Hey guys, today I want you to think to yourself if have you at any point recently looked into the mirror and sucked your stomach in?
Don’t worry guys, I’ve done it. I think we all have, trying to make ourselves look better–if only for that moment.
However, there is a problem with this. We are essentially fooling ourselves into believing we are in better shape than we truly are. I’ve found that if I have been doing lots of fitness work, eating right, watching less TV etc., then I will still suck my gut in front on the mirror, and it makes me feel good.
“Wow, I’m looking good at the moment.”
So then I relax the amount of fitness I’m doing, I relax my bans on junk food, and the TV starts to come back on.
“Well, I am looking good so I don’t need to keep this up.” …which in turn always comes back to me needing to bust my butt again, and the cycle continues.
As soon as you start celebrating where you have come you stop looking for ways to carry on improving.
Now there is an importance to celebrating minor victories, but in the large scheme of things be wary of losing sight of your goa–whether it be with women or with weight, work, or anything else.
If you start to see results with women, even if it’s just them flirting back with you when you go clothes shopping, or you start to get numbers or first dates, celebrate those results. Give yourself a pat on the back, but always remember: it’s just a small stepping stone along the highway to success, whatever you determine success to be.
A lot of people seem to plateau on their journey with women. They can get phone numbers and some first dates, and this is a large step up from where they begun. Although this is a good place to get to, it’s by no means what we would call ultimate success with women.
I want you to ask yourself, have you started celebrating your success too early? Have you stagnated as a result? I know I have…many times in my life.
So guys, I want you to stop sucking your gut in and fooling yourself any longer–literally or figurative.
View everything for what it really is. Where you’ve gotten to thus far, is it a stage or the true goal?
If you are simply at a stage toward that ultimate goal, celebrate it, but keep moving forward. Keep focusing on what you really want and go for it. If you continue to try to fool yourself, you will progress no further.
Get out there and just have fun guys.
–Dave W.
Very nice blog… Really like your writing style. Gonna add your RSS to my reader now.. 🙂
Keep up the good work and I’ll come back in a few days
Helen’s last blog post: My Solution to Get Rid of Stomach Fat