layered on top is the bizarre message that despite the ironic indoctrinations, men and women should be—and are—the same. But show me someone who believes in “gender sameness” and I’ll show you someone who hates the other gender. That follows logically. Clearly, men and women ARE different. But misunderstanding of that which is different leads to fear, which leads to hate. Therefore, gender differences must not simply be abolished, they must be flatly denied.

But the inconvenient truth is that an entire history of human reality can’t be swept under the carpet so easily. The proverbial spanner in the works is what we covered at the beginning of this piece. Neither masculinity or femininity are inherently toxic. There is virtue and vice in each.

And don’t be fooled. This is a prime example of what those forming the agendas really know the truth about, despite what they’d like for YOU to believe.

Indeed, we as men are being told that our masculinity is primarily (if not strictly) of the “toxic” shade, and that it must be eliminated entirely.

Yet, we’re given nothing inherently manly to replace it with, which means we’re admonished by default to adhere to something loosely branded as FEMININE virtue. This messaging is often equally as subtle as it is convincing in how, well…virtuous it sounds.

Meanwhile, the same Feminism that brands masculinity in men as “toxic” knows full well what virtuous masculinity looks like…and has laid claim to it. That’s exactly what they’re fostering in their daughters these days, often in a voice that sounds so very reasonable and, well…virtuous.

I find it flat-out weird that we collectively as men have been so out of touch with the nature of our own masculinity that few of us have even so much as identified this pattern.

The master plan is to feminize men and masculinize women. And it’s obviously working.

Now, as I offer this next thought, remember who’s writing it. I’m all of 5’6”, don’t think I’m bad, don’t box and no karate. But here’s the deal, gentlemen. The perception that most, if not all women want us as men to stop being “macho” plays right into the hands of male humans in this country who don’t feel very tough, aren’t all that interested in exerting themselves physically and—frankly—are scared of stuff and would much rather someone else handle it.

If a more passive form of femininity, which I would argue isn’t actually all that virtuous after all, is what we’re told women apparently WANT from men going forward, then you can’t blame guys like that for going all in. What’s more, they feel they’d have to be crazy to pass it up. Women making more money? Women being more assertive and fending for themselves? It all sounds like a utopia to men who aim low.

But why is the narrative associated with this agenda so consistent? Why is it there in the first place?

One might claim it’s all about payback for the Patriarchy, based on a flawed perception that virtuous femininity isn’t a valid enough human superpower unto itself. One might even argue it’s nothing more than duly administered social justice. But for the purpose of this piece, I present an altogether different perspective on the “big picture”.

Consider what masculinity and femininity actually are at essence: the building blocks of sexual attraction. Boom…nowadays you are now a “bad person” for being a heterosexual male, whereas women are lionized (lioness-ized?) for being virtuously masculine women. But if you allow yourself to be feminized as described above, you somehow magically bypass being labeled as “toxic”, at least for the most part. The vilification campaign’s dogs are suddenly called off.

But the cold, harsh reality for feminized heterosexual men in particular is that kowtowing to the cadre of women who encouraged them into such a passive role doesn’t have the desired result of making them more sexually attractive.

In fact, it lands them in the “just be friends zone”.

The real-world social effect, of course, is that the more humans tinker with masculinity and femininity, the less heterosexual attraction is likely to happen. And make no mistake, there has been such a strong push in the recent ten or fifteen years to curtail human heterosexual behavior itself more directly.

Homosexuality has not only been merely accepted and tolerated, it’s now suddenly even cool. That in and of itself is a positive development for both human compassion and social progress, given that sexual orientation is not a choice. But why is it at the cost of positive views of heterosexuality? If that notion sounds silly, consider there’s now a wage gap between gay men and straight men.

Just like sexual polarity isn’t a zero-sum game, sexual orientation isn’t either, is it? And even if it were, how would it compute to remove the orientation that results in procreation from the equation?

Next, consider that in the same relatively brief timeline the LBGTQIA image has been transformed, porn has weirdly moved from the darkest shadows to nearly mainstream acceptance.

Just in the past year, one of the two major political “religions” apparently pivoted from seeing porn as harmful to women to celebrating one of its biggest stars as a champion of potentially legendary proportions—at least as long as she was seen as capable of taking down The Great Satan.

Beyond that, have you ever wondered how and why there can be so much truly compelling porn being freely produced in unfettered quantities, even as we as men are simultaneously being told that our “toxic” leering, visually-objectfying heterosexual impulses toward women are to be suppressed? Meanwhile, did you know that more women are quietly watching it than ever before, despite the stereotypes?

Then, after all of the double-talk associated with gender politics, we’re offered faux hysteria pieces on how the birth rate is falling, which tend to cite every potential reason BUT declining interest between men and women in having sex. Go figure. But all the while, actual population experts urge us to tap the brakes on the hysteria.

Here it is: The overall strategy is to decrease the birth rate.

Could it be that science really has figured out within the last decade or so how to make people live longer, if not indefinitely, or that such a discovery is at least imminent? The only logical way to make room for such a significant development is to keep people from making babies. That means keeping them from having real, actual heterosexual intercourse.

But despite all the grand schemes and even various sniping scare tactics, ultimately sexual reproduction will not be stopped. Those who seek to do so are kidding themselves. Remember, we as humans have continued to bang each other’s brains out throughout history, despite the threat of losing our very life to Syphilis, and later AIDS. Would-be engineers of a lower birthrate are up against a tidal wave the size of nature’s most compelling force. It’s the very force that keeps the human race going.

That’s why the effort to keep us and the women we desire from drilling each other silly requires immensely complex psychological warfare and social manipulation…even from the very American Psychological Association itself.

12) Understand the survival of the species depends on YOU being attractive to women.

Attention MGTOWs, self-absorbed Incels, or any others who willingly participate in the backlash against your very selves as heterosexual men. I’m confused about how you can convince each other you’ve won and somehow now have all the power.

If that’s you, you aren’t “getting the girl”. Worse, you’ve convinced yourself you no longer need to.

I ask you… Could it be you are all pawns in someone else’s chess game with long-term population control in mind?

Every last one of your male ancestors succeeded at mating with a woman and continuing the human race, and so shall you.

Stop blaming women, and realize that by being the “big four” man you were born to be, the women will naturally follow.

If this has read like a gloom and doom piece, that wasn’t the intention. It’s a deserve what you want piece.

I believe men and women will BOTH eventually triumph, and this serves as the wake up call to us as men. If we do our part, we will all emerge victorious together.

Make no mistake. No matter what, the tidal wave of procreation will win. Sex is too strong a force, and the human race will go on for the foreseeable future.

We all may as well be a part of it, all the while making this world a better place like we know we can.

Women will love you for affecting the dozen steps I’ve just outlined. What’s more, your fellow men will respect you.

So yes, take on the mantle of change for yourself as a man. But also do it for the women you love, and for your children as well. Do it for the human race, regardless of gender…or how many genders there actually are.

Be Good,

Scot McKay

P.S. Isn’t it refreshing to have your masculine nature celebrated instead of vilified? If you’re ready to rise above the fray and be the kind of virtuous man who deserves (and gets) an equally virtuous women into your life, then this is for you.

P.P.S. Want more? This very discussion is going on in even greater depth at The Mountain Top Summit group on Facebook. Join here and I’ll personally welcome you into our thriving community of high-character “big four” men.

17 Replies to “The Future Is Also Male: 12 Ways It’s Still Up To Men To Change The World”

  1. Joe Melton says:

    Great points! It’s shocking to me how Group Think has taken over. About half of the country is marching in lock step, wrapped up in identity politics, unable to state any REASON for their position. Like lemmings. I’ve ALWAYS treated not just women, but ALL people, well. But, because I’m white, heterosexual, and male, I’m evil? NO! You really went deep in this post. Scot, you are one of the most brilliant people on the planet. You have proven it once more.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Joe. Identity politics not only allows for sweeping generalizations of unreasonable bias, it robs people of their very dignity as individuals.

    2. An interesting observation to the point of groupthink is that I tend to get the most vehement hate reactions from those with whom I by and large AGREE on things, when I say something that contradicts their party line.

      1. Absolutely. It’s a threat to the narrative, whereas blatant opposition by those on the other side is merely expected. Also, MSM will latch on to ANYTHING that shows a break from the party line, even by someone who is barely notable.

  2. Some excellent points, though I think the “population control” conspiracy theories put the cart before the horse: People being literally poisoned (which goes to the health point, which is also affected by groupthink) has literally messed up people’s hormones, which has emasculated men and masculinized women, and affected people’s thoughts accordingly.

    Sure, this has made it much easier for healthy people whose natural sexuality is intact; but that’s small consolation being in an unhealthy society that revels in its genuine toxicity, however unwittingly.

    Living healthy amplifies one’s natural sexuality, whatever that may be. I’d absolutely convinced of that.

    But it is so “politically incorrect” to say such a thing in public. In my day-to-day life, I find it best to simply LIVE it, be healthy, and let the results do the talking.

    1. The topic of how our food is killing us is a topic unto itself, of course. I’ve always found it fascinating how I feel better and lose weight every time we travel internationally.

      1. Ha! Being one for whom much of the menu is truly off limits due to food allergies, I cannot help but notice just how much damn bread, starches, and sugars people eat and drink in the US.

        Consider the best-selling items in grocery stores: stuff like pop, white bread, etc.

        It’s no wonder, really, what with people eating foods that have such grievous metabolic – and to the point of this discussion, hormonal – effects.

        1. One thing I have noticed lately, however, is people are starting to really backlash against HFCS, artificial colors and crazy meat additives. Lots of us are wise to how food is killing us instead of nourishing us.

  3. Anirudhan Rajasekharan says:

    Great Points Scot! Absolutely right on the money.I would like to echo what you just said but merely recognising these issues won’t cut it I suppose as we have been brainwashed from a young age and it’s incredibly tough to change the old habit patterns even if we make tiny baby steps on a daily basis as they are deeply rooted in an unconscious level. That’s the reason why the saying goes, “Habits die Hard”.

    1. It’s true that plenty of younger guys nowadays have lived in a way that’s contrary to this list their whole lives.

  4. Alexander Jacques Sabucido says:

    Great points in this article. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Steven Pawera says:

    Yo! Bro!
    this post NAILED IT! it truly makes me proud to know you! not a single thing you said that I can disagree with. A lot of points you made that caused me to think about changes I want to make to my various profiles.
    When you went into population control.. I really thought you were going to continue into the eugenics movement, Gates, the WEF and the plandemic – but realized there are practical limits to how long one post can be.
    But it did make me start thinking about your statement on evil and good men,and what I might personally do to not be bystander to history.
    Keep up the great work!

  6. Overall, a good piece. However I offer one critique.

    To my mind, paragraphs one and nine are inherently contradictory. Specifically, being a part of an organized religion and thinking for oneself requires a level of holding to opposing thoughts in one’s head that most of us can only aspire to.

    You cannot tell me that there is more groupthink now than there was during, say, the Middle Ages, when defying the edicts of the church posed a very real threat to one’s well-being.

    I agree in a sense in saying that “politics is the new religion”, especially given the outcome of the recently-concluded election in which self-described “evangelical Christians” voted for a thrice-divorced serial sexual assaulter with a long history of questionable dealings.

    Accordingly, I don’t agree that proclaiming “one nation under god” is the solution to the conundrum that you pose. First of all, which god? There are only about 30,000 or so different versions. Second of all, there are plenty of us who believe in no such thing, are perfectly capable of forming rational opinions on our own, and recognize the inherent danger of using the coercive power of the state to force people to believe a certain way. If you have any doubts on that last point, just look at Iran or Saudi Arabia, and tell me you would rather live in a place like that.

    Regardless, keep up the good work, and keep it coming

    1. I fully appreciate your comment, especially from the perspective you express it. My worldview allows for the idea of a very real experience with a Higher Power rather than just “blind faith”, for lack of a better way to say it. That would bridge the paradox gap you speak of. Nevertheless, I actually couldn’t agree with you more that plenty of churchgoers prove they’re more about the social aspect of organized religion than the purely theological ones. They have done so for centuries, but the rise of Evangelical Trumpism surely classifies as such.

      As for whether there is more groupthink now than in ages past, I’d contend it’s all about human nature, which hasn’t changed. The difference nowadays is we have the power to broadcast it on a global scale, all the while somehow believing we’re too “evolved” nowadays to be similar to our “ignorant” ancestors.

      To further fuel your point, consider this piece was actually written before COVID. I have recently argued that if politics are the new religion, then COVID is the “hellfire” with which the minds of the masses are controlled.

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